Under Han Xiyuan's order, four regiments of the Fifth Brigade and four regiments of the First Brigade launched a fierce attack on the Fusang soldiers in front, and under the cover of night, nearly 1,000 M24 howitzers and M1 howitzers of the two artillery regiments launched artillery bombardment on the Fusang soldiers stationed in Fuqu.

At present, the cities in the hands of the Fifth Army include Fuqu, Anshun, Qingming, and Futong in Anhuai Province, as well as Jiulong, Changqing, Fengming, and Zhongshan in Xijiang Province, a total of eight cities.

And Han Xiyuan's dispatch this time is to take Fuqu, Anshun, Qingming, and Futong, and then he is ready to use Jianghuai, Yuhe, and Mingtong to replace the three cities of Fengyang, Mengcheng, and Huaigu in Anhuai Province in the hands of King Gui after the war, so that Han Xiyuan will have a complete Anhuai Province in his hands.

The reason why Han Xiyuan has such a plan is also because the task of becoming the king of a vassal in his own system is still in progress, and such a situation makes Han Xiyuan have to consider whether it is his own territory that has not yet met the requirements of the system.

However, he soon found that he was completely overthinking, because early the next morning, Jiang Zhiqing sent an envoy to deliver the decree, and brought Han Xiyuan's exclusive python robe and the Qilin Medal, which is also the highest standard among many medals.

As the envoy finished reading the edict, a familiar voice came from the system.

Congratulations on completing the main quest and becoming the king of a land. Congratulations

on getting the Diamond Chest. Open

a new main quest, with 300,000 soldiers, and the task rewards the Starlight Treasure Chest. To

Han Xiyuan's surprise, a new main quest has been directly opened, and this 300,000 troops alone is not too big a problem for the current Han Xiyuan.

This is because the preliminary population of Anhuai Province and Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province has already reached the base of 45 million and 45 million people, and it is not a problem at all to form an army of 300,000.

As for the financial pressure, Han Xiyuan also considered it, Han Xiyuan was ready to set up the framework of the army first, and Song Xiaoyi, who went to Nanyang to raise money for himself, had returned to the magic capital and was preparing to come to Jiangyin to see him, and according to the report of the Special Intelligence Bureau, Song Xiaoyi returned with a few overseas Chinese in Nanyang this time.

"Zhou Xinghui, where is the current advance of the regiments?" Han

Xiyuan has transferred Zhou Xinghui to Jiangyin City to serve as his chief of general staff.

"The 1st Brigade has crossed the Fuqu and is attacking in the direction of Anshun, as for the 5th Brigade, which has just taken Futong, it is advancing in the direction of Qingming.

Zhou Xinghui pointed to the military flag planted in the sand table in front of him, at present, Han Xiyuan has reformulated the military flag, and the center of the flag is a unicorn.

"If I'm not mistaken, the headquarters of the Fifth Army on the opposite side is located in

Anshun City, right?" Han Xiyuan touched his chin, then looked at Anshun City, and then spoke.

"Order the 1st Brigade to launch a quick attack on Anshun City, and be sure to give me the command of the 5th Army. "

Yes, my lord. However, we should deal with the 4,000 prisoners of war in Futong and Fuqu this time.

Zhou Xinghui asked, Han Xiyuan's military rank this time is major, and it takes 5,000 experience points to be promoted to the next rank, and Han Xiyuan does not think that 4,000 prisoners of war should be turned into 4,000 experience at present.

Because, at present, his territory is in urgent need of construction, and it is a pity to kill those 4,000 prisoners of war.

"In this way, gather the seriously wounded among the 4,000 prisoners of war, let them live as much as possible, and press all the lightly wounded to Jiangyin City, and press them all to mine. "

There are many coal mines in the Jiangyin area, which is the best place for these prisoners of war.

For the seriously injured, Han Xiyuan will turn them all into experience points, and for the lightly injured, they will directly enter the twenty-hour work system.

"Yes, my lord. In addition, the puppet government in Qianbei sent people to negotiate. At

this moment, the Fifth Army is under siege, and Amway Heize is also like an ant on a hot pot, and he is trying to save the Fifth Army by all means.

Because the Fifth Army had previously clamored to take the entire territory of the Republic of China in three months, but now it has been reduced to the end of being completely annihilated, it will be a major blow to the country, and even Amway Kurosawa's position as prime minister will not be guaranteed.

Jiang Weijing, who is currently in the northern capital, also knows this, so he sent an envoy to negotiate with Han Xiyuan.

"The puppet government people? At

this moment, Han Xiyuan moved out the thousands of years of cooking and punishment, and the main object of cooking was the traitor.

"Lord Wang, this time the puppet government has put a lot of effort into it, and is even willing to cede Dongying, Jining, and Qinghe in Dongshan Province to us, and we only need to make way for the Fifth Army.

Zhou Xinghui smiled and said to Han Xiyuan, this behavior of the puppet government is really ridiculous, after all, this era is not the era of the early Western Zhou Dynasty and the vassal states.

"I was really interested in Dongying, Jining, and Qinghe in Dongshan Province, and ordered the 3rd Regiment of the 2nd Brigade stationed in Lishui and the 2nd Regiment of the 2nd Brigade in Ningbo to launch an attack on Dongying and Qinghe. "

Han Xiyuan respects the territory and wants to take it down with real swords and guns, not through the so-called fair trade.

"Lord Wang, is it too early to fight on multiple fronts at present?"

Zhou Xinghui opened his mouth to remind, after all, the Fourth Brigade is currently fighting against the Eastern Front troops of Fusang in Jiangyin Fortress, the First Round and the Fifth Brigade are attacking Anshun City and Qingming, and the Third Brigade is stationed in the Demon Capital.

Only the 2nd Brigade was stationed in many cities in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces.

"Don't worry, soon I will form a sixth brigade, and if possible, I will directly expand it to four brigades. New weapons and ammunition will also be provided for our army. Han

Xiyuan thinks that platinum treasure chests can open eight cards, and eighty percent of diamond treasure chests can directly open sixteen cards.

Hearing Han Xiyuan's words, Zhou Xinghui was also excited, and then he reported to Han Xiyuan that the current conscription situation in the territory has set up five security regiments, but the security regiment can only be responsible for the transportation of military supplies for each army, as well as the suppression of bandits in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, and cannot be put into battle.

"Well, then based on these five security regiments, expand them according to the ratio of one to three.

Han Xiyuan thought about it for a while, and then said, after all, according to a junior soldier compared to three soldiers of the security regiment, the combat effectiveness of the army can be effectively guaranteed, and the army can also be expanded in a short time.

"Lord Wang, then let the 1st Regiment and the 3rd Security Regiment of the 2nd Brigade carry out an expansion practice.

Zhou Xinghui pointed to the 1st Regiment of the Second Brigade stationed in Jiangyin City, and the three security regiments stationed in Huzhou, Fushan, and Zhoushan.

"Then I'll leave this matter to you, the four regiments that have been expanded will put forward the backbone of the 1st Regiment of the 2nd Brigade as the basic officers of the 6th Brigade.

Han Xiyuan said, and looked at Chen Yong, who was sitting in a corner of the command hall, and he was ready to appoint this middle-level soldier as the commander of the Sixth Brigade.

"Yes, my lord.

Zhou Xinghui took over the task, and Han Xiyuan gave two more instructions, then got on the military vehicle, and took the soldiers who had been expanded into a garrison battalion in Jiangyin City, and went directly to a valley outside Jiangyin City, Han Xiyuan ordered the garrison battalion to block this area, and then he opened the diamond treasure chest he had just gotten.

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