Two days later, Han Xiyuan did not see Muchuan Jiro for two days, and after Muchuan Jiro left, Han Xiyuan also took a train back to the northern capital, preparing to visit the German Empire.

And when he arrived in the northern capital, Ge Shunda also followed him to him and reported to him one by one what had happened in the past two days.

"Lord Wang, now the layout of the imperial court has been basically completed, but according to the current situation, the imperial court is not easy to deal with. Previously

, Han Xiyuan used strong means to persuade He Yingqi to do things for him, and He Yingqi did not live up to his expectations, and had cooperated with the agents of the Special Intelligence Bureau to establish a basic surveillance station in Sichuan and Chongqing Province.

But since He Yingqi returned to Sichuan-Chongqing Province, Jiang Zhiqing has gradually alienated him, and even expelled him from the center of power.

The main reason for this is that He Yingqi secretly contacted the agents of the U.S. Eagle Empire this time, and also had abnormal contacts with Fusang State, Jiang Zhiqing took He Yingqi in order to completely recover He Yingqi's power.

Jiang Zhiqing gave He Yingqi a salary draw, which added a lot of trouble to the Special Intelligence Bureau.

"There is no need to worry this time, for the imperial court, it is still dealt with mildly, and it is important not to create a direct conflict.

After listening to this, Han Xiyuan instructed Ge Shunda that his current attitude towards the imperial court is still to advocate gentle means.

After all, the government of the Republic of China is still orthodox, and the people's credibility in the government is still there, but Han Xiyuan believes that through his unremitting efforts, he will definitely be able to reach some kind of agreement with the imperial court.

"Yes, my lord. In addition, our Special Intelligence Agency, should we consider reducing our investment in the southwest region?"

said Ge Shunda, handing over a document.

Han Xiyuan quickly flipped through it, and the agents sent by the Secret Intelligence Bureau to the southwest region had already made contact with the generals under the King of Yunnan and the King of Min.

However, those generals are all lions with big mouths, and the power in the southwest region is complicated, and if you want to use money to open the way, you have to pay a greater price.

Han Xiyuan heard what Ge Shunda meant, this was to apply for another funding, and Han Xiyuan could be said to have responded to his request.

Now Han Xiyuan is not short of money, he has sent three American Eagle people selected by the Secret Intelligence Agency to the American Eagle Empire to penicillin.

In addition, those who followed the three American Eagle people to the American Eagle Empire were 3,600 agents of the Secret Intelligence Agency, as well as 5,000 junior fighters and 1,000 intermediate soldiers.

Naturally, these people will not all pour into the U.S. Eagle Empire at once, but enter the territory of the U.S. Eagle Empire in batches.

At present, the U.S. Eagle Empire has not yet achieved mass production of panmoxicillin, so it is natural to investigate a large number of panmoxicillin that suddenly appeared on the market.

I even found three American Eagle people, one of them.

The U.S. Eagle Empire even purchased some panmoxicillin from them as a special use for the military, which made Han Xiyuan make a lot of money.

At the same time, the forces supported by Han Xiyuan in the Golden Triangle region have gradually broken the balance in this region, and according to the predetermined plan, the Golden Triangle will complete complete the unification within half a year.

Subsequently, a large number of plantings, as for the market for white powder, Han Xiyuan directly finalized the major empires of the Western Continent.

Although the people of the major empires in the Western continent have long known about the poison of white powder, there are always some addicts who are helping white powder and prie open their country.

Of course, Han Xiyuan has repeatedly urged the Special Intelligence Bureau to complete the reunification of the Golden Triangle region as soon as possible, but Ge Shunda has always advocated slowing down.

The Golden Triangle region is mixed, and there are forces supported by major empires, so Ge Shunda thinks that it is better to use moderate means.

"For those moths in the Southwest, don't have to pity the money.

Han Xiyuan signed his name directly at the end of the document.

For those insatiable generals, he will naturally liquidate them in the end.

"Lord Wang, recently our agents in Fusang Country reported to us that there has been another big turmoil in Fusang Country.

Ge Shunda reported another thing.

For a long time, Fuso Province was divided into two factions, the Ishihara faction and the Tojo faction.

Previously, Yamamoto Fujiki listened to Ishihara's suggestion, and the silver wolf drove the tiger.

However, Tojo is a complete war leader, and he believes that Fuso must fight Han Hee-won to the end.

Therefore, he was very opposed to this strategy, and even incited politicians to attack Ishihara.

Even, taking advantage of the disagreement between the army and navy of Fuso Province and creating friction, he also reached some kind of agreement with Nanachi Yamamoto.

The contradictions created by Tojo made Yamamoto Fujiki unable to deal with them, and made Yamamoto Fujiki feel even more desperate, because the Tsarist Russian Empire and Han Xiyuan both insisted on the conditions of taking the four northeastern provinces, and Tojo continued to stir up the emotions of the people.

Previously, the people of Fusang were indoctrinated with an extremely absurd militarist ideology, and those who were indoctrinated with wrong ideas have now grown into young people in their twenties, and they are strong in blood and hold high the banner of sticking to the four northeastern provinces.

Under these circumstances, Fujiki Yamamoto was forced to step down, and Tojo successfully ascended to the position of prime minister.

And, most interestingly, after Yamamoto Fujiki stepped down, he reappeared in the scene before his previous coup d'état.

He was shot and killed by a group of radical youths at his residence with a pistol, and Ishihara was deposed of all power, and when Tojo came to power, he directly declared that Fuso would not give up an inch of land in the four northeastern provinces.

Even, it was necessary to mobilize troops and launch a two-front battle against Han Xiyuan and the Tsarist Russian Empire.

The reason why Tojo has such confidence is that he reached an agreement with the American Eagle Empire.

He even spread a remark to the major empires, that is, Han Xiyuan was pro-Tsarist Empire, and the economic system of the Tsarist Empire would soon take root in Han Xiyuan's territory, and the Tsarist Russian Empire would directly control Han Xiyuan's territory and even the entire territory of the Great Qianmin Republic of China in the future.

His remarks directly made Han Xiyuan fall into the target of public criticism, and even made the major empires really start to lay out Han Xiyuan.

Previously, Han Xiyuan used tough measures, but in the final analysis, the economic system adopted in Han Xiyuan's territory was still consistent with that of the major empires.

In addition, the major empires were also very willing to see Han Xiyuan become stronger, and even held a meeting in Paris to deal with the Far East issue.

At present, the major empires have suffered from the bruises of the First World War, and they have always supported the peaceful solution of the problem.

Moreover, they believed that if Han Xiyuan was strong in the Far East, then in the next step, Han Xiyuan would inevitably wage war against the Tsarist Empire.

Even, they think that it is appropriate to give up the interests of Fuso.

"This Fuso country is really a mad dog that can bite people at any time.

After listening to Ge Shunda's report, Han Xiyuan directly smashed his fist on the table in front of him.

In addition, Adolf, the head of the German Empire, will also attend a meeting of the major empires at eight o'clock this evening. Our secret service suggested that the prince should give up and visit the German Empire. "

In response to the remarks of the Fuso country Tojo, the major Western empires are preparing to convene a reformulation of the Far Eastern question at eight o'clock this evening.

They also did this to guard against the strength of the Tsarist Empire, and of course they didn't want to become the sword of Fuso.

"No, if Adolf is willing to attend this meeting, it will be the best news for us. When

Han Hee-won heard that Adolf would attend this meeting, he thought that there was still a chance to reverse the situation, and even reverse the attitude of the major empires towards him.

"By the way, Fusang actually pointed out that the Tsarist Empire would control me, didn't the Tsarist Empire react?"

Han Xiyuan asked after thinking for a moment.

"Tsar II of the Tsarist Empire has expelled the diplomatic ambassador of Fuso, and Tsar II of the Tsarist Empire is ready to officially declare war on Fuso.

Ge Shunda slowly said the current situation, and Han Xiyuan hesitated for a moment after listening to it.

He didn't expect that Tsar II would actually start this war, but he thought about it, the Tsarist Empire should not be so abrupt.

After all, if the Tsarist Russian Empire really declared war on Fuso, it would inevitably cause the major empires to attack it en masse.

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