The last one is Takumi, the Third Kazekage. When he received the invitation to the Five Kage Talks, he was still working in the frontline camp. Takumi still has a positive attitude towards the Five Kage Talks. After all, only the five most powerful ninja villages can participate in the Five Kage Talks, which also shows that Sand Village is still one of the five hidden villages. He believes that this meeting is a rare opportunity for all parties to sit down and have a good talk. They have been confronting Sand Village and Hidden Village for nearly two years. During this period, there have been no major events, but there have been constant minor events. The daily expenses on the front line are not small. Although they can still hold on, if they continue like this, they will consume the foundation of Sand Village. He hoped that through this meeting, he could resolve the previous misunderstandings and hostility and establish a closer cooperative relationship.

Simply put, now that Konoha has been offended, it would be best if the relationship could be repaired. If it cannot be repaired, then he can only lean on Kumogakure and Iwagakure.

At the same time, he also hoped to use this meeting as an opportunity to promote the reform and development of Kazegakure.

On the way to the Iron Country, the five Kages each thought about the significance and purpose of this meeting.

They knew that this meeting was crucial to the peace and development of the entire ninja world, so they all hoped to achieve their goals.

Soon a week passed, and it was the day of the Five Kage Talks.

This Five Kage Talks was not a formal meeting of the Five Kage Federation, so no one from the Iron Country was used as a clerk.

Of course, the meeting was still held in the Five Kage Building.

The five major ninja villages took their positions.

Sarutobi Hiruzen sat in Konoha's seat, with three people standing behind him, namely Orochimaru, Hatake Sakumo, and Tsunade.

Tsunade was originally the head of the medical department. Because Danzo was "retired" for recuperation, she came to take over temporarily. Now she has been stationed in the Five Shadows Association of the Iron Country for 1 year.

The reason why Naoto Mitarai sent a message directly to the Iron Country last time was because Tsunade was here.

Otherwise, the normal procedure is to first pass the information back to the village, and then the village will pass it to the stationed ninja of the Five Shadows Association of the Iron Country.

Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen was too lazy to be polite and began to speak in a serious and low voice: "Dear Kage, everyone knows why the Five Kage meeting today is for.

Not long ago, a horrifying incident happened in the Ninja World. Kirigakure, Kumogakure and Iwagakure attacked the Uzushio Village established by the Uzumaki Clan.

Fortunately, our Konoha arrived in time, which prevented the people of the Uzushio Country and the villagers of the Uzushio Village from surviving.

According to the Ninja World Convention, the Uzushio Country belongs to the natural defense zone of our Konoha. If the major ninja villages enter the territory of the Uzushio Country, ninjas with more than 4 people need to report to our Konoha.

Only after approval can they enter the Uzushio Country.

But we in Konoha have not received any reporting documents from your three villages, not even a single one.

What do you want to do? Mizukage, how do you explain it?" Sarutobi Hiruzen slammed the table a few times and shouted angrily.

Sarutobi Hiruzen has always given people the impression that he is not easily angered. This time, he slammed the table directly, which brought a great sense of oppression to the shadows present.

The Third Mizukage Zhan Taigu Liang looked very unhappy. As one of the Five Shadows, it was also very embarrassing to be scolded by others.

But he came here to be humble and humble. He quickly adjusted his mood and said, "I am very sorry about this matter. This matter is an internal affair of Kirigakure.

This time, we were supposed to go to Uzushio Village to negotiate and purchase sealing techniques to solve the sealing problem of the tailed beasts. Due to various misunderstandings during the transmission of the message, this incident happened.

I am responsible for this matter on behalf of Kirigakure.

Kumogakure and Iwagakure invited them to come as witnesses. After all, Uzushio Village is a subsidiary of Konoha. Such a big thing also requires several witnesses of sufficient weight."

These words made Sarutobi Hiruzen look at them with new eyes. He did not shirk responsibility, but he distorted the facts. Sarutobi Hiruzen would never let them go so easily.

"Even if you want to buy a sealing technique, don't you need to ask us Konoha first? Will we Konoha stop you from buying a sealing technique?

What is the purpose of our establishment of the Five Kage Association? Isn't it to resolve these disputes? You can directly bring your sealing technique to the Five Kage Association to discuss it, and we Konoha will also help you.

Why are you sneaking around like that?

What about Kumogakure and Iwagakure? How do you two explain it? They are in Kirigakure because of internal affairs (internal fighting in Kirigakure Village), what about you?

You are also in internal affairs

? We Konoha and you guys don’t have such a bad relationship, right?

If you are doing things in our area, I will say hello to us?

How about we Konoha go to your place to do things someday? "

Sarutobi Hiruzen slightly turned his head to look in the direction of Kumogakure and Iwagakure.

The third generation Tsuchikage Ohnoki was also having a headache. He originally wanted to take advantage of it. Before Konoha could react, he broke through the Uzushio Village, took the sealing technique and ran away. It was too late for Konoha to know. As long as he was not caught in the act, he could say anything.

Now he didn’t take advantage of it, and he got into trouble.

Facing Sarutobi Hiruzen’s questioning, although he was unhappy, he still had to talk to him, after all, there was still a tailed beast in their hands.

Ohnoki calmed down and said, "We Iwagakure just accepted the invitation of Kirigakure. Kirigakure is the leader, and we thought Kirigakure would report these to Konoha.

After all, there is the Five Kage Association, so it is convenient for everyone to communicate. It is not a big deal, so we in Iwagakure did not pay much attention to it.

There was only a small group of people from Kirigakure to meet us, but we didn't expect that there were so many people in Uzushio Village.

We were also forced to participate in the siege of Uzushio Village, although the responsibility for this matter is not ours.

But for the civilians in Uzushio Village, we in Iwagakure are willing to carry out some humanitarian rescue.

This matter is generally affected by Kirigakure's internal affairs.

Sarutobi, don't hold on to it. That traitor, everyone should help to find him out and kill him as soon as possible. It is very annoying to keep jumping around in the ninja world. "

Look, this is what a master negotiator is.

First, he removed his own responsibility, saying that he was forced, and then he said that he was willing to carry out some humanitarian rescue.

It means that the main responsibility for this matter is not mine, but I can pay you some money.

Finally, he attributed the source to the internal affairs of Kirigakure, saying that he would kill the traitor who took the blame.

The third generation Raikage Ai also followed up and said: "Yes, kill that traitor, we will never let him go in Kumogakure.

For things to develop like this, it is not our responsibility in Kumogakure. I will do the same as Ohnoki and pay some money to the civilians affected. "

Listening to Ohnoki and Ai's words, Zhan Taiguliang frowned slightly. Both of them tended to put the blame on Kurisan Kushimaru.

If Kurisan Kushimaru is found and killed, there will be no evidence.

But these are not what Zhan Taiguliang wants. He still hopes to save his beloved Kurisan Kushimaru.

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