Mu Chuan Jiro, chief of the general staff of Fusang in the four northeastern provinces, went to the northern capital under the protection of the army after several twists and turns, and was transferred by the army to the current Handan City halfway, and it was only last night that he slept peacefully.

And Han Xiyuan also summoned 230,000 junior soldiers in the system warehouse along the way to expand his army, but he couldn't bear the serious overcrowding of reserve brigades formed in various places, which was also because Han Xiyuan played the banner that one person is a soldier and the whole family benefits.

Moreover, if you become a soldier, your family can also share an extra acre of land, and under such a good policy, naturally people will actively join the army.

Therefore, 200,000 junior soldiers are not enough at all, and with the rapid expansion of the army, some heavy weapons are still limited in purchase, and Han Xiyuan will finally open the Star Treasure Chest in the system warehouse.

Originally, the reason why he kept this star treasure chest and never opened it was that he was afraid that if something happened on the way to the German Empire, he could quickly summon hundreds of thousands of junior warriors to establish an enclave on the territory of the Western Continent.

But at present, according to the progress of the war situation, he has no choice but to open the Star Treasure Chest as soon as possible.

Thirty-six cards, of which twenty-six are amplification cards, four augmentation cards for junior warriors, which directly increase the purchase limit of junior warriors to 250,000, and eight amplification cards for junior governance talents, which increase the purchase limit of junior governance talents to 300,000, and four amplification cards for intermediate governance talents, and two amplification cards for intermediate warriors.

The purchase limit for middle-level governance talents has been raised to 50,000, and the purchase limit for middle-level fighters has been raised to 30,000.

There is also an amplification card for high-level warriors and high-level governance talents, but Han Xiyuan has raised the purchase limit of the two commodities to a limit of twenty people per month.

This shows the preciousness of high-level governance talents and high-level fighters.

There are also six booster cards, one for the Black Widow fighter, one for the Superfortress bomber, and one for the Libertadorer bomber.

The purchase limit for Black Widow fighters has been raised to 400 units, the purchase limit for Superfortress bombers has been raised to 600 units, and the Liberator bomber is also limited to 600 units per month.

And what makes Han Xiyuan excited must be the other three amplification cards, one of which is the Akagi aircraft carrier's amplification card, this amplification card directly increased the purchase limit of the Akagi aircraft carrier to five, which means that Han Xiyuan can buy five ships a year.

Han Xiyuan directly purchased the three Akagi aircraft carriers and put them in his system warehouse, and he was ready to transfer the three Akagi aircraft carriers to the naval fleet before leaving.

There are also two Booster cards, the Bismarck Dreadnought and the Gangut Dreadnought.

The other ten cards are new weapons and equipment.

Congratulations on obtaining the Keeling-class destroyer card. Congratulations

on getting the Kirov-class cruiser card. Congratulations

on getting the Cleveland Cruiser card. Congratulations

on getting the Baltimore-class cruiser card. Congratulations

on getting the Stalin Submarine Card. The

five cards that appeared first made Han Hee-won excited, and now Han Hee-won's naval fleet is dominated by dreadnought battleships and destroyers.

But in order to be able to exert the combat power of an aircraft carrier, it must be accompanied by eight cruisers, as well as three nuclear submarines, and five destroyers.

These five commodities directly solved Han Xiyuan's urgent need.

Keeling-class destroyers (unit price of 10,000 Chinese dollars, limited to three per year.)

Kirov-class cruisers (unit price 10,000 Chinese dollars, limited to three per year.)

Cleveland cruiser (unit price 10,000 Chinese dollars, limited to three per year.)

Baltimore-class cruisers (unit price 10,000 Chinese dollars, limited to three per year.)

Stalin Submarine (5,000 Chinese dollars per unit, limited to six ships per year.

The other five cards are new weapons.

Congratulations on getting the FT-17 Light Tank card. Congratulations

on getting the Zero Fighter Card.

FCM36 Light Tank Card.

Luger P08 semi-automatic pistol card. [

Drop!11 LMG card.] Han

Hee-won was not very satisfied with the last five cards that appeared, especially the last Type 11 light machine gun card, but Han Hee-won still used the cards.

FT-17 light tank (unit price 500 Chinese coins, limited to 1,000 units per month.) Zero

fighter (unit price is 1,000 Chinese dollars, limited to 500 units per month.)

FCM36 light tank (unit price is 500 Huaxia coins, limited to 500 units per month.) Luger

P08 semi-automatic pistol (unit price is 100 Chinese dollars, no limit on purchase.) Type

11 light machine gun (unit price is 100 Huaxia coins, no limit to purchase.)

Han Xiyuan added some new heavy weapons to the newly formed armies in various places, and looked at the 50,000 junior soldiers in the system space reserve, according to the progress of the visit to the German Empire on the 17th, he still had 50,000 junior soldiers in his hands, and he thought that it could hold out until next month.

However, for the sake of his own life, he still asked the Secret Service to do a complete job of security in the Western Continent.

"Then let's see this Chu Yunxing first.

Han Xiyuan looked through Yan Shouchun's news, and he only had a brief evaluation. "Adou, who can't be helped. "

As for Mukawa Jiro of Fuso, I still want to dry it, because according to the recent progress of the Tsarist Russian Empire's troop transfer, the two sides have not reached a final agreement.

Fusang is also difficult to ride a tiger this time, because the Tsarist Empire wants to eat the real four northeastern provinces in one breath this time, and only leave the land of the Goryeo Dynasty to Fuso.

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