After leaving the gold exchange, the Konoha people, led by Sarutobi Hiruzen, rushed to the Sand Village.

There was no more feeling of an outing.

Finally, on the third day, we were almost at the Sand Village. The kind Hokage Yunxi let everyone take a day off to dress up and go to the Sand Village tomorrow.

The three little guys were happy and went to find a hotel to stay in.

After finding a hotel, everyone suggested going to the hot spring to soak and get rid of fatigue.

Three little guys in one hot spring, Sarutobi Hiruzen, Akimichi Tofu, and Nara Shikadai, three in one hot spring.

Nara Shikadai has been persuading Sarutobi Hiruzen not to make a big fuss.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was smiling all the time, but he ignored people and kept talking about some interesting things with Akimichi Tofu.

…. .

While Sarutobi Hiruzen was resting in the town of Wind Country, Sarutobi Shinya returned to Konoha Village with three people. He secretly ordered to find several Hokage to assist.

Uchiha Kagami was also very angry, and immediately took several teams of ninjas to the capital of Fire Country.


This is the Sand Village of Wind Country.

The second generation Kazekage Shamon, Takumi, Chiyo, Ebizo, etc. are all at the entrance of the village.

Sarutobi Hiruzen brought Nara Shikadai, Akimichi Tofu, Yuhi Shinku, Hatake Shimomo, and Mitarai Naoto.

Shamon smiled and shook hands with Sarutobi Hiruzen, and said; "Welcome Hokage, and everyone." He said and motioned to the three disciples to greet people.

"This is my second disciple Takumi, this is Chiyo and Takumi, the Hokage has already met them." Shamon introduced them to the disciples.

Sarutobi Hiruzen also looked at the later third-generation Kazekage calmly. It is said that he is the strongest Kazekage. To see how good Sarutobi Hiruzen is, he needs to open the panel.


Body: 10/10

Spirit: 31/31

Yuan: 28/28

Skills: Advanced Body Mastery, Advanced Combat Mastery

Energy Level: Advanced Wind Mastery, Advanced Energy Mastery, Advanced Earth Mastery

Skills: Intermediate Wind and Earth Fusion - Magnetic Release

Danger Assessment: Medium

Looking at this panel, I can only say that he is worthy of being the future third-generation Kazekage. In addition to his physical weaknesses, hey, not to mention the second brother, Sarutobi Hiruzen's own body is only 12.

Not bad skills, intermediate fusion, can be considered a strong comprehension, this is the model of ordinary genius ninjas, wind and earth fusion is understood by himself. Much more awesome than the Third Mizukage

Sarutobi Hiruzen pointed at Nara Shikadai: "The Kazekage is still strong and vigorous. This is Nara Shikadai, Konoha's advisor." Nara Shikadai was speechless. When did he become Konoha's advisor?

Sarutobi Hiruzen was still introducing: "This is the Hokage's assistant, Akimichi Tofu, who has met the Kazekage. These three are Konoha's new generation ninjas, namely Yuhi Shinku, Hatake Tomoshige, and Mitarai Naoto."

Akimichi Tofu smiled and nodded.

Yuhi Shinku, Hatake Tomoshige, and Mitarai Naoto stood aside and accepted the introduction of the Hokage.

Takumi, looking at the young Konoha's new generation, couldn't help sighing in his heart. It is worthy of being the largest village in the ninja world, and the new generation is endless. These three are not Konoha's big family ninjas. Konoha has so many blood families and secret families, and there must be many outstanding ones. I heard that the Third Hokage also accepted three disciples, so they must be good.

Think about Sand Village again. The training of the new generation of ninjas is a bit behind the times, and now the senior sister has to compete with him for the position of Kazekage. Look at Sarutobi Hiruzen. The teacher has six disciples, and the other disciples work together. There is no trouble.

When I become the Kazekage, I will also lead the development of Sand Village. I can't be worse than the third generation Hokage.

Sand Village is indeed very different from Konoha. The weather here is dry and the wind and sand are constant. It feels like living in the desert. The environment is bad. In fact, when Sand Village was first built, it was an oasis, but the One-Tail came out from time to time to make a few noises. Every time it came out to make a noise, the environment became a little worse. Over time, it has been like this.

After the group exchanged greetings, everyone walked into the Sand Village. The two shadows went to the Kazekage's office. Takumi, Chiyo, Ebizo, and a few other senior ninjas who came over accompanied the other people in Konoha.

In the reception room of the Kazekage's office, Sarutobi Hiruzen took off his hat, shook off the sand on it and put it on the table, and said to Samon: "The environment of Sunagakure is quite special. You can't see such scenery in our Land of Fire."

Samon said with a bitter face: "The environment is getting worse and worse, naturally better than the beautiful scenery of Konoha. Hey, I don't know how many years these newly built houses can last. The wind and sand are strong, and the weathering is severe. Now the energy is getting worse and worse, Sunagakure

My disciples are handling the village. After the Five Kage Federation, Sunagakure lost 400 million. There are a lot of complaints in the village. The succession of the position of Kazekage is not smooth. The daimyo may also cut funding. Sunagakure is really in trouble. "

"Senior, I think the Hidden Village is too dependent on the daimyo and domestic nobles. It is not a good thing." Sarutobi Hiruzen said thoughtfully.

"Why? Since ancient times, ninjas have accepted tasks and entrusted tasks. If the relationship with the daimyo and other nobles is not good, there will be fewer tasks. Without large tasks, ninjas lack economic sources. Therefore, ninjas and noble forces are interdependent. "Shamon was a little confused.

Sarutobi Hiruzen thought for a while, "I think we rely too much on the tasks of the nobles. It will have an adverse impact on the development of the Hidden Village and it is not a good thing for the ninja world."

Shamon was shocked: "Then how do you think the Hokage should change it?"

"I think ninjas should have their own lives and their own ideals instead of being tools of the nobles. Tools can be discarded at will. I met someone from the gold exchange on my way to the Kingdom of Wind. The lives of ninjas are just a few silver coins to the nobles. If you don't like someone today, you can pay some money to issue a bounty mission, and soon other ninjas will come to exchange their bodies for money. Even I, the Hokage, am only worth 80 million taels in the eyes of the nobles. "Sarutobi Hiruzen still can't say too much ahead of time, so just talk about it briefly.

Shamon looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen in shock. He wanted to say something but didn't say it. The tattoo on his face twitched.

After a long silence, he finally let it go. He said slowly: "Maybe I'm old and just want to protect the previous Kazekage and the Sand Village we created, but time is moving forward and never stops. I don't know what the future will be like. The future of the ninja world is in the hands of you young people. "

Looking at the old man in front of him, Sarutobi Hiruzen forced a smile and slapped his knees with both hands: "My fault, my fault, Senior Shamon did not ask me to come here to listen to my complaints, let's talk about business, let's talk about business."

Sarutobi Hiruzen's face turned serious, "Then how does the Kazekage need Konoha to help you?"

Just now, the conflict between the chat ninja and the nobles was inspired, and the Kazekage did not take this up.

Then the matter between the chat villages will need to be public to public. You want to represent Sand Village, and I have to represent Konoha. Who is not a shadow?

Hearing Sarutobi Hiruzen change his name, Shamon's face also changed.

"Recently, the seal of the tailed beasts in Sand Village has been unstable, which has brought great trouble to the environment of Sand Village. I heard that Konoha's sealing technique is unique, so Sand Village hopes that Konoha can uphold the friendship of the Five Shadows Association and give us help."

"Then what price is the Kazekage prepared to pay?" Sarutobi Hiruzen said softly.

"To gain the friendship of Sand Village? "Shamon tried.

Sarutobi Hiruzen laughed sarcastically, "The Kazekage is joking. Do you believe in friendship? Everything has a price. It depends on whether the Kazekage can afford it. I can solve the three dilemmas of Sand Village that the Kazekage mentioned before, but can you afford the price?

Everyone knows how difficult the sealing technique is. Konoha relied on the dowry of Mito-sama to have the opportunity to study it. Now the Kazekage wants to get the friendship of Sand Village with just a light touch. Isn't it a bit too high to think of the friendship of Sand Village? Let's talk about something practical. I'm a straightforward person. How much money do you want?"

"Talking about money hurts feelings. I think the friendship of Sand Village is still worth a lot." Shamon said with a smile.

Sarutobi Hiruzen rolled his eyes, "The Kazekage is not authentic. Now the friendship of Sand Village is equal to the friendship of the Kazekage. Will the next generation of the Kazekage recognize this friendship in a few years? Even if they recognize it, what about the next generation? Friendship will always depreciate and deteriorate over time. I don't want to consider people's hearts, so it's best to talk about money. It's good for you, me and everyone else."

"How much money does Konoha want? We don't have much money in the Sand Village. We lost 400 million in the last Five Kage Association." Shamon turned bitter again.

"A hidden village won't go bankrupt if it loses 400 million. Not to mention the funding from the Daimyo of the Wind Country, the annual mission volume of the Sand Village is more than 400 million. The Sand Village has been recuperating for so many years, and it has made a few war profits in the past wars. Can the Kazekage cry poor in front of us Konoha? Our Konoha has been at war with four countries in succession, and we can't even pay the pensions, and there are still so many disability subsidies owed. I just see that the Sand Village is rich, and I think I can make more than 1 billion to pay the disability subsidies. So for the friendship between the two countries, can the Kazekage help us? "Sarutobi Hiruzen did not hesitate to expose Shamen's little trick. You said it was for friendship, then I also said it was for friendship. Let's see what you can do. Your friendship with Sand Village is valuable, but my friendship with Konoha is not valuable?

Shamen's face twitched. This is a shot in the foot.

We can't talk about friendship anymore. We can't talk about friendship with Sarutobi Hiruzen, a shameless little guy.

Seeing the pained look on Samon's face, Sarutobi Hiruzen said: "In fact, the tailed beasts are just like that. What war weapons are not war weapons? We in Konoha have never taken the tailed beasts seriously. We have never used tailed beasts in the battles with the four countries. You see, the eight-tailed beast is strong enough, but I beat him up in the Iron Country. If I wasn't afraid that the Raikage would get angry and the Five Kage Alliance would have an accident, I would definitely try to see how it feels to kill a tailed beast."

Looking at Sarutobi Hiruzen's pretentious look, I really want to beat him up.

Samon gritted his teeth and said: "Konoha's strength is well known, otherwise how could it be attacked by the four countries? We in Sunagakure don't have the confidence that Konoha doesn't take the tailed beasts seriously, so the tailed beasts still have to be dealt with properly. The Hokage should rest today, and we will discuss the issue of the tailed beasts tomorrow."

Samon made a gesture to see him off, and Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't force him to stay, always feeling that this cup was not very complete.

As expected, no one cooperated, so it was not very fun to pretend.

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