Daily Supervising

Chapter 248: Romantic white christmas

To explore the haunted house, this is indeed a particularly good choice.

The girl yelled, slammed, and it was fine.

Although Yuki Kusano was scared enough, it was nothing, at least he had to pretend that he was great.

After that, I went to other attractions and ate ice cream. In the winter, I licked the ice cream ball with my tongue, which was very enjoyable.

As for other people's questions, Kusano's answer is also very interesting.

"Uchida-san is my senior."

"Yes, we're filming, I'm just a small character, I usually don't survive two episodes."

"Am I handsome? Should I be the protagonist? Thank you for your kind words, I hope I have a chance in the future."

"That's it, I followed Uchida-san into the entertainment industry, and now I have got what I wanted. I'm so happy!"

With such an answer, no one can fault it.

As for where the camera is, it is also very simple. This time it is hidden shooting, for the realistic effect like documentary film.

These ones. . .

"Oh, you are such a Kusano supervisor!"

Sister Uchida made such complaints, but it really made Kusano Kuki a little big head.

"Isn't it because of you? Otherwise, I should go on vacation at this time."

Fortunately, Kusano didn't tell a lie. In fact, at Christmas time, it seems that it is really difficult for him to be romantic.

He who does not marry, he is really not dating.

Uchida Yuuki was just joking, she was really happy today.

As for Christmas... it's snowing.

"White Christmas! It's really white romance!"

Uchida Yuuki couldn't help spinning around in the snow.

really beautiful.

She has big eyes, a pointed chin, and a fleshy face with a strong youthful breath.

This year is only 20 years old, which is indeed the best age.

Fortunately, Kusano couldn't help but think that there are flowers that are worthy of being folded...Wait a minute, the knowledge is all mixed, how can I think of this poem!

Let's change to another song. . .

"What do you want?" Sister Uchida was embarrassed.

The poetry in Kusano's mind completely dissipated, and he looked at the sky again, "It's late now, I'll send you back."

Yes, it was not a good Christmas, and it is snowing now, which can be said to be quite perfect.

But Yuki Uchida came over and grabbed Kusano's arm, "I don't want to go back yet."

"Why?" Kusano's question was a little stupid. He wasn't like this before, but now, it's different.

He is not married, he knows the general situation of the girl in front of him.

Although Uchida Yuuki was created by the Burning Firm as a female celebrity like a little brother at the moment, harvesting fans of girls, but this girl is really a natural straight daughter.

Like boys, like boys, like beautiful boys.

Anyway, it is completely different from the image the company created for her, so...

Uchida Yuuki smiled and said, "I still want to continue filming."


Well, this is the pit that Kusano Kokura dug for himself.

"It's late." Kusano reminded her.

"Well, aren't you my junior?" Uchida girl pursed her mouth.

"What?" Kusano Yuki was a little strange.

"The younger generation should obey the older generation, shouldn't they?" Sister Uchida is going to be pressured?

"..." Kusano wanted to laugh a little, but he had said it before, and today I want to meet her, "Well, what do you say?"

Uchida Yuuki thought for a while, and then said, "I want to go to the hot springs."

Soaking in hot springs is interesting. At least, it’s not very sudden when you go to hot springs.

Can Kusano do it?

But Kusano smiled, "Okay."

Is it really possible?

Uchida Yuuki himself was taken aback.


There are several hot springs near Tokyo, but the problem is that such hot springs do not seem to be very good.

Since Kusano promised, he had to find a good one.

Ever since, I simply drove my BMW 3 to Owakudani.

If you drive, it takes more than 100 kilometers, and the speed is faster, you should be able to catch up.

Unfortunately, today is Christmas, waiting for Yuki Kusano to bring her Uchida girl to Hakone, and they are waiting for them. . .

"Sorry, the room is full today."

"I'm really sorry."

"Please book earlier, sorry."

From Kowakudani to Owakudani, all the hot spring rooms are full.

It seems that the Christmas economy is also very good here in Japan.

So, what to do?

"This..." Kusano Yuki's face was tired.

"It's nothing, I was too much." Uchida Yuuki was indeed very ashamed at the moment.

I'm really too much. How can I be so headstrong? It's obviously a temporary decision, and it's still Christmas today. There must be many couples who have booked rooms early in the morning.

Well, it would be fine if I had also booked the room before, that... it doesn't work, it would be too glamorous to do that.

Yes, **** girl!

How can a girl book a room in advance?

How embarrassing it is, although it would be very convenient, but it must not be done.

But Yuki Kusano was smart after all, and it didn't take long before he drove the car to the bank.

Of course the bank was off work at this time, but the cash machine was still working. Not long after, Kusano came back with a large pile of money, all in ten thousand yuan bills.

"Oh..." Uchida Yuuki was dumbfounded, saying that she hadn't seen so much money except acting since she was a child, at least she hadn't seen the real thing. "What are you going to do?"

Kusano said flatly, "Which hotel do you like? Then we went over and saw someone coming to check in, so I took a step ahead and bought them with money."

They are very spiritual.

Uchida Yuuki laughed at first when he heard it, but then saw that Kusano didn't seem to be false, "Don't! Don't do this kind of thing."

"What's the matter?" Kusano Yuki has already decided to join the evil way. This method of using money is just commonplace.

Be happy, take the money, what's the problem?

Sister Uchida grabbed him, "It's really good, so it's good, I'm really very happy already."

She was really happy in her heart. Maybe the two hadn't been dating, but A Xing was indeed very good to be able to do this step.

And, wow, you deserve to be a superintendent, really rich!

I took so much at hand, and again, this is also an imported high-end car, Sri Lanka!

No way, although she has become popular now, Uchida still has no money.

Kusano looked at her, "Do you really want to go to the hot springs?"

"Yeah." Sister Uchida was very firm.

But Yuki Kusano said, "But seriously, I really want to see you soak in the hot springs."

This. . .

"Why are you so bad!" Sister Uchida was teased, laughing and punching him.

Kusano was also laughing, he was actually joking just now.

So, since I'm not going to the hot springs, where can I go?


At night, there are very few people in Lake Ashinoko, but the scenery at night is also good, especially today, with snowflakes floating in the sky, making this beard a lot of white.

Look, the water torii in the distance was originally white, but now it is covered with snow, like an old man carrying a shelf.

Under the illumination of the street lamp, the path was covered with snow, but it would not slippery when it walked up.

Yuki Kusano and Yuuki Uchida walked like this, and this heroic girl, from time to time, exclaimed so beautifully.

"Will I be like a guy from the country?"

"will not."

"Haha...Although I am from Tokyo, I look like a country girl in general."

"Don't, you are trendy."

"Oh, I know it sounds nice."

Kusano didn't say anything for a while, and then, sister Uchida said it herself.

"Actually, I'm a girl who doesn't hurt, don't you know? My parents divorced very early, and my father was very busy and lacking ability. When I was a child with my father, I was always looked down upon by my relatives.

Later, I lived with my mother, but when I was in school, many classmates still hated me.

You probably don't know it, it's female classmates, and the girls are much better than the boys. "

Speaking of this, Kusano couldn't help but interject, "Most of us just put caterpillars in girls' pencil cases."

"Hahaha..." Sister Uchida couldn't help laughing. "Don't be cute, I have a sad past."

Kusano said, "That's why I have to laugh, which means I have won the past."

When Sister Uchida heard this, she stopped and praised: "Xing, it's really amazing, she deserves to be a superintendent, so philosophical."

Kusano Yushuai blushed slightly, "I just said it."

Sister Uchida still smiled, "Too humble."

"No, besides, I am not a superintendent yet."

"It is already."

"Really not."

"Forget it, don't worry about this with you, by the way, do you want to know my love history?"

"Oh, it looks very rich."


Uchida Yuki really didn't expect Kusano Yuki to be such a humorous person. She also felt that she was right, um, got the right person.

"When I was in school, there were people I liked, and there was more than one."

"Oh, that's not bad too."

"Are you not jealous at all?"

"Why are you jealous?"

"Wow, then I'm going to be sad. It turns out that Xing really has no place in his heart."

"Well, now tell me where those guys are."

"what are you going to do?"

"Use the money, go to Yakuza and kill those guys, ok."

Sister Uchida squatted down with a smile upon hearing this.

No way, it turns out that Supervisor Kusano is such a rude fellow.

Fortunately, she didn't say this sentence, otherwise, Kusano would definitely refute it. He was a serious supervisor.

"Okay, it's almost there, let's stop here today."

"Well, go back."

It was getting late, and the two ended their Christmas date.

Yuki Kusano drove, but Uchida had nothing to say, but an accident happened.

"Heavy snow ahead, I can't get through."

Unexpectedly, the road back to Tokyo was blocked, so I had to find an ordinary hotel to stay.

Two rooms, of course, are necessary, and at least they have to pretend not to know each other, and it is best to open different floors.

The elevator door opened, and Uchida sister went out first.

"Kana (goodbye)."

"good night."

What the two said seems a little weird~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but it's weird.

But I didn't want to, when Kusano Yuki just took a bath and was about to go to bed, the door rang.



"That one……"

"Open the door."

Okay, just open the door, and then I saw sister Uchida rushing forward.

mouth to mouth.

"I'm not getting married." After finally getting his mouth free, Kusano Yuki made a final sensible reminder.

But Sister Uchida didn't care at all, "Stop talking!"

Well, what else to say?

Fortunately, Kusano, a serious supervisor, was not welcome.

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