Daily Supervising

Chapter 342: The entertainment empire is officially established! Jump over the marriage?

In the end, it was not called the ‘North Capital Group’.

But as the real boss behind the scenes, Yuki Kusano still gave his name, that is:


That's right, W Group was born!

This name... To tell the truth, Kusano was a little helpless, because the original Beidu Group's name also began with W.

But our W must have nothing to do with that W.

Ok. . .

Well, this W has nothing to do with that ‘laughing’.

In later generations of Japan, the Internet has finally begun to spread. Finally, there are many people chatting on it and all kinds of complaints and comments. Of course, many of the comments are very hot-eyed, and the overall situation is very brainless.

There is no way, Kusano remembers very clearly that Japan’s own statistics and the group that makes the most comments on the Japanese Internet are actually housewives.

To put it simply, compared to cheating or looking for a little white face, a housewife who only likes to complain on the Internet all day long, is definitely an elite group of housewives.

Of course, it may be that while cheating while raising a little white face, it might not be possible to make comments at the same time.

To be honest, Yuki Kusano is absolutely not black, because this is the real situation in Japan, even because of the derailment of the housewife, there are many film and television works, among which is the famous "Hiyan", the word itself is a newly invented word One word.

Why do so many Japanese cowboys earn so much? In fact, they don't have much physical communication. Many of them are for spiritual comfort. There is even more weird, that is, Cowherd goes to the employer's home, and he does the cleaning.

This is really the case. It is to wash a bowl and sweep the floor for the female patron's home, chat with them, and do no other communication, and then give them tens of thousands of yen.

Ahem... Kusano Yuki has heard about this. He is not very familiar with the work situation of the Japanese Cowboy. Even if he was too tired to work when he was studying abroad, he never thought about changing jobs.

And in such a Japanese network ecology, there has been a weird change.


This is really a very strange change, because in Japanese, laughter is not directly related to grass, but later on, many people play ‘big grass’ or ‘too grass’, which means laughing.

The change is like this. Some people laugh, it's a string of Ws. What does this string of Ws look like?

It's like grass. There is a kind of comics with general drawing skills, and the grass is so simple to deal with, and this W is actually an onomatopoeia, wahaha, the laughter of human beings all over the world is similar.

Ever since, the name of Yuki Kusano's entertainment empire was settled.


Whether the W Group will become the Laughter Group or the Taicao Group in the future, Kusano will not care about that much.

I have been in Japan for a while and have dealt with many things, and my entertainment empire has begun to take shape. These gains are very good.

But Supervisor Kusano still wants to go to the United States again, to Hollywood.

"Horror Cruise" will be released in North America, and "The Matrix" has to be filmed along with it.


After flying for a long time, Kusano came to Los Angeles again, and he had a very strange feeling.

This started from the airport, and it felt like...someone was staring at him.

Could it be that Yuki Kusano, the superintendent, is no longer so mysterious?

Fortunately, Kusano was okay. He did not panic, and returned to his temporary residence in Los Angeles as normal.

Is it a false alarm?

It seems like this.

Kusano, who had relaxed his vigilance, began to cook for himself, of course, steak.

However, he never expected that after a short while, he would actually appear...

"Don't move!"


"Be honest!"

Three men in black clothes and masks appeared, clothes and headgear, it really looked like that. They had weapons, knives, hammers, wrenches and chains in their hands.

Seeing that it really looks like that, is the famous supervisor Kusano Yuki going to experience the real American daily life?

Was robbed by room entry?

Just listen to what Yukino Kusano said, "You guys are too bad, right? It's all loopholes."


The three of you look at me, I look at you, it's so daunting.

But I heard Kusano Yuki continue to say, "This is the United States, you pretend to be robbers, you should get a gun first, do you know the gun? This is an American-style robbery, besides, the United States! My eldest sisters, how can you How about Japanese?"

This. . .


"Stop playing!"

"It's so boring! He can see through it like this!"

what happened?

When the three of them took off their headgear, they revealed three beautiful faces.

It was Miho Nakayama, Shinobi Nakayama and Yuki Uchida.

Wait a minute, did you come from Japan to rob Kusano?

Fortunately, Kusano simply subdued the three "robbing criminals", and then carried out some excessive actions. . .

For a while, all the hardship of flying for a long time was forgotten.


The robbery was taken to the bed, and then to the bathtub.

I am afraid that only the Zhongshan sisters, including the Uchida sisters, can be so wonderful, but fortunately, Kusano is really fierce enough to get it done.

and. . .

"Wow! As expected of America, the bathtubs are so big."

"Hey! Why do I feel a little bit tingy when I hear this big?"

"Sister Miho, it's you who are too nasty."

"Huh? Do you dare to say that to me?"

"Haha... don't."

Don't say it, there are big benefits, at least it can be used.

Fortunately, Kusano was laughed at by their three sisters. When he feasted his eyes, he also took advantage of it.

"Good or bad!"

"Can't spare him!"

"let's go!"

"Um, wait a minute, why are you here?"

Kusano just wanted to ask the three of them about their coming, but unfortunately, it was too late.

Before long, there was a lot of laughter, and all four of them were panting and tired.

Let's talk about it.

"Why are we here?" Ah Ren was about to lose his temper.

"That's right! We won't come, you guy probably forgot about us a long time ago!" When a sister, we must deal with this superintendent.

"That... did wait for you for a long time, but you all... did you really forget us?" Sister Uchida is not at all offensive now.

Fortunately, Kusano scratched his head and pretended to be stupid.

In fact, when he returned to Japan this time, he had too many things, and he showed his heart to Sister Akina.

It can be said that Yuki Kusano, the superintendent, completely confided his feelings to Akina Nakamori.

Under this situation, Kusano Kuki really did not have the impulse to find his confidantes.

Seriously, Sister Akina wants everyone to be happy, Kusano Yuki is working hard now.

He didn't know if it was right.

How do you say this?

"I, that, no one looked for it."

Well, anyway, let's not say anything about Mingcai.


Kaka, Kusano had three white eyeballs.

"It's because of Mingcai?"

"We all know it."

"Sister Mingcai can come to America, so we can come too!"

Feelings ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ are not stupid.

What else can Kusano say?

"That..." The superintendent also had a moment of uncomfortable speaking!

The three women laughed when they saw it.

"Xing, actually, if you marry Sister Mingcai, this... is fine!"

"I will bless you then."

When Aren and Miho Nakayama said this, their faces were very embarrassed, anyway, it was that kind of expression.

But at this time, sister Uchida was the most daring.

"That... even if it is separated, can you give me a child?"

For a moment, the bathtub was quiet.

"Wow, so bold!"

"You guy! Why didn't you say it before?"

"The two elder sisters have never asked about this topic. Besides... Actually, I really want to be with Ah Xing, but Sister Akina, I can accept such a result."

Sister Uchida was in the state of a samurai who was about to cut her belly at the moment.

"Fortunately, I want it too!" Shinobu...not to join in the fun.

"You're crazy!" I have to say that my sister is more realistic, and she thinks more, "If you really have children, thank you for your support, and in the future..."

Speaking of which, I can’t go on. The other two looked at her with an expression of “I’m still my sister, I think more.”

Kusano Yuki was dumbfounded at this time, "My position of not getting married hasn't been shaken yet. As a result, I was already talking about children. It's really..."

Yes, it's weird.

This sentence made everyone laugh directly.

Then it was up again.

Will it just skip marriage and just have children?

Who knows.

Near November, the official Halloween is coming, and the movie "Horror Cruise" will also be released in the United States!

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