At eight o'clock in the morning of the next day, the commander-in-chief of the Fifth Army of Fusang State, Yamakawa Yugu, issued an order to attack the first line of defense of Jianning City, and at this moment, there were still 250,000 people in Jianning City who had not evacuated.

And the commander-in-chief defending the city is carrying out the originally designated Condor plan.

"Commander-in-chief, the troops of the first line of defense have sent telegrams for the Fuso army to attack.

Zhao Shenchang handed over a few telegrams, Tang Zhisheng took them, and then asked.

"How long will it take for the Condor Plan to be implemented?" Tang

Zhisheng had seen the retreat of the soldiers of Fusang before, and he once sent a report requesting to abandon the Condor Plan, but the reply he received was to continue to implement the Condor Plan.

"It should take another three to five days. However, the commander-in-chief was assured that the defenders of the first line of defense should be able to hold out for three to five days.

Zhao Shenchang opened his mouth to answer, but Tang Zhisheng was still a little reluctant to adopt such a strategy, and he sighed.

"Previously, the Fusang army retreated, and I thought that King Gui and King Wan had made a move and cut off the back road of this Fusang army, but the retreat of the Fusang army only lasted for one day, and it quickly pulled back. It's a bit frustrating. He

didn't think he had to drag the people in the city to accompany the animals in Fusang to death, but now it seems that it is still impossible to escape.

"Commander-in-chief, there is still no mercy for a woman. Although we are sinners at the moment, perhaps in the future, we will be heroes to sing.

Zhao Shenchang knew that Tang Zhisheng in front of him didn't want to implement the vulture plan again, and Tang Zhisheng hesitated for a moment when he heard Zhao Shenchang's words, and he looked at the first line of defense.

The Niushou Mountain position of the first line of defense is garrisoned by a division, and all the officers of this division are transferred from Sichuan and Chongqing provinces, and of course this division is also a miscellaneous division in Tang Zhisheng's eyes.

This division is not currently in a full state, they are the army defending the magic capital, retreating all the way to Jianning, and at this moment they are responsible for defending Jianning City.

At present, the total number of officers and men of this division is 18,000, and the military shoes under their feet have also been worn out several pairs, and many soldiers are still wearing straw sandals.

And their equipment is mainly Sichuan-made rifles, and Sichuan-made rifles can be said to be the worst type of rifles among all the armies of the Great Qian.

"Commander, the Fuso beasts are rushing up. A

soldier who was lying in a position patted the dirt on his body, cautiously poked his head out, looked not far away, and then turned to his regiment commander and shouted.

The heavy artillery bombardment and aircraft bombardment of Fuso had ended, and the soldiers of Fuso naturally went out to attack.

"Hit me hard at the Fusang soldiers on the other side.

As soon as the regiment commander gave the order, the soldiers who were originally lying down and hiding in the position immediately poked their heads out and raised their guns to attack the Fusang soldiers who were attacking on the opposite side.

And those soldiers who didn't poke their heads out were killed by shells in the shelling just now.

There were also nearly eight Schwarzlotse heavy machine guns in this position, and it was clear from the name that they were made by foreigners.

However, in fact, these eight Schwarzlose heavy machine guns were all copied and produced by the arsenal of Sichuan and Chongqing Province itself, so there are still many problems in this one, and two or three of them were directly blown up in the middle of the war.

In addition, the number of light machine guns in this regiment has only just reached fifteen.

And because the performance of the Sichuan-made rifle was extremely poor, many guns were jammed, and the Fusang army pounced in front of the position at this moment, and the regiment commander urgently ordered to fight bayonets with the Fuso soldiers.

This regiment, and even this division, do not have a single heavy artillery, and the soldiers from Sichuan and Chongqing provinces who went out of Sichuan to resist Fusang, let alone equipment, cannot guarantee even basic materials and military supplies.

However, they received an order to hold on to Niushou Mountain, and they were duty-bound.

And fighting bayonets is basically a strategy that is helpless, and in the face of insufficient ammunition and firepower, it will be forced to adopt a strategy.

If this is not the case, there will be no commander, the superiority of positional suppression, the superiority of fire net suppression, and the frontal attacking army will adopt the mode of bayonet warfare.

At this moment, in a building in the Demon Capital, Han Xiyuan slowly walked into a large room, in which Du Yueming and others were sitting, and two of them were vacant.

One of them is Han Xiyuan's, and the other is Huang Jinrong, the president of the Demon Capital Chamber of Commerce, but Huang Jinrong has already said hello, and at this moment he still represents the interests of the Pufa Concession, and it is inconvenient for him to come forward at this moment.

Because, at this moment, Fusang Guotian shamelessly complained to the Franco-Prussian Empire against Han Xiyuan, who was stationed in the magic capital, which seriously endangered the vested interests of Fusang Kingdom.

In the face of the fact that a wicked person like Fusang State sued first, the Franco-Prussian Concession also refused to ignore it, but the Franco-Japanese Concession also did not have expectations for Han Xiyuan.

Han Xiyuan was very interested in not achieving the main position, but achieving a corner position left early, after all, it was Du Yueming who held the Demon Capital Chamber of Commerce this time.

When Du Yueming saw Han Xiyuan coming, he also spoke.

"All seniors, all descendants. This time, I, Du, am entrusted by Master Han to invite you to come here to discuss defending the country, fighting against the Japanese invaders, and recovering our great rivers and mountains. "

Those sitting on Du Yueming's left are all older than Du Yueming, while those on the right are younger.

As soon as Du Yueming's words fell, everyone subconsciously looked at Han Xiyuan in the corner and began to discuss with each other again.

"Senior Du, what is it to protect the family and defend the country, fight against the Japanese invaders, and restore my great rivers and mountains. To put it bluntly, they just want us to donate money. If the money we donate can really be used to buy guns and guns, we will admit it. But if it goes into someone's pocket, then I won't donate a penny.

A junior stood up under the hint of the eyes of several old men.

The government organs of the Republic of China are very corrupt, and the mayor of the magic capital will be replaced almost every three years, and they basically have to be wool once every three years, and they are all fighting to enrich the country's national defense, and this battle directly makes them, the members of the Demon Capital Chamber of Commerce, understand that the money they donate should be embezzled.

"That is, at this time, I still want to make a fortune in the country, this kind of person, aren't we afraid of being pointed out by thousands of people?"

"Senior Du, it's not that we don't want to donate, we have donated so much money before, but how much of it has been used to buy guns? If the money we donated was really used to buy guns, why did we still lose again and again." If we are defeated again and again, why should we donate money to an army that has no chance of winning?"

Several young juniors echoed, and the eight old men on Du Yueming's left were still calm, obviously they were waiting for Han Xiyuan's attitude.

"A few juniors..."Du

Yueming was about to speak, when Han Xiyuan stood up.

"I admit that you are right, most of your donations have been enriched by government officials. That's why we're losing again and again. But that doesn't mean we haven't won. In the area of Jishou Mountain, our troops annihilated the 36th Brigade and the 50th Brigade of Fuso State.

Han Xiyuan said, clapping his hands, and the soldiers outside slowly walked in, holding two swords in their hands.

For example, before the war, overseas Chinese donated about 1.3 billion yuan of silver dollars to the government of the Republic of China.

"Look, everyone, this is the credential. And I won't hide it from you, a few days ago, Fusang sent an envoy to try to win me over and surrender, and even promised, second only to the position of the big traitor Jiang Weijing. I rejected them outright, because I knew very well that we would defeat Fuso. The banner of our great cadres and the Republic of China will one day surely fly on the top of Mt. Fuji.

As soon as Han Xiyuan's words came out, the young juniors glanced at the ancestors opposite, but the old men did not speak.

"Please also trust me, I hope to get your assistance, but I just want to leave some protection for my subordinates' families, so that my subordinates can be fed and clothed to go to the battlefield. They are also born to their parents, and they know the pain, but they are constantly fighting for the future of our country. All I can do is let their parents receive the money they deserve and their children can be taken care of.

Han Xiyuan saw that the few people on the other side still didn't speak, and he directly showed his emotional card.

His action completely moved several old men opposite, and the old man sitting at the front on the left stood up and spoke.

"I'm going to donate a million dollars. "

I'm donating 500,000 to the bank. "


As the old man spoke, the others followed, and he was clearly the true core of the chamber of commerce.

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