Daily Supervising

Chapter 426: You won the prize, I have children, everyone has a bright future


   "I must thank someone here, he is Director Kusano..."

   The **** the TV used her plump and attractive red lips to say such words of thanks, and there was a warm applause.

   This is really an accident. No one thought that this young girl would receive this award, and there were many people. . .

   "Huh? Is she only 16 this year?"

   "No way, I thought she was at least 20 years old this year."

   "Wow, white people are really well developed."

   "Don't be cute!"


   The TV is in a white room, which is a hospital to be exact, and the hospital is located in Seattle. The overall situation of the city is still very good.

   Well, there is Bill Gates, the richest man.

   Okay, the richest man doesn't matter anything, the point is, the few who are talking about Scarlett on TV now.

   Akina, Shizuka, Matsutaka, and Ahui.

   Three of them have big bellies. Is this still necessary?

   have come to the United States to have children.

   To be honest, Kusano Yuki is opposed to this matter, but the situation is not ordinary right now.

   Kusano already has the title of national hero in Japan, and his reputation has reached a high level. If he is not very low-key and very mysterious, I am afraid that he can only deal with reporters every day.

   Japan has a complete entertainment industry, and of course there is also a very complete paparazzi system. Well, that is called a serious newspaper and magazine media, but it has a large number of people who are good at tracking, sneaking and many other skills.

Kusano’s reputation in the past is not as great as it is now, and the most important thing is that he has not been seen in public, and has not been interviewed. Even if he is standing in front of reporters, most of them will not know him except for Fuji TV. who is it.

   And this also helped him hide a lot of things. Now, he is famous and strong enough, so he can still control some news, otherwise Daao's affairs would have been exposed long ago.

   Japan’s national hero has even had children after being ambiguous with so many beauty stars. This is definitely nuclear-bomb-level gossip news.

   It is estimated that even in the face of death threats, many paparazzi will want to explode this gossip and get a reward of almost 1 million yen.

   Well, that's probably the number.

   To be honest, Kusano Yuki can buy it back for 10 million yen, but sometimes the Japanese paparazzi are not very good at math, or they compare axes.

   It's really like this, you can't take this kind of danger, so the beauties have a little discussion.

   I stopped all activities when I couldn't hide my stomach. There was also Ahui's experience of giving birth in the United States before, so everyone came over together.

   Kusano Yuki once mentioned that they would simply go to China to have children, but when they thought of their reputation in China, they felt very dangerous.

   The United States is still safe, as long as you have money, you can do it perfectly.

   Yes, the so-called America is a paradise for the rich.

   Like Mingna’s popularity in the United States, although I also wanted to come to the United States to develop, the result was not very good. Of course, there are still many Asian American fans.

   But this is the best choice right now.

   Arrange these, are they just so idle?

   Of course, I have to watch Oscars, to see if their men’s films have won awards.

   And now, the result can be determined, a best visual effect, a best supporting actress.

   This "Inception" is definitely a big success, um, the Japanese side must be going in again.

   But. . .

   "Xing, I have to speak for Hui this time!"


   "Why do you let Ahui only play a small role? She has so few scenes."

"This one……"

   Fortunately, Kusano never expected that Sister Akina would squeeze the temperament of the eldest woman. I want to vent my anger for my little sister, and the goal is Kusano Yuki's ‘Mang Gong’.

   What can I do?

   Moreover, under the lead of Mingcai, the other three beauties' "wives" are also full of imposing manners, and they look like they are asking their guilt.

   "May I explain it." Kusano Yuki really feels like a mate now, he is very strict.

   The four girls listened, and when they saw him, they wanted to laugh again, but for the moment they wanted to hold back.

   I just listened to Kusano’s words: “I just wanted to talk about the difficulties. I shouldn’t have said this, but now it’s just spitting.

   After all, our movie is a Hollywood movie. I made it in the United States. It can even be said that it was made for an American company. Then, some things have to follow American rules.

In this movie, including Ah Hui, there are three characters with more shots. The other ones are Saito, Nakamura, Sanada Hiroyuki, and Gaya. They are already yellow faces, so they can appear more. It won't work. "

Kusano’s statement is absolutely true, but he didn’t say it before. It was entirely because he had to save face. Now he says it because he thinks it’s nothing anymore. He won the Oscars for this movie, and he is even more famous. , If you lose a bit of face, it's still in front of your own woman, the mother of your own child, what's the matter?

   A Hui’s role can only be sacrificed, because according to the plot, Saito and Nakamura have more roles, but even so, the two of them did not come to the Oscar this time.

   There is no other way. After all, the technical team was shortlisted for the award, which accounted for the number of invitees.

   Kusano said this, what the **** do the four children think?

   "Xin, we are just kidding you."

   "Yes, you take it seriously."

   "Who is rare to play more, and I'm very tired."

   "Haha... Sister Ahui didn't say that before."

   "Takako, you little traitor! See how I can deal with you."

"Ah, no……"

   Come on, this time there is still trouble, what else can Kusano do?

   wanted to join the battle group, but was directly blocked by A Hui.

   "You, don't want to touch them."

   "I didn't think about it."

   "I know your mind, you are..."

   "No, it's you who think."

  What do you think?

   At the Oscar awards ceremony, many people have won awards. Fortunately, Kusano did not go there but it was rewarded.

   No, a white and big beauty got into her arms.


   Little don’t win the newlyweds, after the warmth, it’s all sweet.

   "Do you want to say something?"

"how do you know?"

   "I can see it."

   "Then you know what I want to say?"

   "You men are not romantic yet, and Japanese men like that kind of golden cats. You must have had a mess with some blonde beauty, right?"

   "This... my Hui is so smart."

   "Oh, how did you treat me as a fool?"

   A Hui, I don’t want to miss Kusano’s luck. He was hit with a hammer, and the two laughed for a while, and they had something to say.

   "Actually, I am very happy to be able to appear in your film this time."

"I know."

   "You fellow, what do you mean by that?"

   "Just kidding, I'm the superintendent Yuki Kusano. It's not an honor to star in my film."

   "Go to **** you! Haha..."

   Ahui was very happy, but then she said a key point.

   "Sister Mingcai asked me to tell you, as long as you don't go too far, you can do anything."


   "Didn't you also get the Oscar this time? You seemed to have an agreement before."

   "The agreement is there, but I am not satisfied with this Oscar."

   "Huh? Are you still not satisfied? I can think of how the news tomorrow will blow you up, especially in Japan."

   "But this is not a big prize."

   Kusano's words didn't have a high-profile tone, but Ahui heard it, and only felt that the man in front of him was right.

   Such an imposing man is worthy of giving birth to him by himself!

   So you care~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Which golden cat do you follow? "

   "I made a mistake that a man would make."

   "You come here less! Want to learn from other people's eldest brother Dragon?"


   Well, just in November last year, the eldest brother Long said such a sentence, Kusano did not get ahead.

   However, Yuki Kusano is completely different from Big Brother Ryuna.

   "You, no one said you, you don't have to be a guilty conscience, we Japanese women have always been very tolerant of this kind of thing, otherwise, how could you have so many "wives""

   Don’t say anything, Ahui’s words are very reasonable, but her reporter said: "As long as..."


   "How about one of us?"

   "Huh? Still alive?"

   "Haha... By the way, I just remembered it! What about the name? The name you used earlier is too bad! This time I need three at once."

   Kusano Yuki's head is very big for a while, not only the upper head, but also the head of Xiaocao.

   The names I gave to the two girls, one is Sakurako and the other is Sayuri.

   Yes, this is the most common name in Japan, which fully reflects the naming level of Kusano as a father.

   Three little lives will usher in this time, then he. . .

   "Oh, slow down."

   Ahui seems to be too anxious.

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