The old man was in a hurry to get out of the way.

Chapter 7 I was looking for you, but you came to me

"What did you find?" Uchiha Kagami asked in a low voice.

"I feel a lot of chakra about 2 miles ahead. I'll feel it carefully."

Sarutobi Hiruzen casually made a seal and pretended to look forward. In fact, he was just checking the attribute panels.

Golden Horn

Body: 31/31

Spirit: 5/13

Metabolism: 24/24 (200)

Skills: Advanced Physical Mastery, Advanced Combat Mastery

Energy Level: Advanced Thunder Mastery, Advanced Physical Mastery, Intermediate...

Abilities: Instrument Slave

Danger Rating: High

Silver Horn

Body: 29/29

Spirit: 5/14

Metabolism: 23/23 (200)

Skills: Advanced Physical Mastery, Advanced Combat Mastery

Energy Level: Advanced Thunder Mastery, Advanced Physical Mastery, Intermediate...

Abilities: Instrument Slave

Danger Rating: High

So it was them. We were looking for them, and they came to us. How come the Spirit is so low? There's something wrong. The ability is actually Instrument Slave. Oh, is it the five Six Paths Ninja Tools? The danger rating is high. If we're not careful, we'll be in trouble. It seems that we can't just drag it out and fight them. What if they have some sinister tricks? Look at the others


Body: 18/18

Spirit: 10/10

Meta: 12/12

Skills: Advanced physical mastery, advanced combat mastery

Energy level: Advanced thunder mastery, advanced physical mastery, intermediate...

Danger rating: Low

This is the normal elite jonin template.


Body: 7/7

Spirit: 6/6

Meta: 8/8

Skills: Intermediate physical mastery, intermediate combat mastery

Energy level: Intermediate thunder mastery, intermediate physical mastery, intermediate...

Danger rating: Very low

This is the chunin template


Forget it, I won't look at it anymore, it's dazzling. They don't have anyone who can fight except Jinjiao and Yinjiao. But Jinjiao and Yinjiao are a bit difficult to deal with. He said and looked at his own combat power.

Uchiha Kagami

Body: 14/14

Spirit: 34/34

Element: 22/22

Skills: Advanced Body Mastery, Advanced Combat Mastery

Energy Level: Advanced Thunder Mastery, Advanced Energy Body Mastery, Advanced Fire Mastery.....

Abilities: Eye Techniques

Danger Rating: Medium

Danzo and Takefu are also elite jonin and jonin templates, difficult to fight (I am afraid that people will say that the number of words is too much, so the panel will not appear often. If there is no major change to the characters that have appeared, they will not be updated)

"There are about 200 chakras in front, and two of them have the aura of tailed beasts. I guess they are Kinkaku and Ginkaku. There are 3 jonin chakras, and the others are chunin and genin. They are too many and we cannot fight a protracted war with them.

I will take the initiative later. I will release range ninjutsu to cause interference. Then I will release barrier jutsu to divide the battlefield. I will separate the high-end combat forces such as Kinkaku and Ginkaku. Danzo, Kagami. You should deal with those small fry as soon as possible to support me. Takefu, you cover me, and don't let others interfere with me. If the situation is not right, you go first, and I will use barrier jutsu to prevent them from leaving." Sarutobi Hiruzen solemnly issued a battle plan.

"You can't cover the rear, I'll do it," Akimichi Tofu said.

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Akimichi Tofu with a fool's eyes, then formed a seal with his hands and formed four hidden clones with the "Shadow Clone Technique". With a wave of his hands, the hidden clones scattered.

"Why do you need to use the real person to cover the rear? Just use the hidden clones."

"The battle is about to start. Is it really okay for you to consume so much chakra?"

"We are not going to wipe them out. We just met them with great difficulty. If we don't give them a hard blow, I will be wrong. Don't fight, just run after the fight." Sarutobi Hiruzen said indifferently.

Sarutobi Hiruzen quietly moved closer and felt that the distance was about right. If he got any closer, he would probably be discovered.

He made a gesture to prepare for battle, and then used the "Mudslide Technique" with all his strength.

In an instant, the mudslide in front of him turned upside down and rushed forward, and all kinds of stones, trees, etc. were carried forward. The power of this technique is a bit too great when it is used with full force. Looking at the three people who were stunned, Sarutobi Hiruzen shouted: "Prepare for action, meteor shower"

Hundreds of meteors with a diameter of half a meter suddenly appeared in the sky ahead and fell with flames. Sarutobi Hiruzen and the other four also took their positions. Leap forward.

The troops led by Kinkaku and Ginkaku were in a mess on the battlefield ahead.

Some were washed away by the mudslide and cried "Ah, ah"


Some people were knocked unconscious by stones and wood in the mudslide and were buried alive.

"Tian Shang, be careful Tian Shang, find a place to hide quickly》"

"Who is it? Who ambushed us?" Nayes roared in pain. It was uncomfortable enough to be ambushed here for a few days, and now he was attacked by unknown people.

At this time, a voice came:

"Fire Style - Great Fire Extinguishing" "Fire Style - Great Fire Extinguishing"

"Wind Style - Wind Cutting" "Wind Style - Vacuum Jade"

This was a wave of cooperation between Uchiha Kagami and Shimura Danzo. Under the cover of the battlefield environment, they were like fish in water, with all kinds of ninjutsu, all kinds of shuriken and darts flying around. The two people played a gap of 100 people. The Kinkaku and Yinkaku troops could only fight limited resistance and counterattack for a while. Until a senior ninja came out to command, it was better.

Let's skip the battlefield here.

On Sarutobi Hiruzen's side, he saw the red chakra of the two people in front of him surging out and wrapped their whole bodies. He jumped to Sarutobi Hiruzen and blocked his way: "Hey, isn't this Sarutobi from Muye, who became the Hokage? Your second generation Hokage, that is, your teacher, died in our hands. At that time, you were chased and pissed. Are you ready now? Are you ready to die in our hands?"

Are these two people seriously ill? All the men you brought are going to be killed, and you are still chatting and laughing here. If you act like a boss like this, will anyone follow you in the future? Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't know that he had guessed it right. Under their "excellent" leadership, Kinkaku and Ginkaku's team was getting smaller and smaller, and many of them returned to the Hidden Cloud Village. No one wanted to follow such a boss and lose their lives at any time. The Hidden Cloud Village also accepted it with pleasure, after all, only the main culprit was punished. This led to the fact that Kinkaku and Ginkaku only had 200 troops.

Sarutobi Hiruzen clapped his hands and released another mudslide.

A red chakra hand quickly grabbed towards Sarutobi Hiruzen in the mudslide, and Sarutobi Hiruzen used the instant body technique to leave the spot. Akimichi Tofu behind him also performed ninjutsu. : "Multiplication Technique." He turned into a giant and blocked in front.

Sarutobi Hiruzen took the opportunity to perform ninjutsu.

"Compound Ninjutsu - Earth Dragon Flame Flow"

"Compound Ninjutsu - Thunder Water Dragon Bullet"

Using these impact paralysis ninjutsu is just to limit their position.

"Tofu, limit their range of movement."

"Okay, I'll cover you."


"Four Red Yang Formation" *4

Four hidden clones are finally in place.

Four fiery red barriers rose up, sealing Kinkaku and Ginkaku inside. Kinkaku and Ginkaku are still using the Nine-Tails Chakra to attack the barrier. Although the clones don't have much chakra, they should be able to hold on for a while.

"Qufeng, cover me." Qiu Daoqufeng quickly stood beside Sarutobi Hiruzen to be on guard.

Sarutobi Hiruzen clapped his hands, and powerful chakra emerged from his body.

"Meteor Shower - Light Falling."

An extremely huge meteorite fell rapidly from the sky in the barrier, with an estimated diameter of more than 20 meters. One was not enough, and another one fell down, a total of three times, smashing the barrier into smoke and dust. Soon the smoke and dust dissipated, and two figures were lying in the barrier.

Sarutobi Hiruzen opened the panel and looked at it. Kinkaku: Danger Assessment: None Ginkaku Danger Assessment: None

Only then did he feel relieved to disband the hidden clones, quickly approached Kinkaku and Ginkaku, and directly cast the "Five Elements Seal - Binding" on them

Then he confiscated the five Six Paths Ninja Tools on them.

The five Six Paths Ninja Tools are:

Horijin Rope: One of the ninja tools left by the Six Paths Sage, used with the Seven Star Sword and the Red Gourd, held by Kinkaku. Anyone who touches the Horijin Rope will utter the words of their common vocabulary, but the words will change according to the person's speaking habits.

Seven Star Sword: One of the ninja tools left by the Six Paths Sage, used with the Horijin Rope and the Red Gourd, held by Ginkaku. A weapon that can cut off the words of the person who touches the Horijin Rope and curse the opponent. (The Seven Star Sword consumes a huge amount of chakra when used alone, and ordinary people cannot use it.)

Red Gourd: One of the ninja tools left by the Six Paths Sage, used with the Seven Star Sword and the Horijin Rope, held by Ginkaku. It can hold the severed words, record the words and seal them, and the person who says the key words or does not speak for a long time or says words with pronunciations similar to the key words will be sucked into the gourd.

Banana Fan: One of the ninja tools left by the Six Paths Sage, later held by Kinkaku. Ignoring the nature of one's own chakra, it can release weapons with five major nature changes: fire, water, thunder, wind and earth at once. But it needs to consume a lot of one's own chakra.

Amber Purifier Bottle: One of the ninja tools left by the Six Paths Sage, it looks like a jar and has a powerful sealing ability. As long as you respond to the holder's words, you will be sealed in the bottle.

Among them, the Golden Rope,

The Seven Star Sword and the Red Gourd are a set. The Banana Fan and the Amber Bottle can be used separately.

Put them away first and study them later.

I looked at my own status,

Physical: 7/12

Spirit: 103/135

Element: 17/76

I am running out of stamina and chakra,

I said to Akimichi Norifuge: "Norifuge, go inform Kagami to come and join Danzo to retreat."

Upon hearing this, Akimichi Norifuge rushed to another battlefield.

After a while, Uchiha Kagami, Shimura Danzo, and Akimichi Norifuge came to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"Danzo, I have a mission for you now. You take these two people and these six-path ninja tools back to the village quietly. Remember, it must be done quietly. Kinkaku and Ginkaku are in an abnormal state. You take them back to the village to dig out the information in their heads and find out what is going on. After that, bring their bodies to the Iron Country and Flame to see me. Just say that you captured Kinkaku and Ginkaku and seized several six-path ninja tools. You can discuss the specific seizure of ninja tools with the old guys in the village."

"Are you Kages so dirty?" Shimura Danzo.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was speechless. You are the Dark Lord of Konoha, and you dare to say that I am dirty?

"Go, go quickly. I don't know how many days the Five Kage Talks will take."

Shimura Danzo sealed the body with a helpless look on his face and left with his things.

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