The old man was very happy, but he was not very happy.

Just now, Sarutobi Hiruzen recalled the original work. When Jiraiya was a child, he went to Myoboku Mountain through the summoning technique without signing a contract. It is possible that this time, he blurted out Myoboku Mountain.

It is estimated that the charlatan of Myoboku Mountain fooled Jiraiya to find the savior.

Mitomon En felt puzzled: "What Myoboku Mountain?"

"It's okay, it's okay, I thought wrong. Can you tell me what happened in detail? How can Jiraiya summon the spirit?" Sarutobi Hiruzen asked. He didn't need to go to Ban desperately. Sarutobi Hiruzen was a little disappointed. He had prepared himself mentally before. But he really didn't need to go. He felt a little uncomfortable, as if he punched the air and felt very tired all of a sudden.

"Jiraiya doesn't know any summoning at all. He saw a teacher use the summoning technique and seals, and he memorized it. Then he secretly used the summoning technique by himself. Logically, if there is no contract signed and no blood night is used, there will be no reaction when using the summoning technique. But Jiraiya disappeared, which is very strange." Mito Kado En was also a little confused.

"What is the name of that teacher? We have been looking for so long and can't find him. How did he know?" Sarutobi Shinya said on the side.

"It was Inuzuka Huishan from the Inuzuka clan. He used to be a jonin. He lost a leg in the war and now has a prosthetic right leg. His companion dog saw Jiraiya disappear." Utatane Koharu said

"Okay, don't blame him too much. Communication takes time. Everyone go out first. I'll be quiet and think about how to find Jiraiya." Sarutobi Hiruzen waved his hand and drove them all out.

Seeing Sarutobi Hiruzen's tired look, everyone looked at each other. Orochimaru and Tsunade were a little happy, because the master didn't need to take risks, and Jiraiya might not be in danger. They all went out.

Sarutobi Hiruzen put his hands on the table. There was such a thing in the original book. Jiraiya ran to Myoboku Mountain without thinking. But Sarutobi Hiruzen was afraid of the butterfly effect. Now the ninja world has changed a lot. What if it's not Myoboku Mountain?

And why would he go to Myoboku Mountain if the summoning technique didn't work? What does the old toad and charlatan in Myoboku Mountain want to do? Launch a spokesperson. In the original book, Jiraiya's life tragedy all started from Myoboku Mountain, right? He has been searching and wandering in the ninja world. He taught all the disciples he accepted with all his heart, but none of them had a good end, including himself. It may be the power of fate, or it may be the work of the old coin of Otsutsuki Hagoromo.

Forget it, let's go to Myoboku Mountain. However, we don't know where Myoboku Mountain is yet. Sarutobi Hiruzen plans to ask Uzumaki Mito. After all, the Senju clan has the inheritance of the Wet Bone Forest, one of the three holy places, and may know the location of Myoboku Mountain.

Thinking of this, Sarutobi Hiruzen took out a blank scroll, wrote something quickly, then sealed it, opened the window and jumped out.


Sarutobi Hiruzen landed at the gate of the Senju clan, and the guard of the clan bowed: "Hokage-sama."

"No need to be polite, is Mito-sama free? I have something to ask Mito-sama."

The clan guard said as usual: "Hokage-sama, please."

Sarutobi Hiruzen has been there many times in the past two years, and he doesn't need anyone to lead the way. After bowing to the clan guards, he went in and found the residence of the first Hokage and Uzumaki Mito. Since the first Hokage dismissed the clan members, there were not many people living in the Senju clan, only the direct line of Tsunade's family, some clan elders, and necessary guards. Many houses are dilapidated.

"Knock knock" Sarutobi Hiruzen knocked on the door.

"Come in" Pushing the door open, Uzumaki Mito was sorting out some information. Looking back, he said, "Sarutobi, is there anything?"

"Mito-sama, this is the case. My disciple Jiraiya disappeared while practicing summoning. According to the information I checked, it seems that he went to Myoboku Mountain. I want to ask you about the specific location of Myoboku Mountain. I plan to go to Myoboku Mountain."

"Myoboku Mountain? Those toads? Let me look for them." Uzumaki Mito put on reading glasses, struggled to open a box and slowly searched, Sarutobi Hiruzen stood by and looked straight ahead.

It's not that Sarutobi Hiruzen doesn't want to help, but there are many taboos in it. What if these materials record the secrets of the Senju clan or the Uzumaki clan? Even the Hokage cannot pry into the secrets of the ninja clan.

Not long after, Uzumaki Mito took out a scroll, patted the dust on it, unfolded it and took a look, and then handed it to Sarutobi Hiruzen. "This is all the records of Myoboku Mountain.


Taking the scroll, Sarutobi Hiruzen glanced at it briefly, then said: "Thank you for your help, Mito-sama." Then he took out a scroll and handed it to Uzumaki Mito, saying: "Mito-sama, if I don't have any news for a week, please make this scroll public."

Uzumaki Mito looked at him in surprise and said: "Myoboku Mountain is friendly, there is no need to be so... but they are a little weird, just follow your own ideas." Then he pushed the scroll back.

"Let's leave it to Mito-sama, just in case."

"Okay, as you say. ”



Sarutobi Hiruzen landed on the top of the Hokage Building and took out the scroll to read. It recorded the specific address of Myoboku Mountain, which seemed to be very far away. On the other side of the Land of Wind, the map did not write much distance, only the direction.

Entered the office, put on the equipment just prepared, opened the window and jumped into the air. Soon, quietly opened the Konoha barrier and flew towards Myoboku Mountain.


Across a high slope in the Land of Earth, there was a young monk meditating here.

"Little monk Fenfu, although the scenery here is good, isn't it a bit too much for you to meditate here for 7 days? Besides, there is no food left, I don't care, but you will starve to death later, I can only ask Sarutobi to help me change another partner. How about we go to eat something? Let's go to Konoha. We can eat meatballs and barbecue in Konoha, and we can also visit Sarutobi on the way. Isn't it fun? "A voice came from nowhere.

"Shukaku, this is my homework. It will be completed at sunset on the seventh day of this year," said Fukufu.

"I don't know when my moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic and labor will be perfected. I used to think that Sarutobi tricked me into entering the body of Jinchūriki. Although I was a little reluctant, I still didn't expose him. Who knew that moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic and labor can really be cultivated. I feel much stronger now. I want to go to Konoha to apologize to Sarutobi. Or you can follow me to practice moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic and labor?"

"Everyone has their own fate. Isn't this a kind of practice?"

"Then what are you practicing?"

"I am practicing the heart, and the power of the mind is also very strong. The moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic and labor that Hokage taught you can also cultivate the heart. Of course, moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic and labor also cultivate other things, but I can't see it."

"Of course, with my intelligence, I can practice this profound way. ”


Time passed slowly in the idle chat, and the sun was about to set.

“Look, the sun is about to set, let’s find a place to eat, meatballs? You eat meatballs, I want to eat meat, your practice is too hard and you don’t eat much meat.”

Just watching the sun quietly, the last ray of afterglow fell. Bonfu took a long breath and ended his practice.

I saw some sand slowly flowing out of his abdomen, slowly forming a raccoon cat as tall as a person. It was jumping happily.

“Huh” Shukaku tilted his head and looked at the sky.

“What’s wrong, Shukaku.”

“It seems to be Sarutobi’s breath, and the speed is so fast, flying in the sky. I came to say hello to him.” The sand in Bonfu’s abdomen flowed out faster, and Shukaku became taller and taller.

“Hey, Sarutobi. "The enlarged Shukaku shouted.

On the other side, Sarutobi Hiruzen was flying at high speed and had just flown over the Land of Earth. In fact, the map of the ninja world is quite large, but the area occupied by the five major countries is relatively small. After crossing the Land of Earth, there is a barren land. Sarutobi Hiruzen had no time to appreciate it and was concentrating on getting on the road. Suddenly, a shout came from his ear: "Hey, Sarutobi." He was startled and quickly searched for magnetic field sensing. It turned out to be Shukaku and Fufu.

Sarutobi Hiruzen landed next to Shukaku, who had become the size of an ordinary person.

"Fufu, Shukaku, why are you here?"

Fufu made a Buddhist salute: "Hokage-sama, I am practicing here."

Sarutobi Hiruzen understood: "Are you an ascetic monk?"

Fufu nodded, and Shukaku next to him shouted: "Sarutobi, I am here. I have practiced the moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic and labor training method you taught me. Now that I am stronger, I think I can beat that fox. "

Sarutobi Hiruzen was a little confused by these words. Morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics, and labor? This is a practice method? How come I don't know? Isn't this what he was fooled with at the beginning? In the previous life, this was just a code of conduct.

But it's not good to show your weakness at this time, so he can only say: "Oh? This practice method is not simple, Shukaku, you can succeed in practice so quickly, you are really a genius, I also spent 6 years to succeed in practice before (6 years in elementary school, and was called a three-good student in middle school). Let me see how far you have practiced."

Sarutobi Hiruzen put his fist in front of Shukaku.

"Let me show you my practice method

"Shukaku happily extended his fist and bumped it with Sarutobi Hiruzen.

After a long time, Sarutobi Hiruzen retracted his fist. He said: "As expected of Shukaku, you are really amazing. Your three years of practice is equivalent to several years of my practice." Then he raised his thumb without hesitation and gestured to Shukaku.

Shukaku was very happy, like a student praised by the teacher.

After a while, when Shukaku calmed down, Sarutobi Hiruzen asked again: "Shukaku, what is your next practice concept of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics and labor?"

"There is also a next step, Sarutobi, teach me."

"The next step I call: read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles. But this needs to be experienced by yourself. Everyone's path is different, so the perception is also different. "

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