The attack of the Fusang army came earlier and more violently than Han Xiyuan expected.

Of course, this is also related to Han Xiyuan's previous night attack, which angered the commander-in-chief of the Fuso Army, Nanmu Qingze.

He directly ordered the troops of a brigade to launch a fierce attack on the street pavilion from four directions.

At the beginning of the war, there was a great problem on Han Xiyuan's side, many soldiers were under the fire of the Fusang army, fled in a hurry, and unfortunately were hit by shells and were killed on the spot.

However, as the war progressed, those soldiers who had never experienced war were now gradually familiar with the state of war.

The Tiger tank's 88mm gun is also fighting back, and the number of shells is limited, so it can only make a weak resistance at the moment.

On the frontal battlefield, three fourteen or fifteen-year-old teenagers were crawling in the trenches, Han Xiyuan took out a cigarette, searched for a long time, but did not find a foreign fire, one turned over and jumped to another trench, that trench just now, a shell shot down.

The combustibles in the trenches ignited by the shells were constantly burning.

Han Xiyuan let the cigarette close to light it, took a hard puff in his mouth, and then exhaled a mouthful of turbidity.

Cigarettes were thrown on the ground, and Han Hee-won held an MP40 submachine gun and fired at the charging Fusang army.

Four New Bank, Xu Yitian, commander of the 2nd Regiment of the 386th Brigade of the 88th National Defense Division, was holding a telescope at the moment, looking at the direction of the street pavilion.

"Gather the deserters who have withdrawn from all parts as soon as possible, the troops in Jieting will not last long."

Xu Yitian didn't expect that a mixed 6th Brigade would be able to last so long.

"Yes, Captain."

The battalion commander of the third battalion, Zhuge Shanchang, saluted Xu Yitian.

Just as Xu Yitian's judgment was the same, the frontal battlefield of the street pavilion only lasted less than an hour, and Han Xiyuan gave the order to retreat.

Han Xiyuan is so absolute, also because the terrain of the frontal battlefield is too open, and there is no defensive value at all, and it will even bring unnecessary casualties.

And the reason why Han Xiyuan had to hold on for an hour was to turn all the open areas of the frontal battlefield into minefields, so that it could also effectively delay the offensive speed of the Fusang army.

After all, Han Xiyuan's biggest hope at present is to complete the task of sticking to the street pavilion, looking at the remaining forty hours, Han Xiyuan can only sigh softly.

"Battalion commander, let's stay!"

Just when the frontal soldiers were withdrawing from the battlefield one after another, three middle-aged men grabbed Han Xiyuan's hand.

The three of them were being carried on stretchers by medical soldiers.

"No, it's impossible for me to give up on you."

Han Hee-won would not give up on any of the fighters, so he directly rejected the request.

"Battalion commander, I'm already a wasted person, and the three of us brothers have long made an oath to live and die together. Battalion commander, you just let us stay! "

The soldier at the front stretched out a hand, the part of his index finger was already missing, and in the battle just now, a bullet hit the soldier's index finger.

At this moment, Han Xiyuan hesitated, he turned his head to look at the other two soldiers.

The two soldiers also raised their heads, one soldier's right leg was blown off, and it has been simply bandaged, and the other has a bandage in his right eye.

"Battalion commander, if the brothers can get out alive, please tell my family, the three of us are not deserters."

These three people did not belong to the establishment of the 6th Mixed Formation, but the retired soldiers, who had previously received the Jieting position of the Mixed 6th Brigade and collected some of the retired soldiers, and the three of them were also taken as deserters at that time.

If it weren't for the previous Han Xiyuan giving the three of them a chance to stay, they would really be shot on charges of desertion.

"You're all good, you're heroes, not deserters."

Han Xiyuan said, saluting to the three people in front of him, and the three of them also saluted Han Xiyuan.

Han Xiyuan left three boxes of M24 grenades for the three of them, as well as three Hanyang-made.

"Is the kid afraid of death?"

Han Xiyuan turned around and found that the few teenagers who were originally following him were learning to salute in a good manner, and Han Xiyuan stepped forward and patted a few people on the shoulder.

"Don't be afraid, battalion commander, we have to stay."

A young man had the courage to speak, and Han Xiyuan inadvertently wanted to cry.

Coming to this world, this is the first time I have felt like crying, he is an iron-clad man, but seeing such a tragic scene, he is inevitably moved.

He could have taken the three soldiers away, but he didn't.

Because, he knew very well, those three soldiers were bent on death, and they did not want to retreat again.

"You will one day take our burden, but not now."

Han Xiyuan patted the shoulders of the three teenagers and pulled the three of them out of here.

The Fuso army on the opposite side had advanced to the frontal position, and they quickly advanced, and many of the Fuso soldiers were killed by grenade traps.

Listening to the sound of grenades in the distance, Xu Yitian of the Four New Bank immediately picked up the binoculars.

"Fuck Fuso."

Xu Yitian saw that on the position of the street pavilion, there was a constant sound of grenade explosions, and he speculated that it should be the soldiers who held their positions, detonated the grenade, and died together with the Fusang army.

And at this moment, on the frontal position, three middle-aged people clasped hands with each other.

"Second brother, I still want to hear you say that you are embattled once."

The middle-aged man in the middle showed a hint of relief, he had been afraid of death before, but at the moment of death, he found himself in contempt for death.

Because, at this moment, he thinks that he deserves to die, and it is the glory of his life to fight and die to defend the demon capital.

"Xiang Wang's army is under the wall, and the soldiers are exhausted......."It

took nearly an hour and a half for the Fusang soldiers to clear the minefield.

And the three of them slowly leaned on the position, shooting at the Fusang soldiers who were still advancing, but the firepower of the three of them could not suppress the Fusang soldiers on the opposite side at all.

Soon, the three of them were surrounded by the Fuso army, and the three put down their guns and helped each other to stand up.

"Pull out the mountains and cover the world, and the times are not good. It's not going to pass away, but it's okay! The

three of them chattered slowly, and the Fusang soldiers on the opposite side didn't understand this, so they directly stabbed the three with bayonets, and the three of them didn't dodge.

The three of them quickly fell heavily, and the moment they fell to the ground, three boxes of M24 grenades exploded instantly, directly taking the lives of the Fusang soldiers in front of them.

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