Jiangyin Fortress had been bombed by the bombers of the Fusang Army before, and the Fusang soldiers stationed at this moment had strengthened the defensive line.

And Han Xiyuan's First Air Force Brigade's wanton and indiscriminate bombardment of Jiangyin Fortress also caused the originally crumbling fortifications of Jiangyin Fortress to collapse directly, and some soldiers were even covered in the bomb shelter that was blown down by shells.

Han Xiyuan's army, immediately after the bombardment, launched an attack on the Jiangyin fortress position.

In the bunker of Jiangyin Fortress, the fortifications built by Type 11 light machine guns and Type 96 light machine guns suppressed the attacking army, and in the fortifications of Jiangyin Fortress, anti-tank cones actually appeared, which made Han Xiyuan's army advance into a stalemate for a while.

After breaking through the anti-tank cone, there was a minefield arranged by Fusang soldiers, and Han Xiyuan sent nearly 100 sappers to carry out emergency demining work.

Obviously, the anti-tank cones and minefields arranged around the periphery of the Jiangyin fortress are currently only to delay the offensive speed of Han Xiyuan's army, and Han Xiyuan naturally understands this truth.

"Inform the artillery regiment to carry out a covering bombardment of the minefield in front.

Han Xiyuan was in the telescope at the moment, and saw that the speed of the sappers was too slow, and he was in a hurry to take the Jiangyin fortress.

Moreover, at present, there is no limit to the number of shells he can buy from the system warehouse, so he has replenished 8,000 shells.

"Yes, Commander.

Wang Zhiming saluted Han Xiyuan, and then went down to order two artillery regiments to launch artillery bombardment on the minefield arranged by the Fusang soldiers.

Two artillery regiments, a total of 600 M2 howitzers, fired nearly 10,000 shells in an instant, under such intensive bombardment, the minefield arranged by the Fuso soldiers was directly cleared, and the Fuso commander on the opposite side, Tsumu Xiongtu, hid in the bunker, looked at the distant scene with a telescope, and he smashed directly into the earthen wall in front of him.

"Bagaya Road, why is there such a fierce artillery fire on the opposite side of the army, and it has actually cleared our minefield. Immediately send a telegram to His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief, asking for the location of the 60th Brigade and the Great Gu Wing.

Quercus Yutu was also panicked at the moment, he didn't expect that the minefield that had been used to stop the attack of the opposing army would be cleared in an instant.

Moreover, the bombardment intensity of the opposing army can be called fire coverage.

The current Han Xiyuan, that is, the landlord, does not need the so-called precision strike at all.

"Your Excellency, Brigade Commander, at present, the 60th Brigade and the Dagu Wing have crossed Jiayu Mountain, and according to the time, it will take about a day and a half to reach the Jiangyin Fortress. The

adjutant on the side repeated the telegram from an hour ago, this Tsugi Yutu asked about the location of the 60th Brigade and the Dagu Wing almost an hour today, and he was too anxious.

"A day and a half, send a telegram to Your Excellency the Commander-in-Chief, and make sure that the 60th Brigade and the Dagu Wing arrive at Jiangyin Fortress before sunset tonight.

Tsugi Yutu's eyes were full of panic, because he saw in the telescope, countless flying cannonballs, and he hurriedly lay down.

He knew very well that if the Jiangyin Fortress could not receive the assistance of the 60th Brigade and the Dagu Wing, it would inevitably fall before sunset today.

"That's the charm of the explosion.

Han Xiyuan smiled, in the telescope, countless bombs fell into the Jiangyin fortress, emitting a brilliant light, if the shelling was carried out at night, it would be even more beautiful, but Han Xiyuan would definitely not let the war drag on until the night.

"Divisional commander, Your Majesty is calling.

Wang Zhiming stepped forward to salute Han Xiyuan, and then presented a telegram.

Han Xiyuan took it, it was to commend his previous merits, appointing him as the governor of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and at the end of the telegram, Jiang Zhiqing also commended Han Xiyuan's cheap father Han Jingxing, scattered all his family wealth, formed a righteous army, and surrounded Jianning, and also promoted Han Jingxing to serve in the household department.

Seeing this, Han Xiyuan understood what Jiang Zhiqing meant.

"It seems that Your Majesty is not too relieved of me! However, it is also a good thing for my cheap dad to accompany Du Gong.

Han Xiyuan didn't have much resistance to this, and then he spoke to Wang Zhiming.

"According to the reconnaissance of the Air Force Brigade, there is an army of Fuso soldiers, which has crossed the Jiayu Mountain, is moving at full speed towards the Jiangyin fortress. We still have to take the Jiangyin fortress as soon as possible, so that we can also eat the reinforcements of this Fusang army.

Han Xiyuan pointed to the map in front of him and slowly crossed a few points, after Han Xiyuan prepared to take down the Jiangyin Fortress this time, he would not let go of the 60th Brigade and the Dagu United.

"Division commander, before five o'clock this afternoon, our department will definitely be able to take the Jiangyin Fortress. If you can't get it, you can remove me from my post on the spot.

Wang Zhiming said, hugged Han Xiyuan's chest and reassured, and then went down to dispatch troops.

The Fourth Brigade, this time carrying two artillery regiments, as well as two tank regiments, and an air force brigade to coordinate operations, and two artillery regiments are infinite shells, under such fire suppression, as long as the commander is not a waste, he can take the Jiangyin fortress before sunset.

At this moment, the mountains and rivers are like ants on a hot pot, and on the frontal battlefield, 30,000 soldiers of Fusang launched a fierce attack on Jianning City.

And the soldiers guarding Jianning City were like chicken blood at the moment, and the headquarters of many regiment headquarters and brigade headquarters moved forward about three hundred meters.

Even some regiment commanders and brigade commanders personally led the garrison company to press up, and at this moment they knew that as long as they held on to Jianning City for one more hour, the Fusang soldiers outside the city would inevitably be more likely to be surrounded and annihilated.

"Your Excellency Commander-in-Chief, the Jiangyin Fortress has sent another telegram asking for support. In addition, the cities in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces lost two more. The support forces in the Qianbei region have already encountered the blocking troops sent by King Gui and are rapidly breaking through the defense line established by King Gui. Yamada United, who are also currently asking for reinforcements. An

adjutant immediately reported to the mountains and rivers Yugu, and the telegram was sent within nearly an hour.

"The troops on the front line, haven't there been new battle reports yet?" Yamakawa

Yugu frowned.

"Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, no.

The adjutant shook his head, since taking the outer city of Jianning City, the Fusang soldiers have launched an attack on the inner city, but until now, there has been no breakthrough.

"If we still can't take Jianning City tomorrow, we must consider retreating.

At this moment, the chief of staff of the Fifth Army slowly spoke, and Yamakawa Yugu also stared at the map in front of him, and nodded slowly, the current situation seems that he can only act like this.

ps: Happy New Year, there were too many trivial things yesterday, today's update must be made up, there are still 6,000 words guaranteed today, no lies.

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