Adolf is full of curiosity about Han Xiyuan, after all, he can save the declining empire by himself, and he can also understand his own strategy, and he must also fully understand such an ally.

"This Han Xiyuan can actually build a million-dollar army within half a year, with the resources of the five provinces. However, judging by various signs. They are aligned with our strategic goals.

Adolf looked through the investigation of Han Xiyuan, and the current information about Han Xiyuan is highly confidential, and even the German Empire, which is an ally, can only get some basic information.

"By the way, for the mysterious fleet that Han Xiyuan has at hand, hasn't Wolfburg gotten any news?"

The reason why Adolf chose Han Xiyuan as an ally was of course not only because of the Middle East oil information provided by Han Xiyuan, but also because Han Xiyuan pointed out his combat intentions.

Because, for Adolf, Han Hee-won is not an ally, but a terrible enemy, and he will inevitably strangle Han Hee-won in the cradle.

However, Han Xiyuan had a strong naval fleet, which was enough for him to pay attention to, and he even asked Wolf Castle to evaluate the combat effectiveness of the navy, land and air forces under Han Xiyuan's command.

According to Han Xiyuan's army, several wars with Fusang, and the previous troop rearmament ceremony, Han Xiyuan's current military strength is completely above Fusang, and he can even fight head-on with the Tsarist Empire.

For this reason, Adolf firmly chose Han Xiyuan as his ally.

"At the moment, there is still no information.

Martin Bauer shook his head, after Han Hee-won announced several islands in his newspaper, claiming that there were their own shipyards.

However, those island areas have been blocked by Han Xiyuan's command fleet, and the air supremacy is firmly in Han Xiyuan's own hands, and the major empires cannot view it.

"Well, how are the preparations for the military parade of the various armies?"

Adolf prepared a military parade ceremony to welcome Han Xiyuan this time, mainly to show Han Xiyuan the strength of his country.

"We're ready, but are we still going to show

some of the new weapons?" asked Martin Bauer, who had been preparing to show off some of the weapons that had just been developed in the arsenal.

However, after the meeting just ended, both Brent and Pétain said that they wanted to invite Han Hee-won to their country, and even according to their intentions, they wanted to hold an alliance meeting on the Western continent.

"Still sticking to the original plan, Petain and Brent have nothing to worry about.

After Adolf finished speaking, he rushed back to Berlin by train, and a day later, Han Xiyuan also personally received the diplomatic ambassador of the German Empire in the northern capital.

"Honorable His Royal Highness King Wu, on behalf of me, Mr. Adolf, the head of the German Empire, I formally extend an invitation to you. "

Previously, it was just a verbal convention, but this time it is a formal diplomatic etiquette, which is also instructed by Adolf, because he believes that the Republic of China is a country of etiquette, and it must be in accordance with the etiquette of the Republic of China.

After meeting the envoy of the German Empire, Ge Shunda walked in quickly and reported to Han Xiyuan.

"Lord Wang, we have now mastered the content of the previous meetings held by the major empires.

Ge Shunda quickly handed over a document, and Han Xiyuan, who took the document, quickly flipped through it.

He tested the diplomatic ambassadors of the German Empire today, trying to learn from him something about the contents of this meeting of the major empires, but the diplomatic ambassadors did not say a word.

"Everything is going according to the expected plan!" Han

Xiyuan breathed a sigh of relief, he had thought that Adolf would definitely stop the sanctions of the major empires against him, but he still had some uneasiness when he didn't get the final result.

"In addition, the diplomatic ambassadors of the Eagle Empire and the Franco-Prussian Empire would like to ask you to visit. In addition, Chernomaansky, the foreign ambassador to whom the Tsarist Empire had withdrawn, arrived in the northern capital at 10 o'clock this morning. Judging from the tense situation between the Tsarist Empire and the Fuso Empire, the Tsarist Empire must hope to carry out the original military plan with us.

Ge Shunda quickly reported a few more things.

Hearing that the Eagle Empire and the Franco-Prussian Empire wanted to invite him to visit, he also guessed their intentions in his heart.

"In response to them, at the moment I only have plans to visit the German Reich, and I hope that the two countries can give a reasonable plan for the visit. "

Han Xiyuan came here to make friends with the Eagle Empire, just to try to recover the Hong Kong capital.

Second, for the World Cup to be held in Paris, the news of the entry of the Republic of China team into the Paris World Cup has been published in the military newspaper, although this news has not caused a big wave, but Han Xiyuan attaches great importance to it.

"As for the Tsarist Russian Empire, wait until you return from the Western Continent and make new plans!" "Now, the Tsarist

Russian Empire is in an endless situation with the Fusang Kingdom, so they must have a war, and Han Xiyuan thinks that the two countries can fight a war first.

And now the Tsarist Russian Empire is willing to reach a previous agreement with Han Xiyuan, because the strategy made by the Fusang State is to make Han Xiyuan completely fall to the Tsarist Russian Empire.

And in this way, as long as Han Xiyuan clarifies and even takes the initiative to attack the Tsarist Empire, then for the Tsarist Empire, it will be one more powerful enemy.

This was the last thing the Tsarist Empire wanted to see.

"In addition, the rebellion in the three northwestern provinces did not make a big splash. Now

, with the cooperation of Chu Yunxing, Xishan Province has been smoothly received by Han Xiyuan's army, and even Han Xiyuan In order to set off a greater rebellion in the three northwestern provinces, he directly sent the Northwest Seventh Army back to the three northwestern provinces.

As for Chu Yunxing, he was naturally detained by him, but his abacus failed for the first time, because the return of the Seventh Army to the three northwestern provinces made the three northwestern provinces more solid.

This is also because Yan Shouchun, with the economic assistance of the American Eagle Empire, subdued a group of generals with money, after all, Yan Shouchun belongs to orthodoxy.

Moreover, there were already three of the Thirteen Taibao, who died in the hands of Yan Shouchun in person.

With such iron-fisted means, Yan Shouchun directly mastered the three northwestern provinces, and he also hired Paultrand, a military expert from the U.S. Eagle Empire, as the chief of the general staff.

Make a posture that wants to counterattack Xishan Province.

"Then when I go to the German Empire, release Yan Mingshan and Chu Yunxing and return to the three northwestern provinces.

Han Xiyuan thought for a moment and spoke to Ge Shunda.

He believes that Yan Mingshan must be unwilling to return to the three northwestern provinces to be a so-called emperor, and Yan Shouchun is definitely not worried about his old father.

In this way, it will inevitably re-intensify the contradictions in the three northwestern provinces, of course, if it is not intensified, Han Xiyuan is not worried.

Because, the day he returned from the German Empire, it was the day when he completely took the three northwestern provinces.

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