After the two of them met, they were still very close.

Seeing that everyone knew each other, Naoto Mitarai said, "We are entrusted by the teacher to guide your practice."

"Why don't you guide us yourself? You don't seem that good." Jiraiya jumped up and said. Tsunade and Orochimaru also looked at him

Yohi Shinku stood up and said: "Our teacher, the Third Hokage, is busy with affairs, and you three are in the process of laying the foundation. So he has not been able to guide you in your practice. The teacher said that laying a good foundation is the most important, so on the way back from Sand Village, the teacher asked us to guide you. So we are here, as for whether we are powerful or not, you can try it."

Hatake Sakumo, who had been taciturn, suddenly stood up and said: "Come on, let me be your opponent, test your quality, and then make a training plan for you, you all come together." After saying that, he jumped to the middle of the venue and waved at them.

"Don't look down on others, I will teach you a lesson." Jiraiya rushed out first, and while rushing forward, he took out a few shurikens from his ninja bag and threw them over. Unfortunately, Hatake Sakumo didn't move, and those shurikens didn't hit, which made Hatake Sakumo roll his eyes.

Tsunade chased after Jiraiya and punched him on the head: "Stupid, pay attention, you can't even throw the shuriken properly. Brother Sakumo is very powerful.

Jiraiya touched his head and said angrily: "Violent girl, the shuriken I just threw was to block his movement, you see he didn't move at all." It was also strange, after Jiraiya explained it this way, it seemed to be true. As for why he didn't move at all, those who understand will understand.

Orochimaru also rushed up and stood side by side with the two.

The three of them whispered a few words and discussed the battle plan.

They rushed out in three directions, Orochimaru was at the end, Jiraiya and Tsunade rushed up from both sides, using shuriken and taijutsu to attack Hatake Sakumo, it seemed that the fight was back and forth. In fact, Hatake Sakumo was at ease, just playing with them, after all, it was to test them. They were all fighting carelessly.

Orochimaru, who was in the back, was seriously making seals, and when he found the right time, Orochimaru shouted: "Now is the time. "

He slapped his hands on the ground and used "Earth Style - Earth Splitting Palm". In an instant, a crack appeared on the ground and headed towards Hatake Sakumo. Jiraiya and Tsunade were ready when they heard Orochimaru's voice. They took the opportunity to retreat, and Orochimaru's Earth Style just landed at Hatake Sakumo's feet. The ground under Hatake Sakumo's feet suddenly broke into pieces and tilted left and right. Under the strong shaking, Hatake Sakumo's body was also shaking and unstable.

At this time, Tsunade rushed up and slapped Hatake Sakumo with her right hand. Attack, there is a clear water belt on the wrist, "Great Water Arm Technique"

Hatake Sakumo was hit by the "Great Water Arm" that had just been collected, and the powerful force made Hatake Sakumo retreat.

On the other side, Jiraiya also completed the seal, "Fire Style-Flame Bullet" opened his mouth and spit out a huge ball of fire to hit Hatake Sakumo, and the smoke and dust from the flames blocked everyone's sight.

Jiraiya said proudly: "It's not that powerful, but we defeated him easily."

At this time, the flames dissipated, and a round wood appeared where Hatake Sakumo was.

"Substitution Technique, when, damn it." Jiraiya's happy face instantly turned into a bitter face.

Orochimaru shouted: "Jiraiya, the battle is not over yet, be careful. "

The three of them were on guard, and no one was seen for a long time.

Suddenly a voice came: "Earth escape - the art of beheading in the heart"

The three of them jumped out without hesitation. Only Jiraiya was a step slower and was pulled into the earth, leaving only his head outside.

Orochimaru, who jumped away, did not hesitate to make a seal and use the "Earth Splitting Palm" again.

I saw a crack on the ground quickly spread to Jiraiya, cracking the surrounding soil. Jiraiya took the opportunity to escape, and vaguely saw Hatake Sakumo squatting in the soil A look of surprise flashed across his face. Hatake Sakumo could only crawl out of the ground helplessly. Then Tsunade used the Gosuibijutsu to attack again, but it didn't work. Gradually, she couldn't hold on any longer and was kicked away by Hatake Sakumo.

With the current chakra of Orochimaru and Jiraiya, they could probably still release a ninjutsu, but there was not much objection.

So they all ended the fight and went to help Tsunade.

Hatake Sakumo walked up to them and smiled: "It's unexpectedly good. I recognize you, my junior brothers and sisters."

Yuhi Shinku and Mitarai Naoto beside them also came over with smiles. These three junior brothers and sisters performed really well.

, all have the demeanor of a Genin team.

Then Hatake Sakumo smiled and gave his evaluation: "You three cooperated well. The general Genin team may not be your opponent. The only thing is that your physical strength is a little weak and your foundation is not very good. Of course, you are still young, so this is not a problem."

Praised, Orochimaru and Tsunade laughed. Jiraiya was no longer as irritable as before. He touched his head and showed an awkward smile of being at a loss. Unexpectedly, they who had not shouted loudly just now would also be praised.

"Okay, let's go to the first training ground. The teacher is still waiting." Yuhi Shinku said.

"The teacher is waiting for us at the first training ground?"

"Yes, the teacher sent us to take you to the first training ground." Hatake Sakumo smiled and answered, then carried Tsunade on his back. With a whoosh, he disappeared.

"Let's go too." Yuhi Shinku carried Jiraiya on his back, and Mitarashi Naoto carried Orochimaru on his back. Chasing after Hatake Sakumo.

First training ground. Sarutobi Hiruzen was lying on a tree branch looking at a scroll.

He could feel the disciples approaching in his mind, and watched the three big ones carrying the three small ones. Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled with satisfaction. In this deformed world, killing teachers and fathers is not uncommon, and brothers often turn against each other. Sarutobi Hiruzen did not want to train a few ungrateful people, who would grow old and be killed by their own disciples like in the original work, even though Orochimaru later killed the original body because he could not bear to see his former teacher, the hero of the ninja world, grow old like this.

Thinking of this, Sarutobi Hiruzen could not help but look at his own panel. Body 13/13, the electromagnetic body strengthening technique he developed has also achieved initial results. Later, he will see if he can study the technique of eternal youth and immortality. Of course, he cannot study human experiments like Orochimaru. Sarutobi Hiruzen plans to study from the aspect of strengthening himself through cultivation. After all, immortality has always been pursued by all kinds of people in power since ancient times in the previous life. They advocate alchemy. Sarutobi Hiruzen was reborn into the extraordinary world of Naruto. He must start from the extraordinary. After all, there are ready-made examples here, such as: Kaguya Otsutsuki, Hagoromo Otsutsuki, Hamura Otsutsuki, etc., and the Otsutsuki clan that appeared decades later. However, it is always too slow to study alone. I still need to train more disciples, and we will study together. I will summarize the final results of my vision. It feels great to think about it. Sarutobi Hiruzen collected his joy and closed the scroll. He sorted out his expression and jumped down, standing in the middle waiting for them.

The disciples arrived one after another and stood in front of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Sarutobi Hiruzen said gently: "You are all here. Do you need me to introduce you?"

"Teacher, just now at school, we met several seniors." Tsunade said.

"Since you all know each other, I won't bother with this. Come on, stand still and sort by age."

The six people reported their ages to each other. The result was that Hatake Sakumo was the oldest, Yuhi Shinku was the second, Mitarai Naoto was the third, Orochimaru was the fourth, Jiraiya was the fifth, and Tsunade was the sixth.

"The Sage of the Six Paths said that once you are a teacher, you are a father for life. From now on, you will be the successors of my will, the practitioners of the Ninja Way, the successors of my skills, and the ones who entrust me after my death. And I will be your protector who protects you from the wind and rain, your guide of the Ninja Way, the one who teaches you skills, and the one who raises you before your death. Are you willing to have such a relationship with me?"

"Yes, I do." Jiraiya was the first.

"I do too." Orochimaru looked serious.

"Of course I do," Tsunade.

Hatake Sakumo, Yuhi Shinku, and Mitarai Naoto looked at each other and said, "Teacher, we are willing."

"Okay, you will call me Master from now on, not Teacher. You will not be my apprentices, but my disciples. What is a Master? What is a disciple? The relationship between a Master and a disciple is the same as that between a father and a son." Sarutobi Hiruzen said to them seriously.

"A teacher is a teacher, and a master is a master. There can be many teachers, but there can only be one master. As your master, I will teach you the principles of life, the experience of doing things, the skills to protect yourself, and the guidance of the way of ninja. The relationship between us is closer than that between a teacher and a teacher. I will be your backer in everything. What you have to do is to learn the skills well and pass on my ideas and skills. As long as I know and you can learn, I can teach you."

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a breath and continued: "Does everyone approve of this relationship? Is there anything you want to ask?"

Orochimaru thought for a long time and said: "Then will the master be my father in the future?"

"Yes, I will treat you as my own children, but I am not married yet and have no children. Well, I will try to be a good father." Sarutobi Hiruzen squatted down gently

Come to see Orochimaru, and must lead Orochimaru onto the right path.

Jiraiya said impatiently: "Then father, can you treat me to a bowl of ramen every week?"

"Sure, if you have no place to live in the future, you can move in with me. By the way, you can also move in with me." Sarutobi Hiruzen stood up and said to everyone.

Two Lives Sarutobi Hiruzen was called father for the first time, and he was very excited. He wanted to do his best to treat them well. Thinking of the six disciples and five orphans, he felt that he should buy a yard and live with them, so that they would be raised by his side from childhood. "Yes, that's it. I will buy a yard later, and we will all live there together. Design 7 rooms, one for each of us."

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