The next day, Hiruzen Sarutobi came to his own clan early in the morning to find the clan leader, Uegan Sarutobi.

Walking into the clan leader's yard, a ninja dressed in his 18s and 19s just walked out. Seeing Hiruzen Sarutobi, he subconsciously greeted him, "Brother... Lord Hokage."

"At home, this is home, call brother, is uncle here? I want to discuss something with uncle." Hiruzen Sarutobi warmly put his arm around his shoulders.

"Father is in the house."

"Shinya, are you going to carry out the mission?"

"Yes, brother, I'm going to meet up with my teammates now, I won't greet you, you go find father." Shinya Sarutobi said hello and walked out.

"Shinya, be careful." Looking at the back of Sarutobi Shinya going away. Turning his head and going into the house.

"Aunt, is uncle here?"

"It's the day... Hokage-sama, Yougan hasn't woken up yet, you go to the study and wait, I'll go call him."

Sarutobi Hiruzen could only nod his head in response, went to the study and poured himself a cup of tea, and drank it directly without caring whether it was overnight or not.

.... .

After a while, Sarutobi Yougan came in and closed the door.

"I don't know why the Hokage-sama came so early?" He asked bluntly.

"There is no Hokage or clan leader here, only uncle and nephew." Sarutobi Hiruzen apologized with a smile.

"Then may I ask what you are going to do, Hiruzen? You are Hokage, and I strongly support you, but after you became Hokage, the Sarutobi family did not have a share in several major actions. Do you want to be Hokage and don't want the family?" Sarutobi Yougan asked in a low voice.

"I will always remember the kindness of my uncle, but I disagree with you saying that there is no share for the family. There are many people from the Sarutobi family who have entered the Guard Department. I am not wrong, right? Does the Sarutobi family have to take a few captain positions? Those captain positions were negotiated with them, and they will compete again in five years. Besides, if I become Hokage and give the Sarutobi family a lot of benefits, will other families honor me as Hokage? I must ensure fairness when I become Hokage. I can't open a back door for anyone. Everything must be competed fairly."

"Do you not want the family when you become Hokage? Yesterday, the little girl from the Tsunetsuya clan came to me at night and told me that you postponed the disability allowance for the Sarutobi family." Sarutobi Uegan was furious.

"What do you want from me? As a Hokage, I have to pay the disability allowance, but my own family is dragging its feet. You don't know how embarrassed I am when I received this news. Did I pay less disability allowance? Or did I withhold it?" Sarutobi Hiruzen became angry. Then he said: "Uncle, are you short of money? Do you want to embezzle the disability allowance? Can I give you the salary of the Hokage?"

"I won't do such a thing. That's what the Great Elder did." Sarutobi Yougan argued.

"What does the Great Elder want? Spend the village's money as if it were the family's money? Do I still want to be the Hokage? If the Great Elder makes a move in the village's policies in the future, I will not show mercy."

"The Great Elder is an elder, from your grandfather's generation. Besides, we are all from the same clan, why do we care so much?"

"Elder? My only elder in the Sarutobi family is my uncle. What does the Great Elder have to do with me? We have no relatives for several generations above us. What is he? Family? When he comes to you for something, he is a clan member. When he comes to you for nothing, he is just unfamiliar. Is this a family? Uncle."

Sarutobi Yougan was relieved and a little annoyed by Sarutobi Hiruzen's attitude, so he could only change the subject.

"Do you have something to ask me?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen also tacitly didn't want to talk about that topic.

"The ninja school lacks teachers and basic ninjutsu. In addition, the school is too messy and needs to be replanned. Get a few earth escape ninjas to go there to repair the building."

"Didn't the school have the three-body technique and other things when the second generation Kage was here? What other basic ninjutsu do you need?"

"I'm talking about attribute ninjutsu. Basic ninjutsu of various attributes, as well as illusions and so on are needed. Can the clan provide them?"

Sarutobi Uegan only said, "Those are C-level ninjutsu, which are high-destructive ninjutsu. If you give them to children around 10 years old, they will cause trouble."

Sarutobi Hiruzen explained, "I added three years to the school year system, called junior high school, and the first six years are called elementary school. From junior high school, you need to practice attribute ninjutsu. You can control yourself when you are over 10 years old."

"Don't you know those basic ninjutsu? You decide for yourself." Sarutobi Uegan.

"All ninjutsu belong to the Sarutobi clan, so it's better to talk about it.

In addition, when these ninjutsu are handed over to these students, the source will be marked, which family, or whether it is created by the individual, etc. "Sarutobi Hiruzen said.

"Uncle still supports you, but the Sarutobi clan still has elders. Some things are beyond my control, I will try my best to deal with them."

"Thank you for your strong support, uncle. I came here to talk about this matter. The disability subsidy in the future should be based on the village. I still have to visit several other families here, so I will leave first. You are busy, I won't see you off. "


Then Sarutobi Hiruzen visited other non-bloodline families and non-secret families in the past few days. After a lot of discussions, he finally got some basic ninjutsu and basic illusions. He definitely couldn't go to other bloodline families because their skills were basically used in conjunction with bloodline limits, such as Hyuga's Byakugan, which was used in conjunction with Baguazhang. Not to mention whether the basics of Baguazhang can be obtained, if you can, can you practice it?

You said there are also secret families? Please, the core of the secret family is to extend that basic ninjutsu. If you want to take someone else's basic ninjutsu, it's the same as if someone directly gave you the clan library.

In the Hokage's office, Sarutobi Hiruzen checked the basic ninjutsu he had recently acquired one by one. There were two types of ninjutsu, two types of attack, two types of defense, and two types of functions. All of them were basic.

The next thing was the funds. There were two ways to get the funds. One was to accumulate slowly, and the other was to ask the daimyo for funding.

It didn't seem reliable to accumulate. Konoha's funds were basically commissioned from tasks. Now they have set up a large security department. In the future, they will have to improve education and reorganize the Anbu. It must be It will be too late, and it will take a long time, which will bring inconvenience to Konoha's development. As for raising the fees for the customs checkpoints of the Guard Department, it feels like it's not the right time yet. We need to let the ninja world get used to the existence of the checkpoints before we can slowly improve it, with a little bit of classification and a slow improvement. The customs is just in its infancy, so it's not suitable to raise it too high all at once. It's not good for future development.

If we ask the daimyo for funding, we will be restricted by him. Maybe the daimyo will have to share the benefits of the checkpoints, because the existence of the checkpoints will definitely be a huge profit in the future, and the people in the daimyo's mansion can't fail to see it, but the daimyo's mansion can't find a reason, and there is no Ability to keep the level. That's why I didn't intervene.

Some people here said that the daimyo can also charge for official cafes, but think about it, this is the ninja world, you are an ordinary person setting up a pass to intercept ninjas? Looking for death? Most ninjas in this world are not very friendly to ordinary people.

If only someone could give a hundred million silver like the Kazekage, by the way, isn't the Kazekage going to be replaced? Do you want to watch the ceremony? Borrow some money by the way? I am the first hidden village to borrow money from Lao Wu?

Forget it, just ask first.

Sarutobi Hiruzen patted the table, "Lu Xin, Lu Xin. Come in, come in quickly."

Nara Lu Xin pushed open the door and responded: "Hokage-sama."

"Are there any recent news from the Wind Country? Has their Kazekage replacement been completed? Have they sent a letter to invite us to watch the ceremony? "Sarutobi Hiruzen was anxious.

"The change of generation has not been completed yet. According to intelligence, the second generation Kazekage has three disciples, namely Chiyo, Takumi, and Ebizo. Chiyo and Ebizo are siblings. The second generation Kazekage intends Takumi to be the third generation Kazekage, but his disciple Chiyo also intends to compete for the third generation Kazekage. Other family forces in Sand Village support Chiyo. It has not been decided yet who will inherit the third generation Kazekage. The second generation Kazekage did send us a letter, hoping that we would send ninjas to Sand Village for exchanges. Due to busy affairs, we have not had time to respond. "Nara Shikashin bowed and answered.

"What do you think about this? Do you think we should send people to communicate?" Sarutobi Hiruzen asked.

Nara Shikashin thought for a moment, "If there is no special purpose, I personally do not recommend going to communicate, so as not to be involved in the inheritance of Kazekage. At that time, the group of people in Sand Village will hate our Konoha. Of course, it all depends on the decision of the Hokage. "

"Go and reply to the Kazekage, I will send someone to communicate. ”

Seeing Nara Shikashin's puzzled look, Sarutobi Hiruzen had to explain again; "The village has no money, I'm going to go to Sunagakure to get some, you know the village's expenses are a bit high recently. I can only go out to find money myself."

Then he muttered to himself: "In all these years of war, only Sunagakure has only fought for one year, and the rest of the time they basically sold detonating tags, weapons, etc. They definitely have a lot of money, it's just right for me to go and get some. .....Don't look at me like that, I have a way to get the money, isn't their seal of the one-tail not strong enough to keep running out, I'm going to help them seal the one-tail, as for whether the tailed beast Jinchuriki will be a threat to us, that's all in the future, we still have the nine-tail."

"Yes, Hokage-sama

. "Nara Shikashin went out to send a reply letter.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was thinking about taking those people to the exchange. It must be done by people, and the Hokage can't communicate in person, right? Should he take Shikashin with him? He can use him for negotiation, or should he take Shikadai with him? He can leave Shikashin at home to handle things. Should he take a team of the new generation of ninjas? It's a pity that Tsunade and the others are too young, otherwise he would really take them to see the world.

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