Daily Supervising

Chapter 281: Shooting of "Battle Royale" begins!

Late at night, Fuji TV.

   "My God! Damen Doctor is so pitiful!"

   "How can this be...Although I am very touched!"

   "The moment the door bowed, my whole heart was broken!"

   "That poison island won't appear in the future, right? Please let him die in the play, okay?"

   The second season of "doctorX" has ended, and of course, the phone number of the General Affairs Bureau was blown up again.

   Director Morita is different this time. He is very excited. Seeing these busy colleagues, he feels very enjoyable.

   Well, this is definitely not gloating, he just knows that such a scene represents the great success of "doctorX"!

   Understand, I really understand this time.

   Maybe there have been many complaints before, but if it doesn’t matter, it won’t affect the ratings at all.

   Moreover, it is possible that these complaints just show that everyone is watching, so the ratings will be very high.

   This is not a difficult reason at first, but it was really unexpected that Morita was a little bit self-blaming.

   Then, do I still need to see the ratings this time?

   Or should I call Asyuki?

   Forget it, this guy is probably sleeping, so don't bother him.

   Of course, Nagayama Kozo has the same idea, but Prince Shochiku still depends on the ratings.



   Absolute champion, let alone the same period, even this year, I am afraid that there is no TV series that can match it.

   is really amazing, Yuki Kusano!

   To be honest, he was the supervisor of this play. Many of the previous plots, from the perspective of Prince Yongshan, did have some problems with the writing.

   is too routine, always repeating similar plots.

   So, those who complain about it, really, Prince Shochiku is still more worried.

   But, he is a supervisor after all. He filmed this scene, and he knows that there are very rare highlights in this scene.

   Bow of the gate!

   The pleading of the gate!

  At this moment, Damen Mikouzi seemed to be sublimated. She seemed to be more than just a doctor. She...No, no, this kind of door is a doctor.

   In order to save a patient, he bowed to his enemy. What's wrong?

   So, this scene, this scene, is really touching.

   Kusano Yuki wrote such a plot, and he even drew a storyboard script.

   Nagayama Kozo, as the supervisor, filmed this scene. At the time, he felt that this place would definitely become a hot spot.

   is really good, really good, now I look at the ratings, it’s really great!

   Another hot shot, that of course is Gadi's abandonment of the election of the professor.

   This move is really powerful, and not only the other two of him also gave up.

   Everyone came to help Daemon Mikiko perform surgery. This scene...

  Too bloody!

   However, Kozo Nagayama naturally thought right away that Yuki Kusano would still leave Fuji TV.

   Then... wait a minute, if this "doctorX" ends here, it seems to be okay!

   Yes, that's it. The poison island is the enemy, the enemy of the unknown son of the gate, although sometimes this poison island does help the gate.

   Moreover, when Kamahara came to deliver melons, it was quite easy for Toxic Island to pay.

   But after all, he is still the biggest villain of the show.

   Then, at the end of the second season, Poison Island has already been killed.

   Will there be a third season?

   Kusano Yuki is leaving the TV station, he is. . .


   Nagayama Kozo wanted to scold very much in his heart, but a smile appeared on his face.

   Even if Yuki Kusano did this deliberately, what can he do?

   Kusano Yuki did not break the law and did nothing else. Even if the show ends in this way, it is still a classic.

   This guy is really good.

   Prince Shochiku easily picked up the phone. He wanted to call Kusano Yuki and have a good chat. Of course, he must talk about the ratings issue at the beginning.

After   . . .

   Thinking about it, the phone was put down again.

   Nagayama Kozo is thinking of things before. Last week, Kusano Yuki said that he should sleep well.

   This week, he has gone to Izu to make a movie with his men and horses. Did he call him so late?

   "You fellow, please make "Battle Royale" a classic."

   Nagayama Kozo smiled and shook his head.


   The next day, Izu.

   In the summer, it is constantly stated that the asphalt road seems to be burning.

   woo woo~

   A bus galloped past, as if not afraid of the burning road at all.

   The passengers in the car are even more indifferent.

   "Um, the one who likes Shuya, right?"

   "What! How can you tell me like that!"

   "Haha...I'm right, Noriko looks like this guy, come and see."

   "Absolutely not!"

   "Hey hey hey! Shuya, what do you think?"

   The passengers are all students in school uniforms. They are carefree and unaffected by the high temperature outside.

   Nakagawa Noriko, she is a girl with short hair, her eyes are not very big, but she is quite aura, her face is generally pretty, and there is a very cute little tiger tooth in her mouth.

   A pretty cute and energetic girl.

   But, she is now being teased by her classmates about who she likes.

  Who is that autumn too?

   Wow, he is really a handsome guy. His face is not handsome, and he has a touch of arrogance.

   Fortunately, the whole person is not annoying, but I also chat with everyone.

   Now some people say that someone likes himself.

   "Enough of you! How to say Noriko is also a girl! It's not good to say that!"


   The classmates laughed immediately and said to him, "So, is it all right for boys?"

This. . .

  Haha... A burst of laughter broke out in the bus, and even the driver laughed.

   It seems that these classmates are in a good mood, and they are now gathering together and traveling by car, probably just to do some summer camp or similar activities.

   But no matter what, everyone's mood is quite happy, very happy.

   And, don’t underestimate high school students, the topics everyone talks about are pretty bold.

   "Hello, did you hear that? It seems that the BR method is coming again."

   "Really? Who will be selected this time?"

   "How do I know! But if I can win, that would be great."

   "Win? What a joke! It will die, it will die!"

   The BR method appeared in the topic of the students. So, what kind of method is this?

   At this time, it seemed that the teacher couldn't listen anymore.

A female teacher in an OL suit stood up and said, "Students, please don’t talk about BR law. This evil law is the enemy of our educators. Students, when you grow up, if you have the opportunity to be in politics, Please be sure to abolish such bad and evil laws."

   This female teacher is so temperamental, she speaks very dignified and solemnly.

   But, when she said this, the handsome guy Qiuye before, he found something wrong.

   "That...did you notice?" He stunned his classmates and pointed out the window.

   "What?" The classmate hadn't reacted yet.

   "Just now, soldiers, military vehicles, didn't you see it?" Qiuya seemed to have made a major discovery.

   "It's okay, now the world is so chaotic, it's not very common for soldiers." The classmate looked natural.

   "This..." Qiuya didn't know what to say.

   can be followed by...


   "Oh, some soldiers again, this is really strange."

   What is unexpected is that only these soldiers appeared, and there will be more after that.

   Where will this bus go?

   "Teacher, shall we..."

   "Ah, this..."

"what's happenin?"


Suddenly, the bus changed. I saw that the driver didn't know when he put on a gas mask, and some unidentified gas was quickly filled up in the car~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the temperamental teacher just now , She fell down immediately.

   And Qiu Ye and others, and that Noriko, also fell.

   Is this poisonous gas, is it that the driver is going to kill them?

Just at this time.


   Kusano Yuki is in the'car', he is quite satisfied with this shot.

   Just now was the beginning of "Battle Royale", and an entire class was sent to this small island.

   Then, what will be waiting for them?

   Don't worry, after filming this scene, Shinobu Nakayama once again came to Kusano's side.

   "Xin, you seem to..."

   "Well, what I said, it's not the time yet, wait till the future."

   It turned out that last night, Yuki Kusano still adhered to the principle of decent supervision.

   This guy is really good.

   Can Nakayama Shinobu get a role?

   Kusano said, "As for a small character, how can I bear to make you wronged?"

   Yeah, Shinobu Nakayama is already very famous now. If he plays a small role, that would not be great.

   Moreover, these words are really heart-warming. Nakayama Shinobu just like that, with a contented smile, left the crew of "Battle Royale".

   is just the gaze in many pairs of eyes in the crew, which has become more complicated.

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