Daily Supervising

Chapter 311: human nature? Operation? operating? This is my evil way!

Zhang Manyu finished watching this "Old Boy" very quietly. She followed the jury. This is her job.

Therefore, she should be quiet, but this movie has brought her a very strong impact.

It was completely unexpected that this whole story turned out to be like this.

It should be said that this movie is indeed a revenge movie, and, in terms of revenge, it can be described as wonderful.

This is a revenge story with a revenge story. Which of the two revenge stories is more fascinating and which is more powerful is really not easy to say.

It seems that Sawajiri's revenge has more high IQ feelings and more conspiracy.

But the revenge of the man Takeshi Kitano was more direct, just like revenge and grievance in the arena.

Maybe Sawajiri won, but he was also dead.

Maybe Kitano took revenge, but he was also with his own daughter. . .

And these, in the end, can not help but let people think of one thing.

human nature!

In the case of European and American films, reflecting on human nature is almost a permanent theme.

And this movie is really outstanding in this respect.

At this year's Berlin Film Festival, there are a lot of good movies for now.

Cai Mingliang brought "River". This film is actually about human nature by telling the story of a boy with a problematic sexual orientation.

Huang Jianxin, the director of Mainland China, brought an "Ambush", which is said to be played by a well-known cross talk actor in Mainland China.

Of course, after watching it, you will find that this cross talk actor's acting skills are really excellent, and it is said that his ancestors are still very famous.

But this movie is also about human nature.

There is also Er Dongsheng from Zhang Manyu's hometown of Hong Kong. He brought a movie of "Erotic Men and Women". Wow, it was actually performed by my brother, and it was... lustful, ha...

Zhang Manyu worked with Zhang Guorong in "The True Story of A Fei" before. Although this movie did not sell well at the box office, it won numerous awards. In it, she and A Fei were the two of you... The line about "One Minute" is really classic.

Although it's a bit blushing to think so, but that line of lines really is... When I shoot myself, there is a heart pounding in my chest.

"Erotic Men and Women" is actually human nature, but this is the kind of struggle that people have in middle age and the self-reflection of filmmakers.

As for the others.

The American movie "Sex Book Tycoon" is exhibited. The whole film uses a person who sells pornographic magazines as the main story line. It records the process of this ‘tycoon’ against the entire American justice system.

This is also human nature.

Isn't it those people who blamed him while looking at those magazines?

It's all human.

These movies, together with Spike Lee's "Ride the Bus" and the latest version of "Romeo and Juliet", are the hot movies at this year's Berlin Film Festival.

Which one can win?

Zhang Manyu is still a novice as a judge. This is the first time she has participated in such an important film festival as a judge.

So, listen to the opinions of others.

"Unbelievable, unbelievable!"

It was Jacques Lang, the chairman of the jury who said this. As a photographer, it was a bit of a surprise that he became the chairman of the jury this year.

However, this evaluation is enough to show his attitude.

It seems that as the chairman, he should be more neutral, but this guy turned out to be like that. It seemed that he was shocked by this movie.

Zhang Manyu couldn't help being funny, but fortunately, even though she was a novice, she knew she shouldn't talk more.

"This movie really surprised me."

that's all.

When faced with the Japanese media, Zhang Manyu said it was okay.

However, others are not so simple.


"I have to clarify one thing here, and that is that my comics are not over yet."

Shou Fu Ma Li, the original manga plot he also came to the Berlin Film Festival, and after the film was broadcast, he couldn't wait to say a key point.

The comic is not over yet?

Is this the key?

Wait a minute, it's not over, doesn't it mean that. . .

"In other words, the ending of this movie, even the character of Sawajiri, his entire careful layout, is actually created by Kusano himself?"

Japanese reporters played their level at this time.

Karen Marie nodded directly, and tears welled up in his excited eyes, "It is indeed Supervisor Kusano who created it! Well, everyone from Japan should understand that the comic magazine published in "Old Boy" is known for its plot. , And now it seems that Supervisor Kusano has completely surpassed it! He is really...Sri Kuniichi!"

I was so excited that I couldn't even find a better adjective, so it seemed that Slovakia beat the world with one sentence. At this time, it seemed that there was no problem.

When reporters from Japan heard this, they immediately boiled again.

"Comic" is indeed known for its plot, and now Supervisor Kusano's adaptation of "Old Boy" has received such recognition from the original author, which is a manifestation of sincere admiration.

That... really amazing!

In fact, that's the case. The man in the manga is not Sawajiri, and he didn't make such a detailed layout. He even hypnotized the man and cultivated the girl Eri by himself.

There really isn't, and looking at it now, the design of this plot is really better than the original comics.

It is normal for the performance of Hunter Marie, and the performance of Japanese reporters is also normal.

But what will happen to these in the eyes of European and American reporters and filmmakers?

"Sure enough! Director Kusano is a super genius!"

This guy Bill can't wait to use words like super.

Needless to say, what follows is another wave of fanfare against Director Kusano.

Even Director Kusano’s name can hardly reverberate over Berlin. The name was blown up and up again, breaking through the stratosphere, the middle layer... and coming to the outer space of the universe.

In such a situation, what happened to Yukiko Kusano who was blown up?


"Hahaha...you fellow!"

"What laughing?"

"Mr. Kusano, I want to interview you."

"Oh, okay, reporter Kudo, please."

"Don't you feel blushing?"

"Why should I blush?"

"Now you are going to be blown out as the savior of Japanese movies, don't you blush?"

"This... what they said has nothing to do with me?"

"Haha! You fellow, why didn't I find out before, why are you so..."

"What the hell!"

Although Yuki Kusano did not show up in public, he has been in Berlin. After all, he can better control the festival.

And Shizuka, of course, just came here, she was in a state of wandering between wanting to make a mistake and not wanting to make a mistake.

Fortunately, Kusano was very simple. For example, now, he pulls his eyebrows into his arms.

Although the horoscope eyebrow was struggling, it didn't take long for him to pant.

So... Is it wrong or not?

"answer my question!"

Bazi Mei found an excuse for himself.

It's what happened in Berlin right now. Isn't he blushing?

Okay, Kusano spread his hands and said, "Yes, I admit that this situation is indeed caused by me. Of course, I have to say some facts. I deliberately want to create such a situation, but some of them The changes are also beyond my expectations. I don't have the ability to completely control all situations, and I believe the same is true of Kozo Yongshan."

Did he give a full account of this?

To be honest, I was a little happy when I didn't hear this very much, because Kusano didn't hide it from her.

Is this treating her as his own person?


"I just asked if you blushed or not!"

The horoscope eyebrows got out of Kusano's arms, and, with his hands on his hips, he looked like he was inquiring about sin.

"Why should I blush?"

Kusano is very magnanimous~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He is an evil way, how could he blush on this kind of thing?


"This was originally my plan. I told you before. I want to win the prize. That's the only way I can do it."

Win the prize, or take the prize.

Bazimei didn't know what to say. She felt that Yukiko Kusano was too utilitarian. However, in this society and this era, and his talent... there is nothing wrong with being utilitarian.

This is already thinking about Kusano's good fortune, and Bazi Mei hasn't been so self-conscious yet.

Kusano went on to say, "This kind of bragging is actually a means to make the European and American film industry more aware of me. I originally made up my mind not to show up in public, so I can only That's it."

"You..." The Bazi eyebrow is about to be convinced by now.

Kusano smiled, "I just want to use evil ways to achieve success, so what is this kind of thing?"

In fact, what Kusano Yuki does is a kind of operation, and hype is fine.

It's just that at the moment, he probably only has this way. You must know that the current network is still underdeveloped and it is difficult to do anything through the network mode. Therefore, he can only rely on the conditions he can use.

What Kurosawa said to himself made the Japanese media extremely happy this time.

Yongshan Gengsanhui helps.

Dongbao will help.

As for the people outside, that Bill was very active, but Kusano didn't know him at all.

It was an accident.

As for Nicole Kidman, she would definitely speak nice things.

When these were put together, Kusano Yuki contributed to the situation and it became the current situation.

Why are you blushing?

So next. . .

He pulled the horoscope eyebrow into her arms again, and said softly in her ear: "Do you want to try the evil way?"

Evil way, what kind of way is this?

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