Daily Supervising

Chapter 475: Lost the trophy and won the word of mouth? The situation is great!

?  "Why do I think "Red Cliff" should be the best foreign language film that won the Oscar?"

   "Seriously, I think so too, although "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" is a very good movie."

   "It's not that I turned my elbow out, but it really feels like this, "Red Cliff" is even bigger."

   "I think director Li An is very strong, better than that Japanese director! After all, he is Chinese."

   "Hey, Li's case is an American, right?"

   The result has come out, even "Red Cliff" has ended, but the topic can't stop.

   Above the Oscar, "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" won "Chibi", and the previous Golden Globe Awards "Chibi" won "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon". This result is very interesting.

   will naturally arise, "Which movie is better?" ’Topics, and such topics will naturally be debated on the Internet.

   Actually, the two movies have two styles, which many people can understand.

   For a time, the momentum is majestic, and the anger swallows the world.

   The other is more focused on personal expression.

   Of course, some people have interpreted "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", that is, this movie actually reflects some of the personal thoughts of director Li An. He is actually looking for the common points between Eastern civilization and Western civilization.

   That Yujiaolong's last jump, I'm afraid that's what it meant.

   This interpretation is really reasonable, for example, Yu Jiaolong's original background.

   Yes, a world eldest lady, this represents the traditional oriental nobles.

   Luo Xiaohu, the robber from the Western Regions, he represents the wild Western civilization.

   Li Mubai is the defender of Eastern civilization. He is actually very similar to Yu Xiulian.

   Such a statement can be justified. As for whether Director Li An thinks this way, then no one knows.

  So, what about "Red Cliff"?

   Someone said it was wonderful.

   This is pure Eastern culture, but in terms of expression techniques, many modern technical methods are used, which is a great improvement over the previous versions.

   Therefore, it can also be regarded as a combination of East and West, but this combination is a technical point of view, not a combination of spiritual core.

  Yes, "Red Cliff" is absolutely oriental in spirit and in terms of its overall connotation, except that it uses modern Western technology in its expression techniques, such as those visual special effects.

   This kind of statement naturally made many fans agree, but immediately gave birth to a tangled point.

   The director of "Red Cliff" is Japanese!

   No way, Chinese netizens have a very complicated feeling about Japan during this period.

   However, some people boldly proposed it.

   The Japanese are also Oriental, and they are also greatly influenced by Chinese culture.

Yuki Kusano, the supervising director of   , is a person with a very upright view of the three views. Throughout his works, he has never been contaminated with any Japanese right-wing thinking.

   That said, it's really correct.

   Especially someone cited the previous example, which is "The White Tower".

   In this classic... well, that's right, now this TV series has become a classic of all Asian medical dramas, and some people even praised this medical TV series as the unsurpassed pinnacle.

  Of course, such a classic TV series has many classic scenes and bridges. Among them, the scene of Caizen Goro in the Auschwitz concentration camp can fully see his reflection on the war.

   Although the content of the original work by Mr. Yamazaki Toyoko was at this time, Yuki Kusano filmed it completely and added his own understanding. This does not reveal many of his thoughts.

   So, Director Kusano’s Three Views are very OK!

   Moreover, there is another characteristic of the Eastern cultural core.

   group portrait.

   Although it is certain that Luo Guanzhong really wrote Liu Bei as the first actor in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, this masterpiece also portrays many characters, who are vivid and vivid on paper.

  Many characters have their own characteristics, and these people make up the wonderfulness of this novel.

   Kusano Yuki did the same.

   Cao Cao's anger swallows the world.

   About Yunchang's loyalty and power.

   There is Yuan Shao's indecision.

   These are very in line with the spirit of the original.

  Furthermore, Eastern literary works are originally known for group portraits, which is a huge contrast with the Western form.

   There are not many group dramas written in Western novels, and even the names of many novels are simply the names of the male protagonists.

   Such as "The Troubles of Young Werther".

   At this point, although the name of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" is this name, the protagonist is very distinctive.

   is Yujiaolong.

   Of course, some people will certainly have objections, that is, isn't Li Mubai the first protagonist of this play?

   Brother Fat, it's him.

   But as long as you take a closer look, which character in this movie is more attractive, and which one is to connect the whole movie?

   Yu Jiaolong, she is the soul. Almost all the plots and all the drama conflicts actually surround her.

   Therefore, "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" is not a group movie, but not oriental enough.

   This point makes the Chinese audience feel more violent than those non-gravity fights, but the shooting method is very good, and in fact, we also accept the story format with a protagonist throughout the entire plot.

   Under this analysis, it seems that this problem is even more difficult.

   Is "Red Cliff" better or "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" better?

   There are endless debates on the Internet in mainland China.

   It can be said that it is very lively.

   Is this kind of controversy, this kind of excitement good or not?

   It's better than no argument and no excitement.

   And this kind of controversy naturally appeared on the Japanese Internet, and the direction here is much more interesting.

   "Fully support Kusano Supervision!"

   "Supervisor Kusano Saigo! Supervisor Li case? I'm not familiar with it!"

   "Actually, I still watched Lee An’s movie. His movie is very warm and feels very Japanese... But, I still support Kusano!"

   "You must support Kusano Supervisor! The Oscar should be awarded to "Red Cliff"!"

   "I think it is because the US is too hostile to China!"

   also discussed these two films, but Japanese audiences are basically on Kusano's side.

   There is no way, people in this country are more conformed, so is it not the right thing to protect your own people?

In fact, the Japanese are quite strange. Although they always reflect on how bad their country is, but in many cases, they will never turn their elbows out. For example, when traveling, Japanese people also like to live in Japan and invest in foreign countries. Hotel.

   That's it anyway.

   Yuki Kusano won a big victory in Japan.

   Outside of Asia, Taiwan, China is the most interesting.

   "This time it is obviously the work of Director Kusano, even better!"

   "Indeed, the scene is even more grand! The Li case is very good, but it is still no match for Kurosawa Akira's descendant!"

   "Exactly! Obviously Oscar's political color is too heavy!"

   "Strongly support Kusano Supervision!"

   is like this!

   Okay, this is probably the role of Yuki Kusano~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Many people on the island are just too late to kneel and lick.

   Fortunately, these performances now are only the scenes on the island and cannot be transmitted, at least the mainland side does not know.

   If netizens in mainland China learn about this, I'm afraid...the tea egg incident will not cause much disturbance in the future.

   No matter what, Kusano's victory at the home court of Li's case is really amazing.

   As for Hong Kong, at least "Chibi" is much better than "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" at the box office. Isn't this movie not exciting enough to be spit out.

   So, what about another key market, the United States?

   "Oscars are getting less and less authoritative!"

   "Oscar has fallen!"

   "Oscar ZZZQ!"

   Maybe a lot of people don’t understand it, maybe a lot of people just want to be cool, maybe a lot of people just come here to break in, otherwise it’s just idle.

   However, everyone is really happy about Oscar's complaints!

   From this point of view, "Red Cliff" lost the trophy and won the word of mouth?

  How does Yuki Kusano think about this matter?

   The celebrity supervisor who has been filming, no matter who asked him about public opinion, he answered with a smile.

   "The situation is very good."

   Not long after, news came.

   The second part of "Red Cliff", I will meet you in the summer!

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