Daily Supervising

Chapter 486: The famous supervising hard, the summer file war begins!

   It should be said that both Zhang Ziyi and Scarlett are all tempting enough, and the famous supervisor is not so principled.

   But he really has an absolute reason.

   Just say now, the reason is here.

   "Xing, your eyes are too good, right?"

   "Ah? Sister, I really don't understand, why do you praise my eyes?"

   "You really don't understand?"


   "Huh! Haven't you seen me appear yet, so you just turned a blind eye to the two young girls?"

   "How come? Even if my sister doesn't show up, I will do it."

   Kusano Yuki is so serious that even Sister Akina can't fault her.

   Yes, Akina is also in Los Angeles.

  Is this an old lady coming here, afraid of her husband stealing it?

   Not really, Ming Cai is actually preparing to release another album, and this time I cooperated with American musicians to make my music more elements.

   Well, the truth is, Mingcai can be very free now, and there is no need to rush to make your favorite music.

   She wants to sing, she wants to sing very much, and she has always been like this.

   After being with Kusano, she didn't feel any pressure anymore. She didn't care how many records were sold and what was not money.

   This is pretty good.

   Of course, there is one other person who is also very stress-free.

   "Our name supervisor, he should have another purpose, Ming Caijiang, don't be fooled by him!"

   The one who is not stressed is the horoscope eyebrow, she said that she doesn't rub the sand in her eyes.

   Kusano is fortunately innocent, and said, "What other purpose can I have?"

  The horoscope eyebrow also made a gesture of pushing glasses. Of course she didn't wear glasses anymore, but why did she do this?

Detective Conan!

   This move made Akina want to laugh, but now is not the time, she can only... her face blushes.

Fortunately, Bazi Brow quickly expressed his reasoning, "You! It's nothing more than being afraid of being photographed by the American paparazzi! Whether it is the Zhang Ziyi or Scarlett, these two girls are all in the United States. Well-known, maybe not a top star, but there are a lot of topics, especially Zhang Ziyi, her current momentum is very strong, and if it is photographed, then you, the mysterious Kusano Supervisor, are also in danger of being exposed, so absolutely can’t What sunscreen should I put on! Right?"

This. . .

   Kusano could not help scratching his head, "So I am so good."

   The way he said this made Ming Cai couldn't help it anymore and burst into laughter.

   The eight-shaped eyebrows also laughed, and the so-called reasoning just now was actually messed up.

   But to be honest, it really feels like a famous detective.

   When it comes to detectives, there are also many rumors in Japan at present. It is said that Xiaolan described by the guy Aoyama Gosho is Shizuka.

   He hasn't come out to talk about it yet, but there is a record. The heroine of the previous manga was based on Akina Nakamori.

  Who knows what this guy thinks? Anyway, it's absolutely unexpected. Whether it's Akina or Shizuka, it's...well, it's like now, Kusano Yuki is hugging left and right.

   Then. . .

   "I still want to make music."

   "Yes, this time I will cooperate with Ming Caijiang."

   It turns out that the two of them are going to join forces, so, is there any teacher Miyuki Nakajima involved?

   But what about Yuki Kusano now?

   but heard Ming Cai whispered: "There are two younger sisters."

   Two sisters?

   Kusano Yuki understood it as soon as I heard it.

   Zhongshan sisters, they also worked very hard, but still didn't get pregnant, which made them both anxious to get angry.

   What can I do?

   Keep working hard. This is of course one way. Otherwise, can I go to a doctor?

   Or simply use technology.

   Just... let's work harder.

   When Kusano and Akina and Bazimei came home, this was it. . .

   "You are back."

   "That...for today, please also take care of me."

   The low eyebrows of the Zhongshan sisters are really pitiful.

   How can Kusano Yuki?

  While making a movie, while working hard to give birth to a child, what a husband can do.

  Sister Zhongshan is enough?

   This is hard to say, but the superintendent has forgotten the things on the beach.


  Some people forget, but some people can’t forget.

   Although Scarlett did not lose, she did not win either.

  Well, I didn't lose because of my natural advantage.

   Hey, that Zhang Ziyi is flat to that point, and I am embarrassed to wear a bikini.

   There is no way, Scarlett has too much advantage in this respect.

   But this is the key to not winning.

   Kusano Yuki, you badass!

   Yeah, it was so merciless, and to leave like this is equivalent to ignoring her.

   Even, Scarlett thought so, even if Zhang Ziyi was chosen, it was better than this result.

   But... wait a minute!

   Scarlett was surprised to find a crucial question, what happened to him?

   What happened before, isn’t this jealous?

   It's normal for a woman to feel jealous, but it's not normal for Scarlett.

   I ran away at the beginning, that is to say... That Kusano Fortunately, he has so many women!

   This incident is difficult for Scarlett to accept, but when you think about it, it seems that in eastern countries such as Japan, in ancient times, there were indeed many women marrying a man.

   Could this be a good tradition?

   Wait, why do you add the adjective excellent?

  Good, it should not be used like this.

   Thinking of this, Scarlett feels even more uncomfortable. She seems to have forgotten Kusano Yuki.

   Didn’t you say something like that back then?

   is just to remove the film.

   When did I become so uneasy?

   Scarlett’s entanglement is actually about an emotion that she dare not face, even she is very scared.

   But if you think about it, there are really many people like Yuki Kusano.

   There is such a tradition in the East, but not in the West?

  The West is actually even more shameless, because it is not called a wife.

   Even in modern times, let’s just talk about Hollywood. The level of chaos in the relationship between men and women is absolutely staggering.

   How many women do successful men have?

   I'm afraid they don't know it themselves.

   This is the fact, the world is like this now, thinking about it, Scarlett actually has an urge to join the feminist cause.

   But I think again, forget it, not many are true at all.

How to do?

   Do you want to go back and make peace with Kusano?

   If not, what happened on the beach before?

   Is it impulsive?

   In the end, Scarlett confirmed that what happened on the beach was impulsive. She is still young and is a little girl who can make mistakes.

   But, thinking about it, the blonde girl's hands are not honest again, one is proud to measure herself, and the other starts interesting exploration.

   There is nothing wrong with this, maybe this is not a long-term solution, but it can only be done first.

   As for Zhang Ziyi, no one knows whether she has such an idea.

   However, the biggest theme of the whole human society, the love of men and women, needs to be put aside for the time being.

   In fact, the summer vacation for 2001 has already begun, and this year seems to be very different.

   The Hollywood side seemed to be suppressed for a long time, but this time the firepower was finally on.

   First, a small surprise broke out~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A movie called "Shrek" was unexpectedly popular.

   This is really surprising, because Shrek is a very anti-routine story.

   As a rule, the protagonist in the movie must be handsome, and if he is not handsome, he must be an ordinary talent, but this movie is different.

   Although this is an animated cartoon, the protagonist is so **** ugly.

   Moreover, not only is it ugly, it is also fierce. At least that scares the children quite a bit. Well, many children find this guy ugly and cute.

   However, the green monster, this kind of image really rarely became the protagonist before.

   There will be another princess.

   In Disney's animation, the princess is very beautiful, although Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs may have some unspeakable stories.

   But, in general, a princess needs to be beautiful, good-looking, kind, and other elements must be available.

   But, this movie is from DreamWorks, so do the opposite.

   The princess is also ugly!

   Okay, these are actually quite interesting.

   In this way, an unexpected animated movie became popular all over the world, and the anti-routine story was a big success.

   So, what's next?

   "Shrek" is just an appetizer, this year's summer movie war has already begun. . .

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