Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 46 What's Wrong

Old Shen Furen quickly glanced at Shen Liangwei with a complicated expression, and sighed, her mind was full of exhaustion and confusion.

She always felt that something was wrong, but when she thought about it carefully, she seemed to think that she was thinking too much.

After all, how can a person's temperament change?

She has been raising her for more than ten years, and she has been meticulously trained and subtly changed. It is impossible for her to change!

What she said was really reasonable, in fact. How can it be said that it will change? Shen Liangwei paid a painful price and spent her whole life in exchange for this awakening.

Mrs. Shen finally concluded that this girl has grown up and slowly has her own ideas, which is why this kind of trouble happened. But it doesn't matter, she just continues to "teach" her.

So Mrs. Shen put on a kind and loving smile on her face, hugged Shen Liangwei and talked to her intimately, accompanied by Nanny Chang, Pearl, Coral, and others who laughed and played side drums.

Another drama in which Shen Liangwei was almost bored was staged.

After dinner, Mrs. Shen originally wanted to keep Shen Liangwei here for the night, saying that her grandmother and grandson had not been together for a long time, and her grandmother missed her.

Shen Liangwei acted with her for half a day, and she was already disgusted, and she had to stay overnight. She couldn't convince herself to continue acting anyway, and insisted on declining. Just say no to trouble grandma.

Old Shen Furen had to give up and asked someone to take her back.

Shen Liangwei sent someone to explain to the Ivy League, for fear that her mother would be worried and disturbed.

She has hurt her mother too much in the last life, and she will not be so worried in this life.

She knew that whenever her grandmother asked her to go, she would definitely be nervous, for fear that she would be coaxed into a relationship with her by her grandmother. Before she could be confident that she would not change, she had to ask someone to tell her every time. one sound.

Early the next morning, Shen Liangwei had to go to Mrs. Shen's place to greet her.

Deliberately dressed up today.

Pink wisps of gold and clouds of brocade with windy woolen collar and long pleated skirt with cinnabar embroidery. Embroidered shoes are embellished with beautiful jade.

He wears a beaded red gold bracelet on his wrist, and the most conspicuous thing on his bun is the pair of golden hairpins he got from his mother yesterday. There are also exquisite silk flowers made by the palace. The silk flowers are a pair of begonia flowers the size of copper coins. The colors are delicate and distinct, and they are lifelike, like real flowers. It is particularly eye-catching in this stagnant winter.

Her color is excellent, her skin is fair and tender, her nose and lips are beautiful, her facial features are exquisite and picturesque, her eyes are moist and agile, and her whole person has an indescribable noble, elegant and refined temperament, which makes people unable to take their eyes off her. .

She deliberately delayed a little bit, and when she arrived, Shen Liangrong, Shen Liangyue and Shen Liangxin had already arrived.

Sure enough, as she expected, the eyes of the Shen family sisters and the maids all lit up when they saw her, and their eyes flashed with surprise or envy.

She was taught to be submissive by her grandmother before, how could she have been so radiant and confident?

"Big sister, third sister, fourth sister!" Shen Liangwei greeted them with a smile and sat down. While seemingly unintentional, he raised his hand to support the newly acquired pair of butterfly hairpins on the bun.

How could Shen Liangyue stand up to her showing off like this? You must know that in the past, when Mrs. Shen's family hadn't fallen and her dowry hadn't been ruined, she also lived a good life for a few years, and she already knew how to enjoy and ask for it.

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