After passing through various grasslands, rivers, and stone forests, we finally arrived at the place where the big toad immortal lived, no, it was the place where he slept. This is a temple deep in Myoboku Mountain. The temple is so huge that it feels like coming to the world of giants. Under the guidance of Fukasaku and Shima, everyone came to a worship chair with a word "Xian" written on it. Looking up, they saw a huge old toad wearing a doctoral hat lying on the worship chair, sleeping soundly, with bubbles in his nostrils that were getting bigger and smaller, and many wrinkles on his face. There was a necklace hanging around his neck, and an object with the word "Oil" written on it was hanging under the necklace. Sarutobi Hiruzen opened the panel and looked at the big toad. He found that the big toad's strength was a bit outrageous. The amount of chakra was comparable to that of the tailed beast, and he also mastered a primary fairy technique. This is a complete mastery of fairy techniques, not a half-baked one. It is so terrifying, and the danger assessment is extremely high. Sarutobi Hiruzen completely let go of his contempt, but he still had to fight for what he should fight for later.

Shima flew to the ear of the big toad sage, and used her fist-sized body to make a huge shout to wake up the big toad sage.

The big toad sage asked what happened in a daze, and directly told the reason for the matter. The big toad sage nodded in understanding, and then signaled Fukasaku and Shima to take Jiraiya out to play, indicating that he wanted to talk to Sarutobi Hiruzen alone.

When only Sarutobi Hiruzen was left in the temple, the Great Toad Immortal said, "Hello, you who are not bound by fate."

Sarutobi Hiruzen replied, "Hello, Great Toad Immortal, I never believe in fate. I only believe in the Holy Heaven. There is nothing that cannot be changed, even the so-called fate."

"Everything in the world has its own destiny, such as birth, aging, sickness and death, which are inevitable in a person's life. To shorten a person's life, it means birth, learning, adulthood, marriage, raising offspring, imparting knowledge, old age, and death. Almost no one can escape this human destiny. To be more specific, ordinary people, ninjas, and samurai also have their own destiny. From ordinary people to ninjas, it is just from one river to another. And from one river to another, there needs to be a node in the middle, and this node is the child of destiny. And if you are a human, you cannot escape the fate of human beings. You can change your own destiny, and maybe one day you can change the destiny of human beings. Lead the destiny of human beings into another wide river." The Great Toad Immortal said.

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed, he is indeed a charlatan, he has good philosophy and is quite capable.

"I heard that you often predict the fate of many people in your dreams? Have you ever dreamed about the fate of Mount Myoboku?"

The Great Toad Immortal said in a daze: "The fate of this world is a big river composed of many tributaries. Mount Myoboku is just a small tributary. Perhaps a wave can destroy the dam of this tributary, so we need to find a big river to entangle with each other so that we can fight risks together, which is good for both parties. The fate of this world is full of ups and downs. More than a thousand years ago, two fish flew from outer space and fell into our river. They ate the nutrients that belonged to this river, and then they killed each other again. I found the child of destiny at that time and helped him change the tragic ending of this river. Our Mount Myoboku tributary also survived. Humans also obtained the evolution method of the two fish from outer space."

Sarutobi Hiruzen understood. This meant that this planet is one. If this planet is finished, Mount Myoboku will also be finished, and humans will also be finished. Mount Myoboku just wants to cooperate with humans to fight risks together. He also gave an example of the invasion of Kaguya Otsutsuki and Isshiki Otsutsuki a thousand years ago. At that time, Gamamaru helped the Six Paths Sage and brought the energy of Chakra to the planet.

Sarutobi Hiruzen pretended to be ignorant and asked: "Then have you noticed something? Bring Jiraiya to Myoboku Mountain? Is he the child of destiny?"

"He is not the child of destiny, but he is the key to guiding the growth of the child of destiny. It is destiny for him to come to Myoboku Mountain, and I just gave him a push," said the great toad sage.

This is a bit of double-talking, what a fucking charlatan, Myoboku Mountain wants to influence the so-called child of destiny by influencing Jiraiya, so as to interfere with the fate of the ninja world.

As if seeing through what Sarutobi Hiruzen was thinking, the great toad sage added: "Our fairy arts in Myoboku Mountain are very suitable for Jiraiya to practice."

This is to exchange fairy arts.

Sarutobi Hiruzen avoided the question and asked an irrelevant question, "Big Toad Sage, do you think I can influence the ninja world and the fate of the world?"

"Is Jiraiya in danger?"

This means: "This is very dangerous, how about I do it?"

The Great Toad Sage also avoided the question: "Do you know how big the ninja world was in the past? Do you see this barren land? This is because the two fish absorbed the nutrients from this place. The current ninja world is only one-tenth of the previous ninja world. I also used all my strength to save this small place back then."

Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help it. This means that you, a weakling, can do it?

Sarutobi Hiruzen used the force field shield and said to the Great Toad Sage: "I will do my best. Besides, don't we have the Great Toad Sage here?"

The Great Toad Sage came up and touched the force field shield with his hand. Then he said: "The power of one person is always weak. If you want to change your fate, you still have to unite the majority of people."

Sarutobi Hiruzen grinned, which means he agreed.

"The Great Toad Sage is right. I need to improve my strength as soon as possible. "This is clearly asking for something."

Fortunately, the Great Toad Immortal didn't care and said directly: "You can try to practice the magic of Myoboku Mountain. Personal strength is important, but there is strength in numbers."

"The Great Toad Immortal is right. Can this magic be passed on to others to learn?" Sarutobi Hiruzen was getting more and more demanding.

"Learning magic is very dangerous. If you are not afraid of death, you can try it. I'm going to sleep. "The snoring of the Great Toad Sage came.

Sarutobi Hiruzen left the temple and silently reviewed the battle with the Great Toad Sage just now.

In fact, judging from the strength of the Great Toad Sage seen on the panel, Sarutobi Hiruzen is not without the ability to fight, but why is he a little flattering in front of the Great Toad Sage?

Because for Sarutobi Hiruzen, this is reality, not Long Aotian in various novels. What's the point of fighting with the Great Toad Sage? You may not win, and you will offend Myoboku Mountain. Both sides held back in the previous test. This is all about human relationships and how to behave in the world. Why do thankless things? It is true that Jiraiya is now the inheritor of Myoboku Mountain and his fate will be miserable in the future, but Sarutobi Hiruzen never believes in fate and believes that he can change Jiraiya's fate.

I found Fukasaku and Shima and conveyed that the Great Toad Sage agreed to Sarutobi Hiruzen's practice of immortal arts.

After two days of research, I found that immortal arts are not so easy to practice.

The immortal arts of the ninja world absorb natural energy and fuse it with a certain proportion of their own chakra to form immortal chakra, but everyone's proportion is different. You need to slowly experiment to find the right one for you. Combined with his own fairy chakra, no wonder the fairy arts practiced by the fairy practitioners in the previous life were different. Jiraiya, Minato, and Naruto all practiced the fairy arts of Myoboku Mountain, but they were all different.

After studying the fairy arts information of Myoboku Mountain, Sarutobi Hiruzen combined the Taoist theory of his previous life and found that fairy arts are very similar to the legendary Qigong masters, who collect the essence of the sun and the moon and absorb the spiritual energy of the world. They all obtain energy from nature to achieve strengthening and evolution. No wonder the fairy arts are so powerful, but Sarutobi Hiruzen has been out for several days, and now he doesn’t have so much time to study fairy arts in Myoboku Mountain, so he can only communicate with Myoboku Mountain. Signed a summoning contract.

This summoning contract is not a blood contract. Sarutobi Hiruzen's blood contract is for the Sarumo clan. It can summon all the Sarumo clan's Sarumo clan, while the contract signed at Myoboku Mountain can only summon a fixed little toad for reverse summoning. Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't plan to summon a toad to fight anyway.

After signing the contract, Sarutobi Hiruzen took Jiraiya on the road back to Konoha.

Sarutobi Hiruzen and Jiraiya flew in the air with a force field shield. Jiraiya touched the force field shield left and right and asked: "Master, what is this technique? Can you teach me?" Jiraiya imagined that with such a technique in the future, he would have a great advantage in fighting. This technique has a strong defensive power. The aftermath of the fight at Myoboku Mountain two days ago was not moved at all.

Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled and replied, "This is a stance shield. It is very complicated. You may not be able to learn it. "Yes, this is the electromagnetic theory of the previous life, plus some hypotheses, and then add Shukaku's magnetic escape, formed by unknown reasons on the panel, but I can sort out some information in the future to see if anyone can learn it. Anyway, the panel has passed all the knowledge into my mind. I will spend some time in the future to see if I can sort it out and put it in the Sealed Book, which can be used as the foundation of Konoha.

"Teacher, please teach me. I will study hard and I will definitely learn it." Such a cool ninjutsu, Jiraiya, must learn it.

"In the future, I will organize all my ninjutsu into information. If you want to learn, learn slowly, don't rush, but you are still young and need to lay a good foundation before you can learn, otherwise many ninjutsu here are very dangerous for you, and you can't learn them. You have to work hard, look at Orochi

Maru has graduated as the top student, and he must have passed the assessment in the next two days. You may not even pass the junior high school graduation assessment. "Sarutobi Hiruzen took the opportunity to teach him a lesson.

Jiraiya said with a bitter face: "I know, Master. I will work hard." It was very similar to the depressed expression of the poor student when his parents compared him with the top student.

Sarutobi Hiruzen did not force him too much. After all, the child was afraid that he would have his own ideas if he said too much, so he could only give him some advice from time to time.

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