Daily Life of Jiang Liuniang

Chapter 805: There seems to be something wrong

   Chapter 805 There seems to be something wrong

   "Enough, enough! Thank you little master, thank you little master!" The short man held the gold ingot the size of a bird's egg and kowtowed in excitement.

   Du Changyang, who was in a cold sweat, jumped off his horse and rushed forward, and said repeatedly, "You scared me to death, Chengbi, are you alright?"

   Qin Chengbi patted the flour and dust on his body with a cold face, Han Kui immediately stepped forward and put a fox fur cloak on him, persuading, "Little Master..."

   Qin Chengbi didn't even look at Qin Kui, just glanced at Jiang Liu who was standing next to Jiang Ling, then pulled a dark horse and walked away.

   Qin Kui hugged Jiang Ling, turned around and hurriedly chased after his son-in-law. The Qin family left the two to take care of Ta Xue, who was lying on the ground.

"Ha, ha..." Du Changyang, who was hanging on the spot, laughed awkwardly, and greeted stiffly, "Are you here to play at the ice rink? It's a good coincidence, my door is too, and I don't know why Chengbi's horse suddenly suddenly Surprised, thank you for being there."

  Jiang Ling said calmly, "It is fortunate that the young master was not hurt."

   "Yes, yes. Then what, you guys have fun, I'll go first." Du Changyang finally made up his mind, bent over to pick up Qin Chengbi's deerskin crown, and slipped away on horseback.

   The short man clenched the golden ingot in one hand and his baby in the other, and stepped forward to kowtow to Jiang Liu, "Thank you for saving your life, girl."

  The baby he rescued and the man who was smothered by Qin Chengbi were actually father and son? Jiang Liu raised his hand, "Uncle, please get up quickly."

   Yayin immediately stepped forward to help the man and said in a low voice, "It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, you should leave quickly."

   The man with gold in his hand nodded immediately, knelt down and kowtowed to Jiang Liu, hugged his son and ran away. A bakery stall? He is the owner of a large ingot of gold, why does he need that sloppy stall?

   Seeing the stall owner running away, Ya Yin bent down and picked up a few clean pancakes from the stall he had abandoned, wrapped it in a white cloth and put it in his arms, wrapped another packet and handed it to Jiang Cai.

  Jiang Cai didn't pick it up, Yayin handed it over to Jiang Bai, "Put it in, I'll eat later when I'm hungry."

   Jiang Bai accepted the girl with a smile when he saw that the girl didn't care.

   Jiang Liu was about to ask if his brother's hand hurt or not, when he heard Shu Qiu say, "Girl, the second master and the fourth master Chai are here."

  Er Ye Jiang, who got the news, hurried to see Qin Chengbi had left, and said to Chai Yi'an in a loud voice, "General Chai, who is in charge of the market here?"

  Chai Yi'an immediately said, "This is outside the West City, and it is the guard of the Yulin guard. Come here!"

   Immediately, officers and soldiers stepped forward, "General."

  Chai Yi'an instructed, "Call the market manager over, and then send someone to ask what happened and whether anyone has been hurt."

   "Yes." The officers and soldiers took their orders and left.

  Chai Yi'an questioned Jiang Ling and the Qin manor's guards on business, and then asked the clerk who was in a hurry, "Can you write it down?"

  The clerk handed over the three pieces of paper that had been written, and Chai Yi'an reviewed it and handed it over to Jiang Liu, the guards of the Qin mansion, and the market manager to confirm that the painting was detained, that Qin Chengbi's shocking horse and being rescued by Jiang Ling were overshadowed.

  The witnesses and materials are all there, so I'm not afraid that someone will take a bite out of this in the future. Jiang Erye said goodbye to Chai Yi'an. He took his children back to the carriage and asked seriously, "What's going on?"

  Jiang Ling said, "Er and my sister were walking on the road, when Qin Chengbi suddenly rushed over on horseback, I had no choice but to do this."

  Jiang Liu added, "Dad, Qin Chengbi came for her daughter at first. My brother rushed to save me, Qin Chengbi rushed to my brother again, and my brother knocked down his horse."

   "You rushed out to save your sister, stopped Qin Chengbi and allowed him to go down the steps. You did a very thoughtful job." Jiang Erye first praised his son before asking, "Why did Qin Chengbi suddenly go crazy?"

   Jiang Liu shook his head, "My daughter didn't provoke him."

   "Looking at the actions of Du Changyang and the Qin family guards, this should not have been planned by them in advance. One more thing..." Jiang Ling lowered his voice, "Qin Chengbi was bulging and red eyes at the time, I thought he was not a normal person."

   "My daughter thinks so too. He returned to normal after paralysing the bakery stall." Looking at Qin Chengbi's behavior and mood changes, Jiang Liu thought he might have some major mental problems.

   Jiang Erye frowned slightly, "Have you provoked him recently?"

   Jiang Ling and Jiang Liu shook their heads at the same time.

   Jiang Erye pondered for a moment, suddenly slammed the stool, and the two little ones in front of him almost jumped up, "Dad understands! It must be Liu Cheng's ghost behind the scenes!"

  Ginger stay? ? ?

  Jiang Ling…

"It must be what he said to Qin Chengbi before noon today that made Qin Chengbi go crazy!" The more Jiang Erye thought about it, the more reasonable it became, "He must have asked Qin Chengbi to come over when he heard that you were going to play at the ice rink. Good Liu Cheng, if you don't clean him up like a dog this time, your surname will not be Jiang!"

  Ginger stay…

  Jiang Ling paused before asking, "Father is right. Do you think we can go to the ice rink? Just in case..."

"Of course we have to go. If Qin Chengbi is frightened by the horse, we will change our schedule and stay out of the house, which will cause people's doubts." Jiang Erye interrupted his son and arranged, "Father will send more people to protect you, so you can play with peace of mind. "

   "Yes." Jiang Ling responded.

  Ginger stay…

   After getting off the carriage and watching his father leave, Jiang Liu looked up at his brother.

  Jiang Ling said gently, "I've let Jiang Cai wrap up the place, let's go first?"

  The ice rink is surrounded by bamboo walls and consists of several rinks of different sizes. As long as you have enough money, booking the rink is not a problem. Later, Jiang Erlang will bring the Jiang family brothers and sisters over. It is indeed safer to book the venue and can have fun.

  As his brother arrived at the ice rink with a half-mu of land, Jiang Liu asked in a low voice, "Brother, do you also think this has something to do with Liu Cheng?"

"My father has been sending someone to monitor Liu Cheng, and if he says it's relevant, it's relevant. Besides, it's better for my father to clean up Liu Cheng than to ask him to go to Qin Chengbi." Jiang Ling bent over and picked a horse for his sister from the bamboo basket next to him. .

   This is indeed the truth, Jiang Liu whispered again, "Brother also stay away from Qin Chengbi, don't provoke him."

  If Qin Chengbi came for him, Jiang Ling could avoid it. But Qin Chengbi rushed to his sister first, and Jiang Ling couldn't avoid it. He wants to find out why Qin Chengbi is crazy today, and then direct Qin Chengbi's anger elsewhere. Jiang Ling thought so in his heart, but said in his mouth, "I understand. You have to avoid Qin Chengbi just like Princess Leyang and Princess Renyang."

   "Yeah." Jiang Liu nodded. Jing Hedi's uncles, nephews and sisters had nothing good to do and had to avoid them.

  Jiang Ling asked his sister to sit in the bamboo pavilion by the side of the court, and placed the chosen pair of bamboo horses at her feet, and was about to put them on. At this time, Shu Qiu squeezed over, "Master, let the slaves dress the girls? The slaves know how to wear them."

  Jiang Ling got up and walked away, watching Shu Qiu put on a bamboo horse for Jiang Liu, then stretched out his hand and said, "Hold my arm, I'll teach you skating, don't be afraid."

   (end of this chapter)

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