Daily Supervising

Chapter 469: Golden Globe Award, famous supervisor, precocious girl

?   "What should a social fearful person look like?"

   "What do you want to say?"

   "I really haven't seen it before, you help me."

   "This person in front of you is."

"I do not believe."

   "Miss Scarlett, do you know? You are very rude to talk like this."

   "Ahhhhhhhhhhh? I just don't believe you are afraid of society, why is this impolite?"

   "You hurt the fragile me."

   "Ahaha... are you fragile? Mr. Kusano, let's forget it! Ghosts believe it!"

   is not fragile? So, the opposite is hard?

   Kusano is really helpless.

   Scarlett, this precocious girl, has recently been regarded as ‘lying’ on him, just like newlyweds...well, except for not doing that, everything else is indeed very similar.

   Kusano is fortunate to make complaints from time to time, ‘you didn’t say you wanted to experience all kinds of uncomfortable things after you got married, but you can’t see it at all right now, I think you’re quite comfortable. ’

  Tucao so, Scarlett also has a very clever counterattack, she always smiled and said, ‘that’s because your husband is pretty good. ’

   This makes Kusano Yuki's head bigger, he has never been a husband at all, and he has always had a cold face.

   So how is the situation now?

  At this moment, the Golden Globe Awards are being awarded. Many people around the world are paying attention to this matter. Naturally, Kusano's "wives" will certainly not be pulled down.

   But there is a time difference, so Kusano Yuki has already greeted the "wives" in advance, so let's sleep well.

   These words were heard by them, it was Kusano's ambition to win the Golden Globe Award, but for Kusano himself, he thinks this award... he can do everything he can, and now is the time to resign.

   Although he doesn't believe in fate, there are still too many accidents in places like the United States.

   And in front of me, there is only the girl Scarlett.

   The funny thing is that she actually entangled with the ‘social fear’, and what’s more interesting is that she didn’t believe it at all.

   Looking at the TV, on the red carpet, the stars are shining, Scarlett is serious, she is also quite envious, so her eyes change slightly.

   "That's right." Kusano Yuki thought of something, "Didn't you invite you this time?"

   "Me? Why did you invite me?" Scarlett's face still smiled.

   "I saw Sophia, aren't you good friends with her?" Kusano's reason is not bad.

   "Ha! She is her, I am me... Well, what do you want to say?" Scarlett is still very clever, "Want to turn the subject? Don't think about it! Are you really scared?"

Fortunately, Kusano scratched his head. "You really shouldn't be entangled with this. In fact, you really should go to the Golden Globe Awards. After all, that can increase your exposure. Haven't you already won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress before? "

   "You guy is very dishonest!" Scarlett said that she was not fooled, "Don't you say? Haha... I probably guessed it."

  What else can Kusano do?

Supervisor    spread his hands and gave a very American expression, "Well, I did it myself."

   The truth is here!

   As a result, Scarlett was stunned.

   Why is this happening?

   Seriously, she didn't expect Yuki Kusano to tell her the truth directly.

  Because, the current situation of the two of them is not ‘fake’?

   Yeah, they are all fake, these so-called newlyweds are all pretending to be.

   Scarlett herself, of course, admits that she actually enjoys the current life very much, and her personal feeling is quite interesting.

   She is almost certain now, that is, although Kusano’s mouth is a bit poisonous sometimes, and he may be unkind to do things, he is actually quite gentle.

   At least, for so long, he didn't even have any...individuals for himself.

   Hmm, that's it.

   In fact, Scarlett didn't know that Kokano was really trying his best to restrain this. If he hadn't been cautious enough, he would have wiped out this precocious girl a long time ago.

   But what does this statement mean right now?

   "Why did you admit it?" Scarlett's puzzled expression was really cute.

   "Don't you just want to hear this?" Kusano was rubbing his temples, yes, isn't this girl the intention?

   "But, but..." Scarlett's face was a little red, and her heart was so strange.

   I have expectations, but I am a little afraid.

  Why did Yuki Kusano tell her the truth?

  What does this mean?

   but I heard Kusano say: "We are not'couples', so what can't you say about this?"

   His reference to this ‘couple’ made Scarlett a little disappointed, but also hopeful.

   In fact, this is the normal entanglement of a girl, but Scarlett does not realize it now.

Kusano didn’t care about this. He said to himself: “Since you have seen through, then I’ll just say it. I have a very important reason, so I can’t show up in the public, okay, Or it can be said that I really don’t want to expose myself. However, I still want to win some awards. Yes, this is indeed a contradiction, but what can I do?

   A tragic genius, how about this persona?

   Well, I figured it out and started marketing on the Internet. The whole process went very smoothly. The result is what you see now. Almost the entire United States knows my ‘shortcoming’.

   So, I'm such a bad guy. "

   Kusano Yuki’s words are of course very suggestive, but the last sentence is very important.

   In the process of listening to these words, Scarlett had an impulse. She wanted to hug Kusano Yuki. Even if this guy is deceiving the world, she also wants to do so.

   As for the last sentence...well, she just did it.

   hugged him, and couldn't help kissing him.

   At this time, Yuki Kusano was confused, "Don't you think I'm bad?"

   "Very bad! You guy is utterly bad!" Although Scarlett said so, she still bit Kusano's lips.

   is really a great fairy.

   Until they separated again, Kusano Yuki had a chance to speak, "Then why are you still like this?"

   "You at least did not deceive me."

   "No, not just this, right?"

   "Yes, not only this, you also told me your secret."

   "Miss Scarlett, let me remind you that this so-called secret is nothing to me."

   "So what? I didn't want to say it to the public."


   The conversation between the two is a bit weird, because Kusano reminded that even if you tell someone this secret, it's useless.

   Scarlett just came here and won’t say anything.

   There is a sense of embarrassment inexplicably.

   But, this is not over, Scarlett is fully showing her powerful charm.

   Kusano's defense is about to be shattered, but fortunately, he is cautious after all, "You are playing with fire, know?"

   Scarlett smiled and left him, "Well, let's make a bet."

   "What gambling?"

   "Golden Globe Award."

   "How to bet?"

   "If you get the best foreign language film, then...you have to tell me more secrets."

   "Yes, what if you don't get it?"

   "It means you are a loser."

   "So, you are leaving me, right?"

   "Ha... this way, you will be less burdened, right?"

   It's a strange conversation again, but the two bet, and...


  According to European and American habits, the bet is to spit on the palm of the hand, and then the two shake hands.

   This ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is a bit disgusting. "

   "Hahaha..." Scarlett laughed, and then said very charmingly: "Many people want to get my saliva, don't have a chance yet?"

   This is not only charming but also a little strange in Kusano's ears.

   What he thought was that not only the saliva, but also the bath water, there are people vying for it. That guy is still a basketball player, quite famous, and a little handsome.

   Forget it, I don’t think about it.

   "Then, wait for the result."

"it is good."

   The best foreign language film is not the final prize, but it is also very far behind. The two watched the TV intently until. . .

   "The 58th Golden Globe Awards for Best Foreign Language Film... Please Miss Nicole Kidman on stage!"

   Awarding, I still need to find a guest, but this one. . .

   But at this time, Scarlett launched an offensive against Kusano Yuki again.

   hugs, kisses, ears and temples, all kinds of...

   "The result hasn't come out yet?" Kusano Yuki was quite calm at this time, but is it true?

   "I don't care about the **** result!" The girl's heart was beating very fast, her face was extremely ruddy.

   Then. . .

   Supervisor can be calm, can he be cautious?

   He squeezed the **** the sofa. . .

  :. :

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