The 18th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China was held in the capital.

In the Hokage's office in Konoha Village, Sarutobi Hiruzen wore the Hokage's divine robe and put his bamboo hat aside.

After reading the report in his hand, Sarutobi Hiruzen knocked on the table. He said to Mito Kado En and Utane Koharu, "No, this fund cannot be approved." He threw the evaluation report on the table and was very angry.

Utane Koharu was surprised: "Huruzen, this is the war pension and disability allowance. If it is not issued, there will be big problems."

Sarutobi Hiruzen shook his head: "I didn't say that I won't issue pensions and disability allowances. I mean, "This distribution plan is not good. The village knows that the ninjas have contributed to the village. But the ninjas themselves know whether they have contributed to the village or to the family. The pensions and disability subsidies you have distributed are all distributed to each family, according to the amount, and then distributed to the clan leader, and then the clan leader will distribute them.

This is not good. In that case, they will only be grateful to their clan leaders and elders for obtaining compensation for them. They don't know the village. And what if, I mean what if, a clan leader or elder embezzled the money and paid less or not at all. Those clan leaders and elders will have many reasons to push these things to the village. In that case, all the sins will be on the village. Do you think it's okay? The money was distributed by the village, they are grateful to the clan leader, and if something goes wrong, they will only blame the village. will resent the village.

Now all the families of Konoha belong to Konoha. We have to break this boundary. As the Hokage and assistants of the village, we should do things based on the village.

Just like this pension, we have to re-register it. Then the village will check and issue it uniformly.

The disability allowance must also be re-made. We must make a detailed registration of the disability of each injured person. Each injured person is a treasure of Konoha. We can select a group of them to enrich the ninja school as teachers. Their experience on the battlefield can help us train students very well.

Giving injured people a job is a better encouragement for them. "

Mitomon Yan and Utatane Koharu were stunned by Sarutobi Hiruzen's words.

Sarutobi Hiruzen ignored them and continued to read the next report.

"Yan, who is responsible for the Anbu?" Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly looked up.

"There is no supervisor at present. The Anbu is directly under the Hokage in terms of authority, and is divided into several captains. Captains and so on." Mitomon Yan replied.

"Someone come." After calling for a long time, no one came. Is there no one guarding outside today?

Sarutobi Hiruzen was a little embarrassed. "In the future, arrange for someone to be on duty at the door. If something happens, you can't find anyone."

"How about this, Koharu, go and make a new copy of the pension and disability subsidy plan according to what I just said, and call Danzo over by the way." Koharu Utane took the documents and went out.

"Yan, doesn't this Anbu have a selection plan? I think the quality of ninjas is a bit uneven. How do the current Anbu ninjas come from?" Sarutobi Hiruzen continued to ask.

Mito Kado En said a little embarrassedly; "It was established when the teacher was in the Anbu, and its full name is the Special Assassination Unit. At that time, all the major ninja clans were very exclusive. So the Anbu only has some small family ninjas and graduates from Konoha Academy in recent years. So it is inevitable that there are some... The teacher also wanted to train some civilian ninjas at the beginning. That's why Konoha Academy was opened."

"This Anbu is currently not in line with its name, right? It is currently acting as the Hokage's follower? But I just called for people and no one came, so what does the Anbu do?" Sarutobi Hiruzen had a headache.

At this time, Danzo pushed the door in.

"Danzo, you are here? Take a look at the situation of this Anbu." Sarutobi Hiruzen handed the file to Danzo.

After a while, Danzo put down the file.

"The functions of the Anbu are not clear, and the rules and regulations are not perfect."

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded: "So I want to change the Anbu into three teams: intelligence, assassination, and guard. The Anbu chief is in charge of the overall situation. The intelligence team is responsible for obtaining intelligence, whether it is a secret agent or an open spy. The assassination team is responsible for hunting down the rebels, or dealing with some things that are not convenient to expose the existence of Konoha. The guard team is to protect some important personnel of Konoha, such as the senior ninja team that is about to go to the Five Kage Association of the Iron Kingdom to perform tasks."

Shimura Danzo complained: "Where is the senior ninja team in the Anbu? They are all crooked. How can you take them out to meet people?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen laughed; "Aren't you a senior ninja? I plan to send you to lead the team to the Five Kage Association."

"As an ambassador?" Shimura Danzo didn't care.

"No, as a guard, I'm ready

"I don't want to protect the evil Uchiha." "How can you say that? They are all from the village." "The Uchiha clan leader has always been dissatisfied with your succession. He has always been at odds with you, but you still give him such an important matter?" "So I sent you to keep an eye on him. I want to stabilize Konoha as soon as possible, but he has been hindering me, and I can't use extreme means. I can only send him out." Sarutobi Hiruzen was full of smiles. "How about you change someone?" "Who? Yan, are you willing to go? Jing is not suitable. Qufeng probably can't contain him. So, you expect Xiaochun to go? So I can only trust you." Sarutobi Hiruzen counted them one by one for him, and then praised him. "Yes, yes, it's still Danzo who should go. "Mizutomon En waved his hands repeatedly.

"It's settled, Danzo go. Let's get back to the Anbu. My idea is to issue an Anbu recruitment letter to the whole village. When the Anbu has no mission, normal ninjas will perform the mission. When there is a mission, they will wear masks to hide their identities. In addition, the Anbu did not have a fixed salary before. From now on, all Anbu personnel will have an Anbu salary of 10,000 taels per month regardless of whether they have a mission or not. If there is a mission, the subsidy will be paid separately.

I don't believe that those big family ninjas will not be tempted. There are many big family ninjas who are poor. If their family blocks them, they will resent the people who block them more and more. Or their family will pay the same subsidy. But I guess no family has the strength to keep paying subsidies, and sooner or later they will not be able to hold on.

This is an open conspiracy. No matter how the family responds, it will be a good thing for the village. "

Mizutomon En asked his own question; "What if those family ninjas only take money but don't work? It's really not difficult to cooperate with the family to do this. "

"Think about it, how can you not work? It is natural for ANBU members to do ANBU tasks. If they are delayed once, it can be forgiven. If they often do not do ANBU tasks, they will be expelled. In addition, we must go to the Hokage Building to collect our fixed salary. The family ninjas have more contact with the village. Do you think there will be suspicion among those families?"

"In this case, those family ninjas can only be considered part-time. Sometimes they may not perform ANBU tasks wholeheartedly. So much money has been spent to raise a bunch of family ninjas. "

Sarutobi Hiruzen "Nothing can be eaten in one bite. Don't be so impatient. Now there are not so many tasks in the ANBU. Part-time is already very good. We have to slowly promote the ninjas belonging to Konoha. Now it is just an emergency plan. When the ninjas of Konoha grow up, it will be fine. "

Sarutobi Hiruzen thought for a while and said: "Yan, I will give you a task."

Mitomon Yan: "Just tell me what it is. ”

Sarutobi Hiruzen; "I plan to compile a history of Konoha. Record all the major events from 10 years before the birth of Konoha to the present."

Mito Kado En; "That is to say, the events of the last 30 years? What is the purpose of recording this?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen; "There are several purposes. The first is to appease the old predecessors who participated in the establishment of the village. Record their glorious events, give them honor, and appease them not to make trouble. After all, we have been taking actions since we came to power. I believe there will be more actions that are more beneficial to Konoha in the future. So give them a reassurance first. Konoha will not forget them. The second is to find out some things to verify a certain conjecture in my mind.

Also, I want to pass on the experience of the predecessors. Let the younger generations have a reference. ”

Shimura Danzo; "Huruzen, I feel that you are too naive. Do you think they will be fooled? Which one is not an old fox? Can they not see through what you said?"

"See through it? Hiruzen is an open conspiracy. "Mito Kado En

"What conspiracy or conspiracy, it's all for the village. Don't think so darkly, I don't think those seniors are so narrow-minded. By the way, Danzo, go and call a team of Anbu to guard my place. There are so many things to do every day, and there is no one to convey the government orders. I can't even call anyone in. Also, go and call Jing, there are some things that need to be communicated to Jing." Danzo left irritably.

Sarutobi Hiruzen then continued to say to Mito Kado En; "Yan, when writing this history of Konoha, you must be fair and objective. But you must ensure that you praise those seniors as much as possible. Release their good impression. Write more about the hardships of founding the village. Mention less or even don't mention their previous grievances. Lest the conflict be planned and become a bad thing. When writing this, ask each family to send a younger generation to write together. "Sarutobi Hiruzen stopped

"Go on, keep talking, I'm listening." Mito Kado En urged.

Sarutobi Hiruzen said unhappily, "Don't you have your own ideas? Give me some suggestions or opinions. I can't think of everything. You have to find out the gaps for me."

Mito Kado En also rolled his eyes: "Okay, but I think what you said is right. I support it. I don't have any suggestions."

"That's about it. If there are any problems, we will study them together. You go ahead and do your work."

Mito Kado En took the documents and went out and closed the door.

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