Daily Supervising

Chapter 511: Shop, kill!

Sri Lanka State One.

   The word ‘weak’ is so powerful, Bill couldn’t help but say a little bit of Japanese that he doesn’t know much.

   However, as a film critic, of course, I can see the intention of the plot. It starts with a little girl being extremely strict with her father. This is definitely not talking about the educational difference between the East and the West.

   This is shaping the character!

   This little girl will definitely be the most important role in this movie. Of course, it is still not certain that it is the heroine, because this kind of routine is actually quite common.

   At the beginning of the movie, there is a small plot first, and this small plot is absolutely related to the plot that follows, but many directors hide this connection, especially some suspenseful films.

   That’s right, at the beginning of the suspense film, the person in there is probably the murderer later.

   The little girl is indeed not necessarily the heroine, and this method is not unusual.

   But that word is really powerful.


   This is of course the father reprimanding his daughter, and it can make people feel that the father is harsh on his daughter.

   He didn't even use one more word.

   Maybe, even saying "very weak" is better than just such a word.

   This is Bill's judgment. He thinks that the person who thinks like this shouldn't be the only one who thinks like this.

   The actor who starred in his father is a bit fat, and Bill didn't know that this is the famous Japanese Toshiyuki Nishida. Even if his fishing fans shoot well, there are even DVDs for sale in the United States.

   Although Toshiyuki Nishida is famous, he is also a gold medal supporting role.

   However, the beginning of this is indeed a small plot, after which the picture becomes different.

   Kurosawa Akira's movies always show some unknown places, these places look like small villages, and now there are similar places in Kusano's movies.

   The wooden house looks like it will collapse when the wind blows. The streets are not wide, they are basically dirt roads, but fortunately, there is not much sand and dust moving with the wind.

   Even in such a place, there are many vendors and wine shops, all kinds of signs, bells and whistles. In terms of population, there are not many, but there are not many. There are various types, and naturally they wear traditional Japanese clothes.

   At this time, a person appeared at the street, someone who looked a little ordinary, at least the clothes he wore were not very different from everyone else.

   But, this man has a cane in his hand, and he walks a bit strangely, oh, he was blind.

   Blind, of course, is a scornful term for many passers-by. Don’t think that the Japanese are just the same, let alone this era. Everyone looks down on such blind people, and even pushes them out and bullies them.

   Fortunately, this blind man is very funny, he has a strange smile on his face, and he always makes a strange noise in his mouth, which is not loud and small, as if he is suffering.

   It didn't take long for the blind man to come to a shop. The boss was a man with a bored look on his face.

   But the blind man has some money and asked for a bowl of udon.

   Although the small shop is not big, there are many customers. Two of them look unusual.

   They carry swords on their bodies, but their attire is very sloppy. They speak carelessly. Some guests next to them try to hide as far as they can, whispering, they are ‘ronin’.

   There is a difference between Ronin and samurai.

   However, these two Ronin said a very interesting term.

   "You gangsters, Lao Tzu is a reformer!"

   It may be because of the eyes of other people, so the two of them reported themselves to their families, and this ‘Reformation Scholar’ is very powerful, allowing many people... to hide further away.

   Anyone who is familiar with Japanese history knows that the reformists are those who support the emperor, but in fact, they also have lofty ideals.

   After Japan was blasted open by the United States, many people were very disappointed in this country. They announced that they would defend Japan and let the country rise.

   Then, how to defend, how to rise?

   Originally, the real power of this country was in the hands of the shogunate, so of course it was necessary to oppose the shogunate.

  Renovation ambitions naturally formed the royalist faction, supported the emperor, and hoped that the emperor could truly control the real power.

   But in fact, the shogunate is also loyal to the emperor, but they still have to get real power.

How to do?

   With the reform ambitions, of course there must be a new writing team.

   Shinsengumi, which is ‘Xinsengumi’, these people. . .

   "Where did the **** come from? Dare to call yourself a Reformer here?"

"who is it?!"

   There were three more people in the originally small room. They wore strange clothes, not Japanese style, but very westernized uniforms similar to military uniforms.

   looks quite handsome, at least much better than those two Ronin.

   The two guys were still arrogant just now, and their faces became serious now.

   As for this store, it was really bad. Some smart diners just ran away. After all, the sword has no eyes.

   But the shop owner couldn't help but shrank and hid in the counter, but there was a girl who was weird.

   "Hey, uncle, come on, come on."

   It turned out that the blind man hadn't moved. He was neither frightened nor left his table. He just ate noodles there. This girl had a better heart and wanted to save the blind man and stay away from right and wrong.

   The girl has a pair of eyes that love to laugh, her eyes are very clear, and she can see her little tiger teeth when she smiles. In short, she is very good.

   But the blind man was unmoved.

   "I haven't finished eating this noodle yet."

   It looks like this is a starving ghost.

The girl was a little angry, but she was not very loud, "You guy, I'm afraid I will fight for a while, and I will suffer. This shop is probably going to die, but this is because the shop can't run, but we big people have legs. , The legs are used to run, you guys can’t see it, they run slower, but it’s okay, just follow me, I run fast."

   The girl is rustic, but very funny.

   The blind man couldn't help laughing. His smile was a bit bad.

"why are you laughing?!"

   "This guy is also a reformer, right?"

   "Huh! We reform ambitions don't want this kind of old blind man!"

   "You treat us as idiots?"

   This really scared the girl. The reformers and the new writing team, who were still at a fight just now, are running on the blind guy together.

   "That, it seems, it seems something is wrong." The girl was almost crying.

   But the blind man was still eating noodles, "Someone has to finish the meal."

   It's nothing, but it's not the same when I heard the Xinbianzu and the reformist's ears.

   "You fellow, are you a reformer?"

   "We said, no, he won't be yours?"

   "Asshole! Why do we want this kind of person?"

   "You are bastards! You just pushed him to us first!"

   The people on both sides are holding the handle of the knife with their hands, ready to release the knife at any time, but they slowly approach the table of the blind man, forming an encircling posture.

   The blind man’s mouth made that weird noise again, as if he was particularly tired, but now, a bowl of udon noodles is also finished.

   "I'm a blind man, and I don't seem to offend you, but my blind ears are pretty good. You seem to be facing each other with swords. Why is this? It's strange."

   Although the blind man’s remarks are still rustic, the truth is true.

   But I heard the reformist over there say: "You blind man, it's of no use to this country, but in this shop, you hinder us."

The new writers also said: "This is indeed the case. The progress of this country is the most useless for blind people. Moreover, if you don’t leave here, you might help them two later, and that little girl, you won’t Thinking of attacking us too, right?"

   It turned out that the people on both sides thought so.

   Is this idea wrong?

   There may or may not be, but it seems that the most correct choice is to get rid of the centrists first.

   The blind man may not know how he became a centrist himself, but in this place, he really seems to be a centrist. Everyone thinks of him like that, whether it's the new writers group or the reformers.

   The blind man had no choice but a smile appeared on his face.

   "I just eat bowl of noodles, although I really can't make a contribution to this country, can I not even be alive?"

   This is true. The girl couldn't help nodding. She actually regretted it, so she shouldn't care about this blind man in the first place.

   What about Xinshenzu and the reformers?

"go to hell!"

   Three new writers, two reformers, almost simultaneously.

   Suddenly, the knife, light and sword shadow in the shop~www.wuxiaspot.com~ all cut to the blind man.

   The blind man still had a smile on his face, but suddenly, the stick changed.

   was originally just a walking stick, but a knife was drawn out of it in an instant. This knife was strange in the hand of a blind man, it was a backhand knife.

   It's too late, then it's fast.

   Brush and pull!

   As if the blind man just turned around, or just a flash of light from the knife, all the five people in the circle stopped moving.

   No, it's not that they don't move. Their expressions have changed, their eyes are different, their eyes are full of surprise and fear, and more. . . It's too late, with a few rumblings, people are down!

   "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!) . . "I'm not dead?"

   "Hahaha..." The blind man still smiled, then hid the knife in the stick again, and then walked out of the shop.

   But at this moment, the girl seemed to remember something, and immediately chased it out.

   "You are amazing, that... are you a samurai?"

   This question is very interesting, will a blind man answer it?

   "I am not a samurai."

   "Then what are you?"

   "Blind man."

   "What is that samurai?"

   "Samurai... They are a group of people who worship power..."

   Just like this, a blind man and a girl walked slowly into the sunset. . .

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