Daily Supervising

Chapter 200: The truth, is there?

"Isn't it? It's all gone?"

"No way, it seems like this, Iwo Jima sank!"

"Oh my God! After that island sinks, will Japan's land loss a lot?"

"It shouldn't have much impact, after all, it's such a small place."

The news of the sinking of Iwo Jima is being broadcast on the TV, and the previous crust changes on the seabed should be the cause of the sinking of Iwo Jima.

Ordinary people in Japan don't care much about this.

It should be the same. After all, it is a small island more than 1,200 kilometers away from Tokyo. If that island sinks, it will sink.

However, this time was also a very severe natural disaster, and of course it also caused many consequences.

The first is that the Japanese stock market has been affected and has fallen a lot, and there are rumors that overseas capital is selling off.

Second, in order to deal with this disaster, the Japanese government will of course come out to do something, but the island seems to be nothing, so the focus is on the stock market.

"I hope investors can rest assured that we have a lot of experience in handling this kind of disaster..."

The Prime Minister came out to speak in person.

This behavior is said to be normal and normal. After all, there is no part of the country, but it is also slightly abnormal. The country is not big, and what he is talking about is the stock market.

As for the prime minister, everyone was familiar with him once he appeared.

Professor Dong.

That's right, it's him.

Many viewers actually wanted to laugh, because he was originally famous for the role of Kanagawa Kazuko, and then Professor Dong. Professor Dong was famous for being jealous and jealous. Although he was repentant afterwards, it was a bit strange to be the prime minister here.

But in fact, Kusano's arrangement is already very good.

In the 2005 version, it was Prime Minister Yamamoto starred by Professor Dong, and he was given a Koizumi hairstyle by a stylist.

To be honest, Yuki Kusano looked uncomfortable, because that hairstyle didn't match Professor Dong, but it could be seen what the Japanese attitude was towards Koizumi at that time.

Of course, this version taken by Yuki Kusano will not have that kind of uncomfortable hairstyle.

In this way, when the Prime Minister comes out to speak, the discussion of the poor and ordinary people will pass.

But at this time, the movie showed a man, a handsome guy with a piece of tape on his face.



"You said you can drive complicated machinery?"

"Yes, I have driven a lot..."

"Okay, okay, don't brag, the most important thing to work with us is to be pragmatic, understand? Work hard."


This handsome guy is Onodera, but he appeared in the deep-sea probe before, but now, he is looking for a job.

This is a very strange change, so what has he experienced?

"Okay, start today, work hard!"

Onodera was finally able to eat and was given a job to drive a crane on the construction site.

Anyone who knows Japan knows that the salary for work on the construction site is not low, but the problem is that it will be deducted, because most of these jobs are intermediary by Yakuza.

From this point of view, Onodera is not very good.

Onodera is also played by Takuya Kimura, and when the name of this character comes out, many people who have read the original are a little strange.

This is very different from the original!

An island was sunk at the beginning of the original work, but Iwo Jima is not written in the original work.

With this change now, Kusano Yuki is not too ambitious!

At this time, the picture changed, and the person who appeared in the detector with Onodera before, he also started to act.

"Everyone, the geological changes that have occurred in the seas around Japan, I think they are like this..."

Professor Tian Suo, he is now facing the Prime Minister who seems to have just spoken on TV. Of course, with the prime minister, there must be other officials, all of whom seem to come from extraordinary origins.

However, sitting next to the Prime Minister was a woman. Her temperament was very good and she listened carefully to Professor Tian Suo.

This person has subtitles, special assistant to the prime minister.

So, what is Professor Tian talking about?

"Look, this megalithic body, which is the thing that is constantly expanding, is currently sinking between the two crustal plates. Its sinking has caused changes in the plates, and the crustal plate where Japan is located will be affected by this. The huge boulder is dragging the descent, and eventually, the Japanese archipelago will sink..."

Professor Tian Suo made a short video material before, and this material was played by his assistant, who was a beautiful girl, that is, Shinobu Nakayama.

Here, she was called Yuuki by Professor Tiansuo.

The video data is very clear. With the traction of the megalithic body, Japan will really sink. So, is this theory right or wrong?

Professor Tian Suo has a stern face and anxiously said, "I have discussed with international scholars before. Everyone does not doubt the conclusion. The key is time."

At this time the Prime Minister asked, "So, how long is the time?"

Professor Tian Suo frowned, "It is difficult to give an accurate time. International scholars think that it is about ten years away. According to my calculations, the longest may be 5 years. Changes intensify and the situation becomes more serious, and it may happen within a year..."

"A year?"

"Geological changes are very complicated, and it is impossible to be precise. Otherwise, we can predict the occurrence of an earthquake in advance."

During the conversation between Professor Tiansuo and the Prime Minister, the audience who watched "The White Tower" felt that Dahanoi confronted Professor Dong.

But here, the earthquake was mentioned again, which immediately echoed the previous Great Hanshin Earthquake.

That's right, we humans are currently unable to accurately predict earthquakes, otherwise that kind of disaster might be avoided.

This is a scientific problem, but it has a strong sense of substitution.

So now that we know that Japan will sink, what should we do next?

This is the key, and this is the most attractive. It should be said that all audiences who come to this theater to watch this movie already understand it in their hearts.

The setting for Japan to sink has already been given. Then, in the face of this major disaster, what we should do, this is the key, that is, the real thing to watch!

Ever since, the original party can't help it at this time.

"Shizuka, have you seen it?" Mingcai asked her eyebrows in a low voice.

"No, I haven't seen it." Bazimei directly denied.

"Ah, it turned out to be like this." Teacher Nakajima couldn't help adding.

"Then how about I tell you?" Mingcai smiled.

"I, I don't want to listen!" Shizuka refused, not wanting to be spoiled.

"Really?" Nakajima-sensei was also pretty bad.

In fact, Shizuka has certainly seen it before.

No way, her workload has been reduced recently. It seems that it is not as popular as before. Now that you have time, just watch it. Moreover, this "Sink of Japan" is actually not very long.

Therefore, what Professor Tian said before, she knew it early, and there was not much change.

And now... have you all seen the original?

Well prepared very seriously.

However, they quickly surprised a few of them.

"Professor Tiansuo, please come with us!"

The police appeared and the professor was muted.

what's going on?

Those who have seen the original and previous movies and TV series will be shocked by this change, because it is completely different from the past!

Moreover, the police had to take away Professor Tian's assistant at this time. Fortunately, Yuki was smarter, so she took the opportunity to escape.

Interestingly, the police did not dare to be too public. After all, this was a professor and a professor of geology.

So, what happened to this?

With the appearance of this scene, the creators of "Japan Sinking" certainly understood what was going on, but many viewers were really confused.

Fortunately, some people are more special, such as a few of smap.

"Hey, Atuo, what is going on? I think there is no such plot in the original and previous versions."

"Yes, can you tell us about it first?"

"It's all here, you guy won't keep it secret, will you?"

The relationship between the five people in Smap is still good, but right now, even if Masahiro Nakai came out to ask, Takuya Kimura shook his head.

"You guys, just watch it. This movie is definitely a stunning work! I am now paying for the five-body cast of Supervisor Kusano! He is definitely a genius among geniuses!"

This. . .

Does anyone who can be praised by Takuya Kimura really exist?

Smap all were taken aback. Could it be that Supervisor Kusano is really so good?

Everyone wanted to see the next development even more. They wanted to know why Professor Tiansuo was arrested.

But at this time, a bigger disaster appeared.

Kumamoto Castle collapsed!

The original landmark white historical relics soon became a ruin.

The road around was also a mess, and there were two little girls crying.

That's how Takuya Kimura made his appearance!


I don't know who, a scream, for an instant, it resonated a lot.


Of course it is Rimi Ishihara, that is, the son of the country!

This little fat girl finally realized what she wanted and finally collaborated with idol Kimura in a movie.

awesome! O'Neill sauce! Daisiki!

Ok? It seems a bit weird.

But no matter what, it’s great to see Kimura saving himself and Ryoko’s sister in a crane like this handsome.

In fact, at this moment Ryoko wanted to use socks to plug the girl's mouth, the sound just now was too embarrassing.

Fortunately ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ no one cares about her.

However, this series of images is really great, very nervous, and it was not as exciting as it is now when I was shooting.

And, soon, disasters are one after the other.

A famous classic here in Kumamoto is Mount Aso. This Mount Aso usually looks like a very beautiful mountain. The mountain is green like a cone-shaped bowl, but this mountain is a volcano.

Now, a big eruption!

The smoke billowed and the flames skyrocketed.

One after another big fireballs flew straight out, slamming on the ground like huge bombs.

Under such circumstances, the crane kept moving forward. Onodera, with two girls, continued to fall down in the process of moving forward.

This scene is too powerful, too nervous.

Ryoko looked very excited.

Anyway, they didn't have it when they filmed it. This was actually edited later. The volcanic eruption was shot separately and in miniature. It used black gold gunpowder, and the shots should be protected.

Now it looks very good and exciting!

After that, the three of them finally escaped and arrived at a temporary shelter, but at this time, Kumamoto was about to sink, and a helicopter was dispatched by the Self-Defense Forces.

"PLZ follow me!"

Uchida Yuki, played a heroic disaster relief volunteer.

So, at this point, all important parts of Kumamoto have sunk, what else can we do?

The government knows the truth.

then. . .

"Everyone, this disaster is unprecedented, but we must have the confidence to tide over it and let us fight the disaster together! Moreover, the government predicts that the reconstruction work after the disaster will boost GDP. Please rest assured.

Boost GDP?

The audience looked dumbfounded.


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