He walked to the desk and opened the drawer. Inside was a thick notebook filled with the thoughts and experiences of Sarutobi Hiruzen, the previous Hokage. Orochimaru carefully flipped through each page, hoping to better understand the duties and mission of the Hokage through these records so as to better face future challenges. On the wall of the study hung a huge map, which was densely marked with the locations of Konoha and other villages and various geographical information. Orochimaru pointed to the marks on the map and said to himself: "The development of Konoha and the relationship with other villages, all of these need me to understand and master. Only through communication and cooperation with other villages can Konoha gain a foothold in the ninja world." He took a deep breath and looked at the quiet and mysterious atmosphere in the study. He knew that he was about to face a difficult test, but he would not back down. He would strive to become a qualified Hokage and lead Konoha to a more glorious future.

Orochimaru's eyes fell on Sarutobi Hiruzen's notebook again, and he gently closed it and put it back in the drawer. He knew that no matter what difficulties he encountered, he could rely on Sarutobi Hiruzen's wisdom and experience to guide himself. He felt sincere gratitude and respect, because it was Sarutobi Hiruzen's teaching and trust that gave him the opportunity to become a Hokage.

"Master, don't worry, I will definitely inherit your will, become an outstanding Hokage, and contribute my strength to the peace of Konoha and the ninja world." Orochimaru swore silently.

The atmosphere in the study seemed to be more solemn. Orochimaru looked at the scrolls on the bookshelf with a firm gaze. He knew that there was endless wisdom and power here. He would use his wisdom and power to interpret and apply them to create a more prosperous tomorrow for Konoha.

The sky of Konoha Village was as blue as a wash, and the sun was softly sprinkled in every corner of the village. Today is an important day of historical significance for Konoha Village - the third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen is about to step down and pass the position of Hokage to the fourth Hokage Orochimaru.

The central square of the village has long been crowded with Konoha villagers and ninjas. They are waiting for the arrival of this historic moment with excitement and solemnity.

Among the crowd, there are white-haired old men who have witnessed the rise and fall of Konoha Village; there are young ninjas whose eyes are full of expectations for the future; and there are innocent children who are curiously looking around in their parents' arms.

On the high platform of the square, the third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen stood there quietly, his eyes deep and calm, as if he was looking back on his long and legendary career as a Hokage.

He wore the iconic Hokage cloak, his hair fluttering gently in the breeze, and the years left deep marks on his face, but his posture was still upright, exuding an awe-inspiring majesty.

Beside him, the Fourth Hokage Orochimaru stood tall, his black hair shining in the sun.

His face was a little serious and calm, and there was a hint of expectation in his eyes.

Orochimaru wore a brand new Hokage cloak, which seemed to symbolize the heavy responsibility he was about to shoulder.

As time approached, the atmosphere in the square became more solemn. No one spoke, only the sound of the breeze blowing gently.

Finally, the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen slowly raised his hand and signaled everyone to be quiet. His voice was steady and powerful, and it sounded clearly throughout the square: "People of Konoha, today is an important moment in Konoha Village. I, Sarutobi Hiruzen, as the Third Hokage, will complete my mission and hand over the position of Hokage to the young and promising Orochimaru."

There was a slight commotion in the crowd, but it soon returned to silence, and everyone listened attentively to the speech of the Third Hokage.

Sarutobi Hiruzen swept his eyes over everyone in the audience and continued, "During the years I have been Hokage, we have experienced countless challenges and difficulties. Wars, disasters, threats from enemies... But every time, the people of our Konoha Village united as one and overcame everything together. This is the spirit of our Konoha Village and the foundation for our survival and development."

He paused, his eyes full of emotion: "Now that I am old, it is time to hand over this responsibility to a younger and more energetic generation. Orochimaru, he is the pride of our Konoha Village, an outstanding ninja, and a responsible and wise leader. I believe that under his leadership, Konoha Village will usher in a more prosperous and beautiful future.

Come. "

After saying that, Sarutobi Hiruzen turned around and faced Orochimaru. Orochimaru bowed deeply to Sarutobi Hiruzen, his eyes full of respect and gratitude.

Sarutobi Hiruzen gently patted Orochimaru on the shoulder and said: "Orochimaru, from now on, you are the Hokage of Konoha Village. Remember, the responsibility of the Hokage is great. You must always consider the interests of the village and work hard for the happiness of the villagers. No matter how big the difficulties and challenges are, you must be firm in your beliefs and move forward courageously. "

Orochimaru nodded solemnly and said: "Master, don't worry. I will do my best to live up to your expectations and the trust of Konoha Village. "

At this time, warm applause and cheers rang out from the audience. The villagers shouted: "The Third Hokage has worked hard!" "Come on, the Fourth Hokage! "

Amid the cheers, Sarutobi Hiruzen slowly took off his Hokage cloak and solemnly put it on Orochimaru. This moment symbolized the completion of the transfer of power of the Hokage.

Orochimaru straightened up and faced the villagers and ninjas in the audience. He said loudly: "My fellow countrymen of Konoha, thank you for your trust and support. I know that the position of Hokage is not only an honor, but also a heavy responsibility. I will inherit the will of the Third Hokage and work tirelessly for the peace and development of Konoha Village. We will face the challenges of the future together and create a more glorious tomorrow for Konoha Village! "

Thunderous applause and cheers rang out again in the square.

After the handover ceremony, Sarutobi Hiruzen slowly walked down the platform surrounded by the crowd. He had a gratified smile on his face, but his eyes also showed a trace of reluctance.

Orochimaru stayed on the platform and communicated with the people who came to congratulate him. Beside him were his fellow disciples, the head of the Anbu Department, Hatake Sakumo, the head of the Medical Department, Tsunade, the head of the Education Department, Mitarai Naoto, the head of the Mission Department, Yuhi Shinku, and the head of the Foreign Affairs Department, Jiraiya.

Among them, the head of the Anbu Department, Hatake Sakumo and the head of the Medical Department, Tsunade, are both members of the village committee. The other members are Uchiha Kagami, who supervises the police department, patrol department, and customs department, Mitomon En, the minister of the political department, Nara Shikako, the secretary general of the secretariat, and Uzumaki Takeo, the minister of the defense department.

In the crowd, there are some old ninjas who once fought side by side with the Third Hokage, and tears flashed in their eyes. They know that the Third Hokage has paid too much for Konoha Village, and his departure is a great loss for Konoha Village, but they also believe that the Fourth Hokage Orochimaru will lead Konoha Village to a new glory.

In the corner, a group of young Genin are discussing excitedly.

"The Fourth Hokage looks so powerful!"

"Yes, I believe that under his leadership, our Konoha Village will definitely become stronger!"

"We must also practice hard and contribute our own strength to the village! "

At this time, the afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled on the roofs of Konoha Village, giving the entire village a layer of golden light. This light seemed to symbolize the hopeful future of Konoha Village.

At night, in the Hokage Building of Konoha Village, Orochimaru sat in the former office of the Third Hokage, quietly thinking about the future development direction. He knew that he was shouldering the expectations of the whole village and had to make some achievements.

On the other side of the village, at Sarutobi Hiruzen's home, he sat in the yard and looked at the stars in the sky. Although he had resigned, his heart was still concerned about Konoha Village.

In the following days, Orochimaru quickly got into the role and started a series of reform and development plans. He strengthened the village's defense, improved the training level of the ninjas, and actively communicated and cooperated with other villages.

Konoha Village has regained new vitality under the leadership of Orochimaru. The third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen quietly paid attention to the development of the village behind the scenes and provided support and advice to Orochimaru.

The history of Konoha Village has continued to write new chapters in the inheritance of generations of Hokage...

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