Daily Life of Jiang Liuniang

Chapter 859: own thoughts

   Chapter 859 The idea of ​​taking it as one's own

  Jiang Ling smiled and said, "Don't worry, sister, the Qin family will not attack you again in two or three years."

  Jiang Liu's little head tilted, a little puzzled, Uncle Qiu also looked up at Jiang Ling.

   "Because..." Jiang Ling thought about it, but told the truth, "No matter what Qin Chengbi thinks, he will definitely explain to the Qin family that he is crazy because of you."

  Jiang Liu replied, "Then the Qin family should have killed me and eliminated the troubles?"

   Jiang Ling shook his head, "Qin Chengbi will find a way to stop him."

  Jiang Liu broke the casserole and asked, "How do you know?"

   Because when I looked at Qin Chengbi, I sensed his thoughts.

   Don't ask Jiang Ling how he understood it, he couldn't tell, but he really saw Qin Chengbi's idea of ​​taking his sister as his own. But Qin Chengbi's thoughts, he didn't want his sister to know, "I've been with Qin Chengbi for a while, and I still know a little bit about him. This person can't be handled with common sense. But when my sister goes out, she still can't be without someone. ."

   The younger sister, surrounded by masters, faced Qin Chengbi, whose limbs had been cut off. Jiang Ling was not worried that her younger sister would not be able to deal with him. However, it is necessary to prevent Qin Chengbi from using beauty and bitterness against her sister. After all, in terms of appearance alone, Qin Chengbi is not bad.

   Jiang Ling glanced at Uncle Qiu, but decided to warn his sister in private.

   Uncle Qiu said with a smile, "Master, the second master will not spare you lightly after returning to the mansion."

   "It's okay." My father was angry because he was worried about him. He let him scold Jiang Ling if he wanted to, and let him hit Jiang Ling if he wanted to. When he leaves Kang An, maybe he won't have the chance to be beaten and scolded by his father in his life.

  Jiang Liu straightened his chubby little waist, "Don't worry, brother, if Dad gets angry, I have a way to make him happy."

  Jiang Ling nodded with a smile, and asked Uncle Qiu about seeing Zhang Wenjiang, "How are you talking with Zhang Fuyin today?"

  Jiang Liu also looked at Uncle Qiu eagerly, she was really afraid that Zhang Wenjiang would also stand on the left side and Yu Daddy would go to Suzhou.

   Uncle Qiu blocked Zhang Wenjiang for three days in a row, and Zhang Wenjiang was not seen for the first two days, so Uncle Qiu had already guessed what Zhang Wenjiang meant. But Uncle Qiu refused to give up, and wanted to see him.

   After several years of planning and planning, Uncle Qiu was premised on the premise that Jiang Erye was sitting in Beijing and he went to Suzhou with the young master to fight. If Second Master Jiang also went to Suzhou, the entire plan would be in vain, and with the existing manpower alone, Uncle Qiu would not even be able to guarantee the safety of Second Master Jiang.

  Because Jiang Erye is different from Jiang Ling, he was pampered and raised and never really suffered. If he was taken out of Beijing, the time spent on the road would be doubled, and the danger would be doubled. After arriving in Suzhou, Uncle Qiu not only always beware of someone assassinating Jiang Erye, but also beware of his sudden rise to cause chaos. In the event of a war in Suzhou, Jiang Erye, who only had seven moves—perhaps he forgot about these seven moves—would be forced to fight... Uncle Qiu, who didn't dare to think deeply, was in a daze.

   There were only three things to do. When Uncle Qiu went to see him again on the third day, Zhang Wenjiang did not avoid seeing him again. Uncle Qiu said solemnly, "Master Zhang means that he doesn't want the second master to leave the capital, but he has nothing to do. Now he can only delay it for a while."

  Jiang Liu thinks about it too, what countermeasures can Zhang Wenjiang, the governor of Jingzhao Prefecture, have against the scheming left minister.

   Jiang Ling's eyes sank, and a strong killing intent popped out. He simply sent someone to kill Renyang tonight, and then disturbed the situation, so as to give his father a chance.

  Jiang Liu saw through his brother's thoughts for a while, "Brother, you can't..."

   "Jiang Ling, get out of here!"

   Before Jiang Liu could finish speaking, Second Master Jiang's angry voice came into the room, Uncle Qiu and Jiang Ling stood up immediately, Jiang Liu jumped off the stool and ran to the door of the house.

   As soon as she opened the door, she looked up and met her father's handsome face with anger.

   Before Jiang Liu could speak, Erye Jiang said, "Shut up and stand, dare to speak, I will punish you!"

  Jiang Liu immediately changed his strategy, and raised his small mouth aggrieved, but before the corners of her mouth were pulled to the perfect position, Jiang Erye waved, "This trick doesn't work!"

  This trick doesn’t work well, so let’s go to the next trick!

   "Hi—" Jiang Liu, who was deliberately waved by his father's sleeve, raised his hand to cover his right arm, wrinkled his face and said aggrievedly, "It hurts..."

   The wound on the little girl's stomach is fake, but the wound on her arm is real. Now Jiang Erye couldn't care about being angry, he bent over and asked, "Dad touched your wound?"

   "Well." Jiang Liu grievedly turned his mouth out of the most distressing arc, "Daddy, it hurts..."

   "Stupid, are your legs for decoration?" Jiang Erye frowned, looking more painful than his daughter's. He hurriedly closed the door and urged Qin Qing, "Quickly take the girl to the back room to see if her wound has collapsed."

  The scab on the wound is about to fall off, how could it collapse? Jiang Liu raised his left hand and grabbed Daddy's sleeve, "It just hurts a bit, it didn't collapse, Daddy..."

   Jiang Er Ye was still worried and insisted on letting Qin Qing wait for her to go in and have a look. Jiang Liu had to follow Qin Qing to the back room. After the girl entered, Jiang Erye glared at Jiang Ling, "I'll clean you up later!"

   "Yes." Jiang Ling looked at the screen at the door of the back room, her sister's pain didn't seem like she was pretending.

  When Qinqing came out and said that the sixth girl's wound had not collapsed, Jiang Erye breathed a sigh of relief, but Jiang Ling asked, "It still hurts when Liuer lifts his arm?"

   "Yeah." Jiang Liu, who came out, nodded, but she didn't care, "This pain is far worse than Master Chengkong's silver needle, I can bear it."

   Jiang Erye, who was afraid of pain, felt that his daughter's condition was very serious, "Let Uncle Qiu show you."

   Uncle Qiu replied, "Second Master, the girl's arm has injured bones and muscles. Even if the skin on the surface has healed, it will take some time for the injured flesh and bones inside, and it will take another two months to fully recover."

  Jiang Liu nodded, "It takes a hundred days to hurt my bones..."

   Jiang Erye glared at his daughter, "Why are you running around when your wound hurts, don't go back and rest!"

   "Yes, stay here to prepare food for daddy." Having made such a fuss from himself, daddy's anger almost disappeared. Jiang gave his brother a self-seeking look, and withdrew with his maids.

  After Jiang Liu left, before Jiang Er Ye got angry, Jiang Ling stepped forward and said, "Father, Er rescued Chai Feng."

here you go!

   Jiang Erye raised the corner of his mouth, and was forcibly pulled down by him again, and said, "How did you tell you a few days ago as a father? Do you take your father's words as a deaf ear?"

  Jiang Ling took another step forward and said with a smile, "Father, my son has driven Qin Chengbi crazy."

   Jiang Erye couldn't hold back the corners of his mouth anymore. He raised his head and slapped the back of his son's head, "He's crazy, and you're in trouble!"

   Uncle Qiu handed Jiang Erye a cup of tea at the right time, and analyzed, "Jiang Jinzong has gradually left Qin Tianye's control. Before the young master returns to Suzhou to kill Jiang Jinzong, Qin Tianye should not be against the young master."

   said so, but after slaughtering Jiang Jinzong? What Jiang Ling destroyed was Qin Tianye's most important grandson, and he would avenge this revenge sooner or later.

   Jiang Erye motioned for his son to sit down and said with a stern face, "Tell me what happened to my father carefully, and don't let it fall at all!"

   After Jiang Ling talked about it one by one, Jiang Erye not only did not criticize, but was also very proud, "Yes, you have almost learned all my skills."

   (end of this chapter)

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