The old man was very angry.

Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned slightly, feeling helpless about Danzo's stubbornness. He knew that Danzo was a man with strong obsession and ambition, but he never thought of restraining him. He just hoped that Danzo could understand that his approach had deviated from the right path and posed a potential threat to the future of Konoha Village.

"Danzo, I have never regarded you as an alien. I have always regarded you as my friend and partner. But your obsession has made you deviate from the established track. I hope you can put aside your personal desires and put the interests of Konoha Village first. This is our responsibility as ninjas." Sarutobi Hiruzen said firmly.

Danzo's face suddenly became extremely ugly, and he angrily retorted: "Deviating from the right path? What qualifications do you have to blame me? Everything I did was to consolidate my power and status. And you, aren't you doing whatever it takes to keep your power?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen slowly shook his head, revealing a hint of helplessness in his eyes: "Danzo, you are totally wrong. Everything I did was for the peace and tranquility of Konoha Village. 'As long as there are leaves flying, fire will burn.' This is the symbol of the will of fire in Konoha Village, and we can't let it go out."

Danzo pondered silently for a moment, and finally slowly said: "Okay, Sarutobi. My previous extreme remarks were impulsive, and I am willing to compromise for a while. But you must promise me that you can't let Orochimaru control too much power."

Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help laughing when he heard Danzo's words. He knew that Orochimaru was a strong contender for the next Hokage, and Danzo's request was simply nonsense. "Danzo, your compromise is not realistic at all. Orochimaru will take power no matter what, and we have no reason to stop him." Sarutobi Hiruzen responded firmly.

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded, indicating that he would handle the matter carefully. "Danzo, you don't have to worry about it. I will handle Orochimaru's power carefully and will never let him have too much control." He said solemnly.

Danzo's mouth corners slightly raised, revealing a sly smile: "I hope you can be consistent in your words and deeds, Sarutobi. Otherwise, you will regret it." He deliberately left this sentence, hoping to leave a trace of worry in Sarutobi Hiruzen's heart.

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Danzo's back, his heart full of worry. "Danzo, I hope you can understand that our goals are the same, all for the future of Konoha Village. But we must choose the right path and cannot be blinded by power and desire." He said softly.

He knew that he had tried his best to persuade Danzo, but whether Danzo could understand and change his approach was still unknown. However, he was confident that as long as he could stick to his original intention, the future of Konoha Village would become better.

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a deep breath and made up his mind silently that he would not let Konoha Village fall into danger. No matter how much it cost, he would stick to the right path and protect the peace and tranquility of Konoha Village.

The next day, the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen convened the village committee again and personally submitted the "Proposal on Allocating 1 billion to Establish a Ninjutsu Research Department" to the Konoha Village Committee.

When this proposal was put on the meeting table of the village committee, it immediately attracted the attention of all the committee members.

They knew that the importance of ninjutsu to Konoha Village was self-evident, and the establishment of a special ninjutsu research and development department would likely bring great changes and progress to the village.

The atmosphere in the meeting room was solemn and serious, and the committee members carefully read every detail of the proposal.

The third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen personally attended the meeting and elaborated in detail on the necessity and far-reaching significance of establishing a ninjutsu research and development department.

With his rich experience and outstanding leadership, he clearly depicted the future development blueprint of this department.

"Everyone knows that ninjutsu is the foundation and source of strength of our Konoha Village. In today's complex and ever-changing situation in the ninja world, we must continue to innovate and improve ninjutsu to ensure the safety and prosperity of the village." The words of the Third Hokage were powerful and deeply touched everyone's heart.

Everyone began a heated discussion, analyzing the feasibility and potential impact of this proposal from different angles. Some people raised the issue of funding, worrying whether the huge investment could get a corresponding return; some people paid attention to the selection and training of talents, believing that this is the key to the success of the department; others put forward their own views on the research direction and goals, hoping to ensure that the research results meet the actual needs of the village.

However, despite

Although there are some concerns and doubts, everyone knows that this proposal is crucial to the future of Konoha Village.

After an in-depth discussion and weighing, the vast majority of the committee members firmly stood in support.

In fact, as mentioned earlier, Sarutobi Hiruzen's prestige in Konoha is unmatched, and the committee members are all his teammates and disciples. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is to suppress Danzo.

In the end, the village committee unanimously passed the proposal of the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen to set up a ninjutsu research and development department. The rapid achievement of this decision fully reflects the efficiency and unity of the Konoha Village Committee.

The Hokage Building quickly posted a notice signed by the committee, which is as follows:

Konoha Village, as our homeland that we jointly protect and build, has always shouldered the mission of gaining a foothold in the ninja world and growing stronger. In today's competitive and volatile ninja world environment, we must always maintain a high degree of vigilance and enterprising spirit, and constantly improve our strength and competitiveness. As the core source of power for our ninjas, the importance of in-depth research and development of ninjutsu is self-evident.

The establishment of the Ninjutsu Research Department has far-reaching significance and necessity in many aspects.

First of all, the innovation and breakthrough of Ninjutsu is the key to our response to various challenges and crises. With the development of the times, the strength and means of the enemy are constantly evolving, and we cannot rely solely on traditional Ninjutsu and tactics to deal with it. Through a professional research department, we can concentrate resources and talents to conduct systematic research and development of Ninjutsu, create more powerful, efficient and unique Ninjutsu, and thus enhance our advantages in battle.

Secondly, the Ninjutsu Research Department will become a cradle for cultivating outstanding ninjas and Ninjutsu experts. In this department, young ninjas will have the opportunity to access the most cutting-edge Ninjutsu knowledge and research results, and receive guidance and training from senior experts. They will thrive here and cultivate batches of backbone forces for the future of Konoha Village.

Furthermore, the research results of the Ninjutsu Research Department will have a positive impact on all areas of Konoha Village. Whether in combat, medical treatment, intelligence gathering or other aspects, new Ninjutsu is likely to bring revolutionary changes and improve the overall operational efficiency and strength level of Konoha Village.

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