Daily Supervising

Chapter 246: Just once, christmas

"Someone must have done it secretly. I'm really sorry! It may be a prank, or it may have framed me, but it is really bad luck!"

"That one……"

   "Please forgive me!"

   "I have been forgiven."

   "No! What I committed is a super serious crime, the kind that is worthy of death! Is it really forgivable?"

   "No, it's not that serious."

   "It's so serious!"

For safety reasons, Yuki Kusano brought Sister Uchida back home. It must be said that it was really for safety reasons. After all, Sister Uchida is also very famous now. Maybe there is a paparazzi following. The words outside are true. Not safe.

   As for the home, it must be safer than outside.

   However, Kusano fortunately did not expect that this girl would apologize in various ways, which made him difficult to deal with.

   Obviously, these apologies are all due to the previous piracy incident, but the initiator of this piracy incident is Miho Otakayama, but how can Kosano say this?

  Miho Nakayama is the idol of Uchida. It is because of this big thing that Uchida has entered the entertainment industry. If the truth is told, will Uchida be knocked down by the authenticity of the world?

   A person who admired so much harmed her, shamed her, and was... jealous!

Yuki Kusano is still a reliable man. He thinks that this matter should be forgotten. Don't be so cruel. Moreover, Miho Nakayama did such a trick and it really made him profit. So, Yuki Kusano was not going to talk about it. If the truth comes out, just forget it.

   But. . .

   "Xing, I almost missed your business when I thought of it, I just..."

   "Fortunately, I'm sorry, woo..."

   "I won't trouble you anymore."

Sister Uchida’s appearance is really good-looking, but she does have a very heroic feeling. It is definitely not the'neutral' of Brother Chun. Although the office always makes her wear some boyish clothes, but She is really very beautiful.

   Such a girl is already crying, what can I do?

   "That..." Yuki Kusano couldn't listen anymore, he was going to show off his screenwriting ability.

   "What?" Sister Uchida looked at Yuki Kusano with big eyes.

She sincerely apologized this time, but she was a little careful. It’s not Christmas. So, it’s always nice to be with the person you like at this time. Although he doesn’t like himself, it’s always good. Yeah.

   But, for the next Yuki Kusano, he said so.

   "Actually, have you ever thought about this possibility?"

   "What is possible?"

"That is before you asked me for a DEMO, the competition between the two films was set, did you know? In fact, this competition is about an important position. This position is not mine, but if this position is me People who have won, then, it will be of great benefit to me."

   Sister Uchida heard this, her face appeared inexplicably silly, some did not understand, but she seemed to understand some, but the part that she understood, she was a little scared.

   Kusano Yuki observed, he hesitated a little, but at this moment, the ugly monster appeared, and this guy rushed to Uchida very cleverly.

   "Neikou sauce." Uchida found this hanging noodle cat and thought it was very funny.

   cat means ‘neikou’ in Japanese. This name is naturally very cute when it is called by a girl.

   Kusano Yuki did not worry, but watched Uchida play with the ugly monsters for a while.

   After a while, Sister Uchida seemed to think, "Now, it's a success, right?"

   Kusano Yuki nodded, and then said, "Have you ever thought that you are actually being used by me."

   "???" Sister Uchida and the ugly monsters all showed such expressions.

Fortunately, Kusano had to say everything, "It's very simple, you ask me for that thing, I immediately found out that this might be a very good opportunity, so I asked for two demos, one sent to you, the other one I gave it to your office. The Burning Department office looked at it and immediately ignored the actions, so there was a piracy incident. After that, the police investigated and if they found my head, then I can. Simply push it on your head.

  Ms. Uchida Yuki, you won’t forget, everyone was the opponent before. And, didn’t you say that, thinking I’m busy, then, if I do this, you won’t have any complaints, right? "

   Kusano Yuki’s words directly caused Yuki Uchida to be in a state of crash.


   The ugly guy didn't know what was going on, so he yelled at Kusano Yuki.

   Fortunately, Kusano gave the hammock cat a contemptuous look, and you were so quick to betray the owner.

   But this voice also awakened Uchida Yuuki. She was a little embarrassed, but she seemed to struggle a bit and still laughed.

   "That...no complaints, really no complaints."

   Kusano Yuki looked at her like this, and felt a little unbearable, but the story seemed to work well right now. He didn't want to hurt this girl, so it might be better to let her wake up earlier.

   So he cares, and went on to say, "With Gada, the Japanese police are really too stupid. They didn't do much investigation, they just plugged into the combustion system. So, nothing major happened, um, very good."

   Kusano Yuki once again showed off his intrepid acting skills at the moment, interpreting a scumbag very well.

   This is definitely not a true performance. . .

   But at this moment, Sister Uchida's big tears fell, but she nodded, "Well, great, hehe..."

   still smiled.

   Kusano Fortunately felt a little regretful at the moment, he asked himself, did he do too much?

   But, let's go too much first.

   immediately followed another move, and Supervisor Kusano used his peripheral vision to aim at the bedroom, where there was a big bed.

What does that mean?

   Sister Uchida is really embarrassed, because she really finds it difficult to accept such a Fortunately.

   It doesn’t matter if you use yourself, but now you still want someone inside?

   Is he really so bad?

   But at this time, the ugly monster didn't know what was wrong, it broke away from Sister Uchida's embrace, probably because Sister Uchida was in a daze and didn't have much control.

   And this ugly monster is interesting. It, twisting its fat body, came to the bookshelf very quickly.

For someone like Kusano Yuki, it’s normal to have a bookshelf. However, some books are not stored properly, and the ugly monsters are also big. It didn’t take long for someone like Kusano to hear a bang. Some books were destroyed by it. Come down.

   That book is very interesting, it is "Malicious".

   Kusano Yuki just glanced at it briefly and didn’t care, and then said, “I’m going to take a bath, it’s okay.”

   Why should I ask if I can take a bath?

   is too obvious!

   Uchida sister's face was red, but at this time she saw the book.

   I don't know why, but suddenly my mind seems to be sober.

   smiled, "Yes!"

   Kusano Yuki stopped, he is so strange, is this girl still going?

"That one……"

   just wanted to ask, but sister Uchida rushed over, "It was all fake just now, right?"

   Kusano's turn is a little dazed this time. Could it be that his acting skills have deteriorated?

   "What are you talking about." Denied.

"Haha..." Sister Uchida laughed and said to Yuki Kusano: "You are Nonoguchi, oh no, you are Kunihiko Hidaka, ah, it's not right, that means that what you just said is false , Actually imitated the guy Nonoguchi, but you want to make yourself bad, nor, oh, how do you say, yes, that’s it, you want to become yourself in my heart Bad guy!"

   Sister Uchida seems to be a detective Uchida.

   Kusano's face was slightly red, but he still said, "Why would I do this?"

   "Because, because..." Uchida couldn't understand it for a while, but in the end, she still vaguely noticed it, with an uncomfortable look on her face, "Well, don't you just want to date me?"

   Yes, Kusano’s behavioral logic seems to be explained only through this.

   Kusano Yuki pushed away Uchida sister at the moment, "I'm not getting married, so I won't date."

   As expected!

   Sister Uchida wrote a great disappointment on her face. She just solved the case, but now she finds that the truth is so uncomfortable.

"That one……"

   "It's nothing, I really don't get married, and you don't need to ask me any reason. The relationship is not based on marriage, so I don't want to date."

   Kusano Yuki's appearance made it very uncomfortable for Uchida.

   couldn't help but say, "It's too wasteful."

  Yes, such a handsome and talented supervisor, it is definitely the loss of the Japanese actress who does not marry or date.

   Kusano Yuki heard this, he really wanted to laugh, but he had already made up his mind, why not say it all here, "I don't reject physical communication."

   So direct!

  Uchida's face is blushing, but there is no way to refute it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is Akin's principle.

   Then. . .

   "Isn't I the type you like?"

   "It has nothing to do with this."

   "Is it really just physical?"

   "I will not force it."

   "Too much!"

   "Too much is too much."

   Sister Uchida is completely gone, Kusano Yuki’s attitude is really... it’s him, really super powerful.

   Then, what should I do?

   Kusano Yuki dropped the remaining light on the bed again, and Uchida couldn't help but complain.


   However, inexplicably unable to say anything decisive.

   Thinking of this, Uchida Yuuki seemed to have made up his mind, "Well, if it's Christmas, can Ako come out?"

   Is this a Christmas date invitation from girls to boys?

   Kusano Yuki is very direct, "You are a celebrity now, it's difficult."

   "I understand, but I really want to spend a Christmas with Ah Xing, even if you don't date or get married, as long as this Christmas, okay?"

   The way a girl treats herself, Yuki Kusano was really moved for a moment.


   "Ha! That's a deal."

   Uchida's smile is really beautiful. . .

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