In fact, Danzo is bullying these nobles because they are different from others. Now the five major villages have set up permanent personnel in the Five Shadows Association of the Iron Country. They can handle general coordination matters, and major matters need to be decided by the top leaders. There are few opportunities to send A-level tasks to deal with.

This made the Daimyo intervene: "Okay, let's do it. It's not easy in Konoha Village. This little money is just so-so for those who want this quota. Let's decide it. The Daimyo's mansion will host a banquet tonight to entertain the Hokage. Let's all come together to have fun."

After listening to the Daimyo's words, the Hokage did not express any disagreement, so everyone stopped entangled in this issue.

Everyone got along very happily at the banquet in the Daimyo's mansion that night.


After returning to the resting place that night, Sarutobi Hiruzen highly praised Danzo. He didn't expect that Danzo could really get 500 million a year. He also gained a lot from the daimyo's mansion this time. Uchiha Kagami brought back 1 billion before, and the daimyo gave another 1 billion this time. Adding the 500 million from Danzo, it is already 2.5 billion. There is also 630 million from Sunagakure, which is more than 3 billion, equivalent to the 6-year allocation from the daimyo's mansion to Konoha.

Education reform can be put on the agenda. Should we implement nine-year compulsory ninja education in Konoha? This needs to be thought about carefully. Once the nine-year compulsory education is implemented, it will take many years to invest. Only when a batch of ninjas graduate can they contribute to Konoha. Can Konoha's finances support it? Konoha's own fiscal revenue is 400 million per year, and the daimyo's mansion allocates 500 million per year. If there is no problem, the daimyo mentioned earlier that he would increase Konoha's allocation routine, which should make up for Konoha to have about 1 billion available for disposal in one year.

This year, the newly reorganized security department will increase a lot of funds. Add to that the nine-year compulsory ninja education every year, and it can be said that no matter how much money you have, it is not enough. We still need to open up more sources of income, and the trading companies cooperating with the Daimyo Prefecture should strive for a higher share.

"Danzo, I have discussed with the Daimyo about jointly establishing a joint-stock company to be used for the official caravan management of the Land of Fire. There are many interests involved. We will probably discuss the share tomorrow. I will leave it to you. Keep up the good work, I am at ease with you doing things."

"Leave it to me, what is your bottom line?" Danzo asked confidently. I am Hiruzen's right-hand man. I am consulted on major matters and I am asked to handle difficult matters.

"The bottom line is 25%, the higher the better." Sarutobi Hiruzen considered that the Daimyo Prefecture would not easily let Konoha become a wild horse without restraint. You can accept a low share, but you cannot accept the mode of task dispatch. It means to be a boss, not an employee.

"Hiruzen, the Daimyo Mansion has always sent Konoha on missions. This time, they are asking for a share. Will the Daimyo Mansion..." Mitomon En expressed his opinion.

"En, Konoha has always been controlled by the Daimyo Mansion's funds. This generation of Daimyo has a good attitude towards Konoha, but what about the next generation? What about the next generation? Since the establishment of Konoha, it has been controlled by the Daimyo Mansion. If this continues, the status of ninjas will become lower and lower, which is not conducive to the development of Konoha. Now Konoha only has a nominal relationship with the Daimyo Mansion. In a few decades, Konoha will become the Daimyo Mansion's thugs and slowly become a subordinate relationship. Fortunately, Konoha has only been established for 20 years, and we still have a chance to change this problem. The Hidden Village and the Daimyo Mansion are in a cooperative relationship, and this is unshakable.

When the first generation founded the village, they didn't ask us to be subordinates of the daimyo. The original intention of the first generation to establish the village was to end the war in the ninja world and change the fate of ninjas fighting all their lives. We also have to consider the future generations of ninjas. The first and second generations may not be suitable to talk about this matter at that time. If we, the third generation, are still not alert to this problem, it will be too late, and we will become the eternal sinners of Konoha. "

Sarutobi Hiruzen's deafening words aroused the passion of Danzo and Yan, who were also disciples of the first and second generations. Yes, what was the dream of being a ninja? Was it to be a thug for the daimyo? No, it was to fight for the future of the village.

"Hiruzen is right, we are all people who inherit the will of the first generation Hashirama. Tomorrow I will do my best to achieve this goal." Danzo promised with high ambitions.

"I will also cooperate with Danzo to achieve this goal." Mitomon Yan followed up and said, you have brought up the modern Hokage to speak, what can I do?

In fact, this also shows the difference between Shimura Danzo and Mito Kado En in doing things.

Shimura Danzo, you gave me the task and gave me an expected value.

Use all means to achieve the goal.

Mitomon En, you give me the task, but you have to tell me how to do it, and I will do it according to your instructions.

This requires Sarutobi Hiruzen to know how to use people. Danzo sometimes does things by any means, but there is no other way. Konoha has no other peers who can be used alone to support the scene. The predecessors of the previous generation all carry the family mark. The first thing they consider when doing things is whether it is beneficial to the family. Only Danzo can be used. This may be the reason why Danzo has great power in the later period of the original work.

"Just know it, there is no need to be so nervous, Shinya, there was a problem on the way to Sand Village last time. This time I bring you to the capital, you can have a good time, but don't lose Konoha's face." Sarutobi Hiruzen knew that too much is as bad as too little, so he changed the subject.

"Hokage-sama, I will not do anything that will damage Konoha's reputation." Sarutobi Shinya promised.

"Yeah, go and have a rest, and get your spirits up."


In the next few days, Konoha and the Daimyo Prefecture were tit-for-tat, talking eloquently, talking about their own advantages and the other side's shortcomings. They were all trying their best to gain the greatest benefits. First of all, the name of the main body of this cooperation was determined to be the Fire Country Trading Co., Ltd., or Fire Trade Co., Ltd. for short. Sarutobi Hiruzen and others did not argue too much, it was just a name. The word "company" was proposed by Sarutobi Hiruzen, and it was not accustomed to calling it a company all the time.

Officials of the Daimyo Prefecture believed that the Fire Trade Co., Ltd. should be owned by the Daimyo and 50% by the Daimyo Prefecture, and the remaining 30% should be collectively divided by the Fire Country nobles. All escort missions should be taken by Konoha Village first.

After a year of experience, Danzo was also a veteran in negotiation, and he saw the trick of the so-called priority acceptance at a glance. And this was inconsistent with Konoha's transformation strategy.

He immediately said that since Konoha had nothing to do with it, then you Daimyo Prefecture and the nobles should do it, and we Konoha would not participate. I was about to pack my luggage and go back to the village.

What was funny was that there was a green-headed man who stopped Danzo and said that Konoha was still responsible for communicating and coordinating with the forces in the ninja world, so he couldn't leave yet.

Danzo asked at that time, isn't Konoha only responsible for taking your tasks first? I saw you guys were discussing very intensely just now, but I didn't see Konoha coordinating and communicating with the forces in the ninja world.

The question immediately confused people and they stammered and couldn't speak.

Someone came out to smooth things over and said that they could add 20% to the mission fee to Konoha, and Konoha would need to help the Fire Trade Company coordinate and deal with the extraordinary relationships in the ninja world for every mission.

Konoha said that it was all right, we were not picky, anyway, Konoha was only responsible for doing the mission. But sometimes Konoha has other missions, so please forgive us if there are not so many people to take the mission.

The nobles also understood that Konoha was going to do something bad. If Konoha couldn't send people for that important matter, it would cause great losses.

In order to ensure that Konoha can ensure that the affairs of the Fire Trade Company can proceed normally, the nobles have repeatedly raised the price of the task, but Konoha remained unmoved.

The stalemate has been going on like this. The nobles will definitely not let Konoha go, but Konoha will take the opportunity to bite a hole.

The daimyo stepped forward to mediate, hoping that Konoha can take the overall situation into consideration.

Konoha Hokage assistant Mitomon En immediately stood up to complain, saying that it was not that Konoha did not take the overall situation into consideration, but that Konoha could not guarantee that there would be ninjas to take the task at all times. The reorganization of the Guard Department was originally tight on manpower, so where would so many people come from?

The daimyo was irritated and thought that Konoha did not give face. He was about to get angry at Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was such a smart person that he immediately pulled the daimyo aside and whispered to him.

The daimyo immediately said: Konoha Village is an inseparable part of the Land of Fire.

Finally, under the strong coordination of the daimyo, it became 30% for Konoha, 20% for the daimyo, 30% for the daimyo mansion, and the remaining two were equally divided by the nobles, and promised that the fire trade company would not form its own caravan, and all the goods would be the responsibility of the noble caravans.

The daimyo was satisfied with this result, and Konoha was satisfied, but the nobles were not very satisfied, so the daimyo's promise in the end was to comfort the nobles.

So far, Sarutobi Hiruzen and his party's mission in the daimyo mansion was successfully completed. After resting in the capital for a few days, they set out on the road back to the village.

As soon as they walked out of the capital, Mito Kado En couldn't help asking: "Hiruzen, how did you convince the daimyo?" Shimura Danzo also looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen when he heard the words, wanting an answer. Sarutobi Shinya and the other two teammates beside him couldn't help but be curious, and they all pricked up their ears quietly.

Seeing their curious look, Sarutobi Hiruzen said: "I just said one sentence, Konoha is not interested in the position of daimyo."

Sarutobi Shinya was a little confused, thinking while hurrying on the road. Why did this sentence make the daimyo's attitude change drastically?

Danzo thought about it and understood.

Mitomon Yan thought about it all the way

I don't quite understand.

During the break, looking at Mitomon En's expression of wanting to ask but not asking, Sarutobi Hiruzen said to Danzo: "Danzo, explain it to En."

Sarutobi Shinya, who heard the noise, hurried over to listen.

"During the Warring States Period, there were many wars and the daimyo families of various countries in the world changed frequently. It has only been a little better in the past 20 years. For example, the daimyo family of the Wind Country was replaced by a noble family of the former Wind Country a few years ago. The daimyo family of the Water Country also changed, and the former daimyo family was wiped out. But no matter how it changed, the daimyo was not a ninja.

So our hidden village will not steal the position of the daimyo. The biggest threat to the daimyo is the great nobles in the country. With the support of our hidden village, the daimyo's position can be firmly established.

If the daimyo does too much, maybe... forget it, you can figure out the rest yourself."

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