The two sides of the river were in chaos.

Hiruzen Sarutobi looked over and saw that it was Shikadai Nara.

He put down his pipe and extended his hand to invite him, saying, "Please speak, Chief Shikadai."

"Line 39 means: All decisions of the village committee are made by the minority obeying the majority, but when a resolution is formed, if the Hokage thinks that this matter cannot be implemented, he can use a veto to veto this proposal, and this proposal will be sent back for revision.

Does this mean that if the Hokage disagrees, nothing can be done?"

Hiruzen Sarutobi touched his head, feeling a little embarrassed. He added this veto right now, and he was afraid that the village committee he created would be out of control and become a game between the big clans, so he added this line.

This one can't be said openly, because it would be a bit of a double-edged sword if it was said openly, so I didn't mention this one in my speech just now, and thought of writing it in the document so that they can experience it for themselves.

Isn't Nara Shikadai always very smart? Why do you have to point it out in public?

At this juncture, you have to make up some reasons to fool around.

"That's probably what it means. It's mainly to reflect the authority of the Hokage. Usually, this veto power is not used at all. There is a saying that goes like this: Do your job in your position. There are always some things that only people who stand at a high position can see. There are more things to consider in the position of Hokage. In order to prevent a decision from messing up the village, this veto power of our bureau is very necessary." Anyway, I just said it like this. Do you understand? He was too lazy to explain.

Who knew that Nara Shikadai didn't say anything, but just nodded to show that he knew.

Just passed the test like this?

Then what's the point of asking it?

In fact, this is his thought from his previous life, but this is in the ninja world, and the bigger the fist, the harder the truth.

Konoha's reform can be said to have set a precedent in the ninja world. The Hokage has divided power, which is good. It's okay for the Hokage to have more veto power. Nara Shikadai just pointed out the important points just now to let others understand what kind of role it has.

Then there was a burst of page turning sounds, some people were discussing quietly, and some people didn't understand something and stood up to ask.

As time passed, most people were familiar with the contents of the document.

It was Nara Shikadai who stood up again and asked, "Hokage-sama, you said in line 243 that positions in the village should have a time limit. Can you explain it in detail?"

"It's normal to have a time limit. You want me to be Hokage for life? You want to tire me to death?" Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at everyone in surprise, "You don't really think so, do you?

Besides, the term of office is also for the healthy development of the village system. Everyone has times when they are not energetic enough. We can't use a person to death.

Look at how many things I have to deal with every day. Although there are various departments, there are still countless reports of things here, documents, etc. every day.

I don't even have time to practice, and I believe other positions are the same."

After he said this, many clan leaders and elders in the audience looked at him with wide eyes.

Do you look down on the position of Hokage?

"Huruzen, why don't you consider it again?" Mito Kado En advised.

Although he remained calm on the surface, he was madly complaining in his heart, "You Sarutobi Hiruzen, you left everything to me and Lu Xin, and you still have the nerve to say that you are tired? Look, Lu Xin has aged ten years in the past few years.

Consider it, there is no room for negotiation. I felt uncomfortable being stared at by them, and in order to ease the embarrassment, I tried to skip the topic directly.

Sarutobi Hiruzen quickly continued, "Ahem, let's continue. You have all read the rest. Some of them you don't understand, and some you do. I will explain it to you now. It is written on line 244.

The current Hokage who uses the veto power twice within the time limit will automatically lose the qualification to run for the next Hokage. After using it for the third time, he will directly abdicate.

Everyone knows what this means. This veto power is the last resort for the Hokage. Although it is basically not used, it must be there.

But they are afraid that the future Hokage will abuse this right, so they just limit this power.

This power is a check and balance, and also a test.

The first use is considered to give the future Hokage a chance to try and make mistakes.

The second use is considered to be a lack of governing ability of the future Hokage, so the next term will automatically lose the qualification.

The third use is a complete denial of the future Hokage. Of course, it is also a denial of the village committee members.

Line 245 says, Mu

All the senior ninjas in the Leaf Village have the right to participate in the competition for the Hokage, but as I said just now, senior ninjas will automatically lose their qualifications. This is also to ensure that the village's senior leaders are young, energetic and full of vitality. In this way, the entire Konoha will not become decadent.

Line 247 says that the Hokage must be a graduate of the Konoha Ninja School. Those who are not graduates of the Konoha Ninja School will automatically lose their qualifications to participate.

This is to ensure the purity of the Hokage. As we all know, there are many strange ninjutsu in the ninja world that can subtly control the thoughts of others.

In this way, we can ensure the purity of the Hokage. The Hokage are all exposed to the village's education since childhood, ensuring that the Hokage is mainly based on the interests of the village.



After Sarutobi Hiruzen's explanation, everyone clearly understood that this was a great restriction on the power of the Hokage. Many smart people could also see the benefits of this system. How could they not agree?

Everyone understood the painstaking efforts of the Third Hokage. It was rare for the village to achieve this.

He was the Hokage himself, and he limited his own rights and distributed all his rights, just so that the ninjas in Konoha Village could open up the barriers and work closely together. He, Sarutobi Hiruzen, was worthy of the Third Hokage, and he was worthy of this: "Hokage."

"Do you have any questions? If not, we will start the process." Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at everyone and saw that no one asked any more questions. He said to Mitomon En: "En, start the process and keep good records. This may be the greatest moment for the village."

"Then start now and vote."

"Please raise your right hand if you agree with this proposal for the reform of Konoha. "Mitomon Yan raised his right hand high.

Nara Shikashin, Uchiha Kagami, Shimura Danzo, etc. all raised their right hands.

The many jonins present looked at each other, and suddenly turned their eyes to their respective clan leaders, and they would do whatever the clan leaders did.

The clan leaders of each small family looked at the Hyuga, Uchiha, Sarutobi and other big clans, wanting to see the reaction of the big clans.

Uchiha Sha looked at Hyuga Tennin, and found that Hyuga Tennin was also looking at him, so he glared at him and raised his hand.

The jonins of the Uchiha clan near him also raised their hands.

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