The five shadows were buried, and the two sides were in chaos.

After several days of discussion at the Five Kage Talks, the Five Kage Association, a joint ninja organization, was formed. The purpose of this organization is to maintain world peace and reduce wars.

With the funding from the five major hidden villages, the Iron Country will undertake the construction of the Five Kage Association's headquarters. After the headquarters is built, the five major hidden villages will send personnel to reinforce the building with ninjutsu, seals, and arrange the barrier.

After all preparations are completed, it is initially decided that each of the five major hidden villages will send one elite jonin and a jonin team to live in the Five Kage Association.

The elite jonin is responsible for communicating the current transnational affairs of the ninja world. The jonin team is responsible for all work such as guarding and logistics.

Elite jonin are called ambassadors, Konoha's elite jonin are called fire envoys, Iwagakure's earth envoys...

The captain of the jonin team is called the deputy envoy.

These titles were pieced together by Sarutobi Hiruzen with the memories of his previous life. No matter if it sounds good or not, it means this.

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the charter of the Five Kage Association drafted by the sword-carrying general and frowned, feeling that something was missing. He looked at the various Kages to see if they had anything to add. . But Sarutobi Hiruzen was disappointed. The thoughts of the people in the ninja world are very different from those in the previous life. It's better to do it yourself.

Sarutobi Hiruzen cleared his throat: "Everyone, the Five Kage Association needs a publishing agency to announce the important decisions of the Five Kage Association. Let the secretariat handle this publishing agency. It is impossible that only our village knows about the various decisions we make concerning the ninja world."

Shamon said solemnly; "The Hokage's suggestion is very pertinent. I suggest that the first announcement should announce the establishment of the Five Kage Association, the reason for its establishment, the purpose of the Five Kage Association, and all the participants. These need to be handled by a neutral agency to have the right to convince the ninja world."

Onoki thought for a long time and said; "The Five Kage Association has the five major hidden villages as its trump card, I believe I believe no one can look down on this organization. I wonder if we should start with the Five Kage Association and change the structure of the entire ninja world? Should the Five Kage Association be expanded to include some small countries and daimyo prefectures? "

"Tsuchikage, you are a bit impatient. This suggestion is very good, but now is not the right time. Let's decide on the next things after the Five Kage Association has been implemented for a period of time. This association is just a new one, and we don't know what's going on. If we make it so big, I'm afraid it will change and deviate from the original intention of creating this association. I believe everyone knows what kind of people those nobles are. We still have to ensure the purity of this organization." Sarutobi Hiruzen said hurriedly.

After taking a breath, Sarutobi Hiruzen continued; "The purpose of the association is to solve some things in the 'supernormal' world. Please allow me to use the word 'supernormal'. Supernormal means; beyond the mundane, beyond the existence of ordinary people. Currently, such people include: ninjas, samurai, wizards, onmyoji, etc. Ninjas are the largest group, and samurai are the second largest group. These are people who have power beyond ordinary people, but this world is more ordinary people. Their mentality is different from ours. If the association becomes bigger in the future, the ninja world is convinced, and the daimyo has the intention to participate, then why don't we build another organization to maintain communication between supernormal people and ordinary people?

This will ensure the independence and purity of the association, an organization for supernormal people."

The third generation Raikage Ai said irritably: "Why make so much trouble, we are supernormal people, can ordinary people override us?"

Onoki smiled and said: "Not every village is not restricted by the daimyo." He looked at Shamon with a mischievous smile.

Shamen covered his face, and then said: "There is no way. The geographical environment of Sand Village is bad, and part of the expenditure needs to be allocated by the daimyo."

Zhan Taiguliang: "We have a similar situation in Kirigakure."

Everyone knows that Sand Village is severely restricted by the daimyo, not just this, but no one has exposed him.

In fact, all the hidden villages have received funding from the daimyo, especially Konoha, which has received the most funding from the daimyo, but Konoha is not like this.

"It's almost done. Does anyone have any good suggestions? Let's talk about it quickly. It's been several days. As shadows, we can't leave the village for a long time." Sarutobi Hiruzen said impatiently. It's been many days, and the old guys in the village probably won't give up their rights so easily. I'm a little worried.

"General Daidao, as the secretary, how have you sorted out the Ninja World Convention? Bring it to see, if there is no problem, this Kirigakure meeting will come to an end." Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Daidao.

Daidao looked at

Mifune was writing furiously. Then he said, "Hokage, wait a minute. It will take a while."

Sarutobi Hiruzen turned to look at the Sandaime Raikage, "Since the sword-bearing general will take a while, let's settle our business."

The Sandaime Raikage asked in confusion, "Our business?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen said directly, "Our Second Hokage was attacked and killed in your Land of Lightning."

The Sandaime Raikage continued to wonder, "The Second Hokage was attacked by Kinkaku and Ginkaku, and Kinkaku and Ginkaku were controlled. What does it have to do with our Kumogakure? Besides, Kinkaku and Ginkaku have been killed by you, and I don't want their bodies anymore. What else do you want?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was quick to speak "I need to give an explanation to the elders when I return to Konoha. After all, the Second Hokage was invited by you to the Land of Lightning. Now that something has happened, you have to express your gratitude. Let's write a compensation document of 200 million taels. I will return to the village to appease the elders."

The Third Raikage's face was bent and he complained; "Where did you get so much money? No, even if you sold me, you wouldn't get that much."

"Don't complain. Didn't you say that Kinkaku and Ginkaku have your secrets? I will return the body to you. It's useless for us to take it. Kagami, go and call Danzo in." Sarutobi Hiruzen turned his head and said to Uchiha Kagami. Yes, Akimichi Touka was bored and went out to stay.

The Third Raikage still complained secretly: "This woman doesn't have that much money, but I can give you the compensation that the Kazekage originally gave us. Besides, I need to explain when I return to the village. You have explained it, but what about me?"

"Don't dilly-dally. I'll give you the Eight-Tails together, and you give me 200 million taels together. Just write a compensation document." Danzo came in at that time, took out the bodies of Kinkaku and Ginkaku from the sealing scroll and threw them on the ground.

"Bang" and "Bang" hit in front of the Raikage. The Raikage hurriedly asked Tutai to collect the bodies.

"Hokage, I believe you have thought about how to explain to those old guys before you came out. Who doesn't know who? You can't help but embarrass me." The Raikage said confidently.

"Raikage, you know, I thought before that if the Raikage didn't agree to compensate, I would use the last resort to go to Kumogakure to release a ninjutsu to fool those elders." Sarutobi Hiruzen looked like, I didn't expect you to be like this.

The Third Raikage Ai quickly waved his hand; "No, let's just pay 200 million ryo, I'll pay, but the compensation document should say that the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki attacked you and then paid 200 million ryo."

"Okay, okay, hurry up, write the compensation document like this: Because the people of the Hidden Cloud Village attacked the Hokage, you have to pay 200 million ryo. This way both sides can explain it." Sarutobi Hiruzen signaled the Third Raikage to hurry up.

The Tutai behind the Raikage drafted the document very discerningly.

Seeing the private transaction between the Hokage and the Raikage, Ohnoki and Zhan Taiguliang were greatly inspired, and the two of them gathered together to discuss it.

In the end, the two parties discussed that each party would compensate the other party with 100 million ryo. It is estimated that they all wanted to use the 100 million ryo that Shamon paid to fool people.

After everything was done, it happened that the Ninja World Convention with the sword was also finished.

Everyone gathered together to read it,

It was written on it: Ninja World Convention

Article 1, starting today, the war will end immediately. No country or organization may provoke a Ninja World War. Otherwise, they will be attacked by the five hidden villages.

Article 2: If a rebel ninja is not protected by his original hidden village and appears in another country, he will be hunted down by the hidden village of that country.

Article 3: All extraordinary people shall not attack ordinary civilians without reason.

Article 4: For the sake of peace in the ninja world, the Five Kage Talks and the Iron Country established an international organization, the Five Kage Federation.

Note: The purpose of the Five Kage Federation is to maintain peace in the ninja world.

Supervisor of the Ninja World Convention: The General's Mansion of the Iron Country

Sarutobi Hiruzen saw the problem at first glance and said, "There should be a place for signatures at the back. The five Kages must sign, and the supervisors must also sign, and the participants must also sign. The time, date, weather, etc. must also be marked at the back. Today is November 15th."

Ohnoki also added; "You also need to use a seal, the seal of the Kage and the seal of the General's Mansion. It is best to write why you want to sign this Ninja World Convention in the front. Because the current ninja world is in chaos and civilians are living in hardship." Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled, Ohnoki, you know how to promote.

"How about this, General Daidao, I think we should hold a signing ceremony. Let's build a high platform in the capital of the Iron Country tomorrow. Let the people of the Iron Country's capital witness the moment we sign our names. This is a great moment and should be remembered."

Shamen's eyes lit up and he agreed immediately. This is very good for promoting the Wind Country. After all, the Wind Country was sandwiched between the Fire Country and the Earth Country before, and had no influence outside. This kind of publicity will bring growth to the Sand Country's mission. "

Zhan Taiguliang said; "Why not find some reporters to

Taking photos to commemorate? All the Kages dressed up for the event. "Zhan Taiguliang's words were very tempting to the Kage who trusted him. After all, it could increase his international prestige, and then use his international prestige to improve his actual control over the village. But it had no effect on Shamon, after all, he was planning to abdicate when he returned to the village.

The Five Kages and Daidao all agreed, so the Five Kages went to prepare themselves.

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