Daily Supervising

Chapter 441: Rich and face, blond young woman

"Ahaha...I knew it!"

"You knew already?"

"Got it!"

   "That's fine, the next thing..."

   "Don't worry! I will definitely support you!"

   "Then we can make a deal."

   "It's a deal! By the way, if we have the opportunity, we will go hunting together."

   "Oh, I don't like hunting very much."

   "It's interesting. It is legal to hunt animals in certain areas of the United States."

   "I am a pacifist."


   used to be a double-barreled shotgun, but now it has become a smiling face of gentle spring breeze, Ron is really good enough.

   Even, take Kusano Yuki to hunt?

  What the **** did Yuki Kusano say that this guy has changed so much?

   is actually very simple.

   What was the goal at the beginning?

   Buying Fuji TV, but what if this acquisition fails?

   It seems like now, although Warner buys a lot of Sankei Shimbun’s stocks, it is not Fuji TV. Moreover, after Fuji TV also bought stocks, it seems to be out of control.

   That is, the original goal seems difficult to achieve.

   But, did you lose it?

   Right, have you lost money?

   The stocks are now soaring!

   The Sankei Shimbun was originally a very common stock, but it is now soaring, because everyone knows that the acquisition is only at a premium.

  Of course, hostile takeovers are all quietly purchased in advance, and when the time is ripe, they will be made public. That is, the guy Horie has bought a lot before, but he has no bullets right now.

   But, the stock has risen sharply. Simply put, if Warner ships now, then, instead of losing money, it will make money. The reason is very simple.

   So, will shipments humiliate Warner?

   No way!

   The Japanese were as scared as a grandson, and the minister resigned.

   Although it is very common for the Minister of International Trade and Industry to resign in Japan, it is definitely because of the power of large American companies.

   made money and lost a strong reputation.

   You see, even if it is a country, Warner is not afraid. You interfered in the free market economy and sanctioned an economic action with no law. This is wrong and untenable.

   Warner stands on the justice side of globalization. Is this a problem?

   Therefore, it is not good at all to have inside and face.

   did not complete the previously set goal.

   But that's what Kusano said.

"Japan has already had a minister in charge, so if this matter continues, it will not be good. It will make the Japanese have a bad impression of Warner, that is, a sense of disgust. Therefore, it is better to stop now. Isn't it great."

   Ron suddenly realized that when he heard it, there was another key point, "Yes, you are Japanese. We don't know much about the Japanese mentality."

   That's it, you Americans still don't know much about Japanese.

   So, what else can I say, it’s fine.

   Ron just needs to explain to the board of directors, and it's not that he is not making money, this is all right.

   But there is a little bit.

   Ron said very clearly, "What if the stock drops sharply during our retreat?"

   Yes, this is also very important.

  Since Sankei’s stock was fired because of this acquisition, there is no news or performance support. This newspaper is still getting more and more ruined, and I still rely on blood-sucking Fuji TV.

   Then, if the funds are gone, this stock must fall.

   What can Kusano say?

   "You also know that Fuji TV has my funds. I can assure you that even if we sign a contract, this funds will never move until your funds are withdrawn."

   To put it simply, the 10 billion yen in it, I said Yukiko Kusano, I must not leave!

   Ron can be upset?

   Warner made a lot of money in this wave.

   But, Ron is an old cunning guy, as if he could think of a shotgun or something to deter him.

   Let's not talk about the 10 billion non-withdrawal thing, but one thing has to be clarified.

   "Grass, I really want to know, why do you want to help Fuji TV?"

   This question is indeed very powerful, because you guys came up with the idea to buy Fuji TV before, so how can you help them now?

Kusano sighed, "Because they have come to me, Ron, you still don’t know much about Eastern culture. If they don’t come to me, then of course I can ignore it, but they have come to me, and I’m Ability, if I don’t help, and then Fuji TV changes hands and becomes part of your Warner America, then, do you know what the result will be?"


   "I will be the national sinner of Japan!"

   As soon as he said this, Ron smiled, showing that he fully understood.

   That’s right, the current supervisor Kusano is the world’s famous supervisor, a Japanese national hero, but if he doesn’t save him, then he will really become a national sinner.

   Japan is really a strange country. Let’s put it this way, if Yuki Kusano announced today that he would renounce his Japanese nationality and join another country.

   Then, how will people in Japan behave?

   They absolutely, they will curse the Japanese government and the country like Japan.

   Look, the superintendent can't stay here anymore, this horrible place!

This is definitely a scene that will definitely appear, because many Japanese people usually complain about their own country, and there are also many celebrities who have renounced their Japanese nationality, and some simply live overseas all year round, such as Haruki Murakami and Komuro. Tetsuya, the former has not given up his nationality, and the latter is simply a foreigner.

  How do people in Japan discuss?

  Envy, okay, of course there are scolding, but there are very few, and there are injustices, let’s say Haruki Murakami, I have never won the Akutagawa Award, nor the Naoki Award, and they are all third-time finalists.

  Is your Japanese literary world a joke? ... Does Haruki Murakami have no such thoughts in his heart?

   So, changing your nationality is not a big deal.

   But it's completely different if you die without saving!

   Fuji TV is a media conglomerate, don’t you publicize such things?

   With that said, Ron naturally believed it completely.

   So, was Yukiko Kusano really paying the money because he didn't want to be a national sinner in Japan?

   There is one thing Ron is totally unclear about, that is, Yuki Kusano is not Japanese.


   The movie has been completed, and the Japanese affairs have been set up. Fortunately, Kusano comes to the United States, so just do the post-production of the first part of "Red Cliff", of course, there are special effects.

   As for things about Japan.

   Anyway, when it's almost time, he will go back and be a peach picker.

   Kusano Yuki thinks very well, and the plan is also good, and he is completely out of the picture in Hollywood in the United States.

   is fine.

   Then, let's invest in the later stage, but. . .

   "Ha! Grass! Great!"

   "Oh, that..."

   "Not much! Come on, I invite you to drink!"

   "I still have to work."

   "Let it go first!"

   Listening to Ron’s voice, he knew that he had settled the board of directors. Obviously, no one would refuse to make money and face.

   Even letting go at this time, the Japanese people still think it's pretty good, and they feel thankful to Warner for not killing.

   So, of course Ron went to Kusano for a good meal.

  In the United States, is it really just drinking?

   Blue ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ with enchanting lights, so dark that people can't see clearly, but this place is really good, and most people are not allowed to enter.

   Two old blacks at the door, specifically blocking those who are not trendy enough or handsome enough.

   But Ron is great, he has a lot of connections in Hollywood, of course there is no problem.

   "This is the best PUB in Los Angeles!"

   Ron was bragging, and beside him, there was a white girl and a black girl.

  This scene made Kusano Yuki feel inexplicably that Ron may also know a little bit of Chinese culture.

Does    look like Tai Chi?

   Forget it, this kind of guy must be a coincidence.

   Kusano does not want to waste his children and grandchildren in such a place. He is not an American, and he cannot accept American aesthetics.

   The big **** is big and fierce, this is the trend nowadays, but those with good figures are not popular.

   So, just drink at the bar.

   Until. . .

   "Oh, it's almost there, I'll go first...hehe...you also find a girl."

   Ron went to practice Tai Chi, leaving Yuki Kusano alone.

  Of course, this must be recorded in his account. Yuki Kusano will never pay, but it’s okay to go back.

   but didn't want to, he found someone.

   A blond beauty with a very good body, just drinking sullenly there alone.

   is Nicole Kidman. . .

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