Outside the cave, Sarutobi Hiruzen led the three to a place with a high wind and a far view.

In fact, the original intention of sending the young generation out was to have an exchange with Sand Village. Unfortunately, because of the Shukaku riot, neither Sand Village nor Konoha had the mind to arrange it, but the three of them did not lose out. They came to Sand Village and not only became disciples of the Hokage, but also learned Shukaku's ninjutsu experience. It can be said that they have gained a lot.

They are now at the critical moment of being promoted to Jonin. Sarutobi Hiruzen is worried that when he returns to the village, he will be overwhelmed by a large number of affairs, resulting in no time to teach them. So he plans to find time to remind them on the way.

Sarutobi Hiruzen found a stone and sat on it.

"You three are the best of the new generation of Konoha. I am glad to accept you as my disciples this time, which also proves your excellence. But since I have accepted you as my disciples, I have to be responsible for you. You are all on the road to promotion to jonin. You are all 12-13 years old. This stage is very critical. Tell me what your plans are for the future of ninjutsu. Shinku goes first."

Xihi Shinku said seriously: "Teacher, I have a different understanding of illusion. I want to focus on illusion in the future. I think illusion can hit the target with one strike. In combat, The simplest. Because once you are hit by an illusion, it means the end of the battle. The body may be strong or weak, but the spirit is almost the same. Whether it is a physical ninja or a ninjutsu ninja, the spirit is their weakness, and illusion can be treated equally. Maybe some ninjas can quickly remove illusions based on experience, or avoid being hit by illusions based on experience, but this is just a battle of experience. So I think illusions are the strongest, and I will go with illusions in the future. "

"Come on, release an illusion on me, let me see the quality of your illusions," said Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"Yihi Shinku made seals with both hands and said to Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Teacher, I'm sorry. ”

He then activated the "Illusion - Tree Binding Kill".

Sarutobi Hiruzen did not resist, and in the blink of an eye he found himself tied to a tree, with a long vine growing from the roots of the tree and entwining around him. Sarutobi Hiruzen looked around and found that a person was staring at him from above the tree, and it was Yuhi Shinku.

Sarutobi Hiruzen did not undo the illusion, but said to Yuhi Shinku in the illusion space: "This move is the "Magic - Tree Binding Kill" created by the first generation, which was originally intended to make the opponent think that he was fighting with a Wood Release Ninja. The principle is to use this illusion to make the enemy fall into an illusion, and produce: Is the legendary first generation Hokage fighting now? Or is there a first generation Hokage in the enemy's army? Because the only one in the entire ninja world who can use Wood Release is the first generation Hokage, this is to use the fear of the first generation Hokage in the ninja world to produce the effect.

As for you, let's not talk about showing your face. Let me tell you about the shortcomings I found. First, my body tells me that I am blowing the evening breeze. Second, the breath brought by the evening breeze has the dusty breath of myself and you all running all the way. Third, I can vaguely hear the breathing of Sakumo and Naoto. All of this makes me feel that this is unreal. When a ninja realizes that he has been hit by an illusion, isn't it easy to break the illusion?

Or you will say, then let the person who is hit can't break it? But even if the person who is hit can't break it, doesn't he have other ways to deal with it? For example, cast a defensive ninjutsu, isn't it easy? "

After a pause, Sarutobi Hiruzen broke free from the illusion, returned to reality and continued: "The purpose of the illusion is to make the enemy believe and make wrong judgments, causing the opponent to make mistakes. Thereby increasing your chances of winning the battle, rather than showing off in the enemy's illusion world. "Sarutobi Hiruzen glanced at Yuhi Shinku, who blushed in embarrassment.

Sarutobi Hiruzen continued, "Your illusion is now focused on vision. Although vision is the biggest source of information for people, the other four senses can also obtain information from the outside world. Therefore, the more sensory effects the illusion has on the person, the more real the illusion can be.

There is another weakness in illusion. I'll let you experience it yourself. Sakumo, come and compete with Shinku."

Hatake Sakumo bowed in response.

Sarutobi Hiruzen took Naoto Mitarai to one side.

Yuhi Shinku and Hatake Sakumo made a seal of opposition with each other. Then they started fighting.

Yuhi Shinku was about to make a seal with both hands, but unfortunately Hatake Sakumo rushed to her before she finished the seal. She had to stop making a seal and use the instant body technique to dodge. She jumped back and Yuhi Shinku took out a few shurikens.

Throw it at Hatake Sakumo, who blocked it casually, without affecting the tactical action.

Yuhi Shinku used the instant body technique again, retreated, and did not have enough time to seal.

Dodging left and right was not a solution, Yuhi Shinku took out a few shurikens, attached detonating talismans to them, and threw them out. This time, Hatake Sakumo's vision was affected by the smoke of the detonating talismans, and he did not have time to interrupt Yuhi Shinku's seal.

Yuhi Shinku quickly received the seal and released the illusion to Hatake Sakumo, but Hatake Sakumo did not stop the chopping action and slashed straight at Yuhi Shinku. Sarutobi Hiruzen had to release a ninjutsu to rescue Yuhi Shinku.

Yuhi Shinku was still in shock, and said to Hatake Sakumo: "You are not under the illusion?".

Hatake Sakumo stood still and said coolly: "You are in the illusion, but your position is there. For a swordsman, it is very easy to keep the direction of the sprint unchanged."

Sarutobi Hiruzen interrupted: "Shinku, do you see your shortcomings now? You can't deal with high-speed ninjas. And even if you are in the illusion, they can still attack you. You can specialize in illusions, but you can't just know illusions. Whether it is illusions, physical skills, or ninjutsu, they are just means to win battles. It is often better to use them together."

Hatake Sakumo asked confidently in confusion: "Teacher, when I was in school, the teachers taught that when manpower is limited, ninjas should choose the one they have talent for. Jingyan, I think it's right. I'm now specialized in swordsmanship. I think I can deal with any type of ninja. "

"Sayun, you are now a special jonin. You should know what the responsibilities of a jonin are. A jonin is: an elite ninja from each country. They are the backbone of a ninja village. They stand at the top of the ninja army with outstanding wisdom, benevolence and courage. Konoha jonin pays special attention to this aspect. Is there any jonin who only knows swordsmanship, or is there any jonin who only knows illusion? "Looking at Hatake Sakumo's blind confidence, Sarutobi Hiruzen knew that it was time to give him a little setback to strengthen his growth and forge his will. Otherwise, his future tragedy is still inevitable, since he committed suicide because of the message.

Sarutobi Hiruzen said to Hatake Sakumo with an inexplicable look: "Come and attack me, I'll show you how a jonin fights."

Hatake Sakumo was so excited that he walked to Sarutobi Hiruzen and stood 10 meters away. It's not often that he has the opportunity to fight a shadow-level strongman. After Hatake Sakumo finished the seal of opposition, he used swordsmanship to rush towards Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Sarutobi Hiruzen stood still, stretched out his hand and grabbed Hatake Sakumo's wrist, then threw him away and said, "Come again."

Hatake Sakumo adjusted his posture again, drew his sword and chopped over, but still couldn't reach Sarutobi Hiruzen. Instead, he was always beaten back by Sarutobi Hiruzen with various fancy techniques.

Hatake Sakumo was beaten away again, with a look of dissatisfaction on his face.

He held the sword solemnly with both hands, and a thin ray of blue light appeared on the sword and on his body. This is the essence of wind escape learned from Shukaku.

Hatake Sakumo rushed towards Sarutobi Hiruzen again, this time his speed was greatly improved, but it was still useless, and he still couldn't touch the corner of his clothes, and was beaten away at the first sight.

This continued for a while, and Sarutobi Hiruzen burst out with strength and threw Hatake Sakumo heavily to the ground.

He said angrily: "Enough."

Hatake Sakumo staggered to his feet and looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen in confusion.

Sarutobi Hiruzen adjusted his mood and looked at the young Hatake Sakumo. He wondered if he was too harsh on him, perhaps because he knew the height he could reach and his final outcome in his previous life. The impact caused. Now he is only a 15-year-old child.

Sarutobi Hiruzen considered his words and thought about how to say it better.

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked around and drew a straight line on the ground, about 200 meters, with stones, wood, low and uneven places, and puddles in the middle of the road.

He called three disciples and said to them: "From the starting point to the end point, Shinku, you can only move forward on one leg, Sakumo, you can only run forward, you are not allowed to jump. Naoto, you can move forward in any way. As long as you don't deviate from the route to the end point, it's fine. Go."

Naoto Mitarashi was the fastest, jumping over the puddle, crossing the wood, climbing over the stone, and reaching the end point directly

Shizuku Yuhi jumped forward on one leg, which was not a problem for an elite Chunin. It was just a bit slow and awkward, and there were dangers in the middle. He didn't jump over the puddle with one leg, and he couldn't cross the wood and stone.

Next, Hatake Sakumo ran forward, waded through the puddle, fell again, smashed the wood, moved the stone, and finally arrived at the end with a bloody head, ragged clothes, and wet body.

Seeing that they didn't understand what it meant


Sarutobi Hiruzen appeared at the right time to explain to them: "If this path is your ninja path, whether you are moving forward on one leg or running, any difficulties you encounter on the way will cause you to fall behind or prevent you from reaching your destination. There is no end point. So the teacher is here to tell you something, please remember it.

You can become a powerful ninja by specializing in one path, but you cannot become an excellent ninja.

A ninja who is proficient in multiple paths can become a comprehensive ninja, but he cannot become an excellent ninja.

But a ninja who specializes in one path and is proficient in multiple paths can not only become an excellent ninja, but even a great ninja.

There is no end to the path of ninja. We ninjas should also be fully prepared to climb the path of ninja. We should not let any difficulties and obstacles on the path of ninja become obstacles for us to climb the path of ninja. "

Sarutobi Hiruzen's inspiring words were deeply imprinted in the hearts of the three of them, became their motto in the future, and spread.

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