Daily Supervising

Chapter 439: 30 billion! No loss, no loss!

"Grass, is there really no problem with this complaint?"

   "What are you afraid of? You are an American company."

   "But it is a country after all."

   "Well, that's all the money invested before."

   "No way, no way! This is definitely not good! That's nearly 200 million dollars!"

   "Oh, I voted so much."

   "Ahem, you just didn't hear it."

   "I understand. As for the complaint, I just provide a method. I can't interfere with how you Warner does it."

   "Grass, you need to know, this thing is actually you..."

   "My dear Ron, the news I have heard is that this matter seems to have nothing to do with me from beginning to end."

   "You... grass, we are still friends, right."

   "Of course."

   "Well, that's good."

   Ron was still a bit tangled about going to the WTO to file a complaint. After all, this matter was too big and his opponents were different.

  Of course, the status of Japan as a country in the United States is understood by people all over the world. Therefore, the matter is said to be big or small.

   In Kusano’s view, if Warner does not do it, then the initial money would be equivalent to buying stocks or a newspaper and media stock. This is obviously not what Warner wants.

  Time Warner, I just make newspapers. What's the use of buying Japanese newspapers?

   Is it used to pack early?

   Obviously, Americans have different habits from us Chinese.

   Moreover, Kusano knew very well that he had the idea for this matter, but Ron was greedy for merit and didn't mention him as a cursive director at all.

   Now, the celebrity supervisor is watching the show with the old gods.

   Well, in the final analysis, this matter really has a lot to do with him.

  Why did Warner come to participate in this matter?

   This is actually related to the great success of Inception.

   "Inception" has achieved quite high box office in the world, and it is even more powerful in Japan, plus the income of video products, as well as the income of all aspects of Asia.

   To put it simply, Warner’s cash flow in Asia has suddenly increased.

   This is a huge increase, and facing the US stock market crash, the entire market is pessimistic.

   Then, what should I do?

   There is nowhere to go for these money, and if you want to get Japanese money back to the United States, it will cost a lot of money.

The transfer of funds is actually quite complicated internationally. Let’s put it this way, Japan and the United States are pretty good. After all, the relationship between these two countries is like this. If it’s other countries, I’m afraid it’s even worse. Strenuous.

  For example, China's foreign exchange control is very strict. In fact, it is not only us, but many countries do.

   To put it bluntly, foreign investment is coming in, of course I welcome it, and there are even various discounts, but if you want to leave foreign capital, wait a minute, we have to make a good calculation.

   has its own costs, and the stock market is a virtue, so investing in Japanese industries is a very good choice.

   Money, such a large sum of money cannot be placed in the bank, especially the Bank of Japan, which will charge you tax without interest.

   Depositing in the bank is tantamount to losing money, which is forcing Warner to use the money, so Kusano Kokura pointed out a direction.

   Fuji TV, this is a very good investment direction. With that plan, can Ron be unhappy?

   So, that's the whole thing.

   A movie is too profitable, and the money you make is invested, but the investment is risky, and it is possible to make small gains.

   There is a problem now, what should I do?

   Will Warner recognize it?

   Ron will do it like this, forget it?

of course not!

   Therefore, Kusano is fortunate to have absolute confidence that they will definitely come according to their established plan.

   As for the performance of Takafumi Horie, Yuki Kusano is more confident.

  Horie Takayuki was here to act like this, but Yuki Kusano got some catalysts.

   Well, yes, it was how the Japanese government would behave. Yuki Kusano had thought about it early on.

  If it were to develop according to the original history, it would be the same. Anyway, it was the trouble of looking for Horie in the early stage, and then a law was made to mess with him and make him mess up.

  Of course, originally there were political factors in Japan, that is, Horie wanted to stand for election at the time. This guy actually wanted to be promoted to another class and entered the Japanese political circle directly.

   In fact, everyone in Japan understands that the most stable and solidified country in Japan are those high-level political clan families.

   To be fair, a person from a very ordinary family, such as Takafumi Horie, has achieved great success in business. He hopes to raise his class and enter the upper political circle. This is no problem.

  Even in many countries, collusion between politics and business is not justified.

   But, this is Japan.

   I have watched this episode of Yukuma Kusano, and it is clear that the Japanese celebrities have dealt almost all aspects of Horie, as if they were treating a villain who has committed a super felony.

   Maybe this is how a circle treats an outsider.

   In fact, this was also the reason why Kusano Yuki decided to leave Fuji TV. He knew that at that time, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get into the top of Fuji TV.

   And now, it's completely different!


   Fuji TV, now is about to make a major choice.

   At another special meeting, all the directors should have been instructed by the core figures of their respective hills, and they can actually vote on certain things.

   And now, the key lies in Fukuyama Misato, the head of the deliberation room.

   "Everyone! The consortium from the Cayman Islands promised 20 billion yen in funding."

   Fukuyama Misato announced this figure, and there was a lot of discussion in the conference hall for a while.

   "Is 20 billion enough?"

   "Yeah, is there anything else?"

   "Where are our own funds?"

   "We have to pay equity for the 20 billion, right?"

  Everyone is smart, knowing that money is not for nothing.

   "Yes, it is true, but the other party agreed to calculate the equity based on the market price."

  As soon as this remark came out, many people nodded.

   So, is this 20 billion really enough?

   "Any other funds?" Da Shan is very satisfied with his subordinates at this time, and this sentence is what he must say.

  Because it is the only way to be more satisfied.

   Fukuyama Misato continued, "Before, I have been in contact with the director of Kusaku Studio. He is also willing to help us, and he also provided us with a new script."

   "New script?" Xiao Ting frowned, and he really couldn't understand it now.

For Fuji TV, it is definitely the moment of the greatest crisis. The Japanese government is no longer able to do anything else. After all, it has been taken to the WTO. What it did before was indeed an act of interfering in the free market. In fact, fools can also do it. I want to understand.

   However, when it comes to Yuki Kusano, Xiao Ting feels that he can't help but guard.

   Fukuyama Misato doesn’t care about this, "The new script has been given to Nagayama-san. He said that it is a very good script and he is confident in the high ratings."

   "Is that good?"

   "What script is that?"

"what happened?"

   These things don’t need to be explained in detail, but Fukuyama Misato still said, “A trend drama called "hero" will invite Takuya Kimura and Takako Matsuko."

   "Sri Kuniichi!"

"That's great!"

   Everyone said yes, but. . .

   "There must be conditions, right?" Xiao Ting's eyes were bad.

   Fukuyama Misato still said in an icy tone: "Monitor Kusano hopes that his capital injection and this drama can get 5% of our station."

   As soon as the words came out~www.wuxiaspot.com~ everyone understood.

   "That guy Kusano wants to kill him back!"


   "He...oh, it seems there is nothing wrong with coming back."

   Of course there was some resistance at the beginning, but when I thought about it, what's the problem with the return of the Supervisor of the name of the world?

   Moreover, it was only 5% of the shares, and they returned the script to the money and guaranteed a high income.

   Isn’t that great.

   It's just that Xiao Ting felt that there was a problem in it, but she couldn't guess it for a while.

   These money sounds fine, but what will happen if they add it up?

   "The Cayman Islands company hopes to own 10% of the shares!"

   This is the final condition made by Mr. Fukuyama, so now you can vote.

   This meeting was presided over by the president of the palace. He didn't say anything, but the ballot box and the wooden ballot board were issued.

   will be written quickly, and then vote one by one.

   The final result. . .

   "Very good! 27 banned directors, more than 20 people agreed, then the result of this meeting is...agree!"

  The president of the palace announced loudly that, in this way, Fuji TV will have about 30 billion yen in funds and a script, and it will pay about 15% of the equity.

   Judging from the results, it did not suffer. . .

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