Daily Supervising

Chapter 516: "Rurouni Kenshin" and the three-pointer of Cannes!


   "Great Criticism! Kusano Supervisor's Thoughts on Samurai Culture!"

   The film "Samurai" has already appeared in Cannes. Although it has not yet been screened for real, many people have seen it. As a Japanese reporter, of course, I have to comment on this film.

  So, an article that made a fairly fair comment on this movie was placed on the desk of the president of Fuji Television.

   Master, is this to criticize Japanese samurai culture?

   Fukuyama Misato, the ice beauty, can be said to be infinitely beautiful now. She can have no scruples on the TV station. Although the position has not changed, her power has been firmly controlled by her.

   Oh, yes, it is controlled by the master.

   Now, the master’s new work has come. Of course, many newspapers have given good reviews, but many people can see that Kusano has criticized the Japanese samurai culture to a certain extent.

   In fact, Kusano’s film is quite fair, but the current Japan, especially its own culture, is mainly...blow.

   Well, ordinary ordinary people don't know about this. They will only follow the tune of the media and some functional departments of the Japanese government.

  In other words, the master's movie does not fit the current mainstream trend of Japan.

   In fact, the TV station’s perception of this matter is relatively clear, not only in Japan, but also in South Korea.

   The Korean side directly specified a series of plans to export its own cultural products to the world, and now it has also come out, that is, some Korean dramas.

   In fact, it means to blow hard, and blow a lot about how good Korea is.

   On this point, Japan looks down on it very much.

   The relationship with South Korea has always been bad, and this can be regarded as the consensus of the whole people in Japan.

   But the problem is that, for now, Japan’s cultural output is actually going downhill, especially the output of film and television dramas. In terms of animation, it is still performing very well, but the film and television dramas are really poor.

   used to have a very good relationship with China. Many TV series can be broadcast in China. Even Fuji TV has tasted a lot of sweetness.

   For example, "A Rare Friend", this TV series has pretty good ratings.

   But it's a ten-year thing, even the Akina Nakamori in it is not so active now.

   Now, what should I do?

   On the one hand, it is the pressure of foreign cultural export, on the other hand, it is the master's criticism of the Japanese samurai culture.

   Bingmei thought for a while, she finally chose to use her power.

   "Hold a special meeting!"

   It didn't take long for the Big Three of Fuji TV, Oyamachifu, Hideo Kotoyama, Kozo Nagayama, and important figures of their three factions, that is, their attendants, all came to the large conference room.

   "Everyone, please show your opinions."

   The ice beauty is very simple, the implication is... you all have to blow it to me!

   Yes, the master’s latest masterpiece, how can Fuji TV not come out and shout?

   This task will be arranged like this, it depends on how you perform.

   Xiao Ting and Da Shan are now suppressed and do not dare to mess around, looking at the documents in hand, that is, many newspapers’ comments on Kusano’s new film and various news in Cannes.

   They knew very well that they had to bow their heads even if they were reluctant to do so.

  Although I definitely don't want to be ridden on the head by this woman, they are not strong enough right now.

   So he cares. . .

   "The TV station will have a special program!"

"Of course, but we must also figure it out. It must be done by moisturizing and silent means. For example, we can interview some current kendo masters or figures who still maintain the spirit of samurai and let them say Say what you think..."

   "This method is very good. Can you also go to some historians and ask them to talk about it? I feel that the history of that period is unclear."

   "Well, it's not bad, Da Shan Sang is really amazing."

   "Xiao Tingsang won the prize."

This. . .

  Unbelievable, the infighting duo is so harmonious now!

   Seriously, Bing Mei laughed miserably in her heart. Of course she knew who caused this result.

  Master, you are an eternal god!

  Using powerful means to suppress these two guys into this way, the two who had fought back and forth are now like two generals.

   The ice beauty is dark and cool, even her long legs have changed her posture, but her face is still so stern.

   But not wanting, Nagayama Kozo came up with an interesting idea.

"Um, I was actually watching a comic recently and I found a very good one called "Rurouni Kenshin". This comic seems to have a similarity to Kusano's work. Why, our TV station launches the live-action version of this comic. Right."

   When he said this, Da Shan and Xiao Ting were both taken aback, but after thinking about it, they nodded directly.

   "It's Nagayama-san, as expected."

   "Indeed, this will not only help Supervisor Kusano, but it will also make Fuji TV a good income!"

   These two guys started playing Shochiku Prince again.

   There is no way. The situation is like this. The two of them can pretend to be grandson. Nagayama and Kusano have a good relationship, and the plan is really interesting.

  Bing beauty saw these, even some couldn't help but smile, and finally naturally nodded.

   "That's great, I will ask Yongsansan for this plan."

   So, the live-action version of "Rurouni Kenshin" by Fuji TV was launched.

   As for who to choose. . .

   Kimura, right?

   Nagayama Kozo has also cooperated with Kimura many times, isn’t that great.

   In fact, Prince Shochiku has his own test. He wants to compete with Yuki Kusano on this stage of ‘Bakura’.

  Of course, this thought is the same, it feels like a joke, but Nagayama is really jealous when he sees Kusano’s current state.

   No matter what, the plan has been finalized, and Fuji TV has also begun a full-scale hype about Kusano’s new film.

   This kind of treatment, Japan can not find a second one.

   So, what's the situation ahead?

   Can the movie "Samurai" get Palme d'Or?


   "This movie makes me feel like I'm back to that era!"

   With the passage of time, the screening of "The Pianist" has also been completed. The protagonist is not only the big nose that attracts attention, his acting skills and his melancholy have been unforgettable for a long time.

   This Roman Polanski movie really touches people's hearts and is indeed a classic.

The media reporters of the    Film Festival are very active. After watching the film, everyone has to communicate with each other and make judgments.

   As for the venue, there are constant scoring, but what is interesting is that this time the official Cannes venue "Silver Screen", there has been no action.

   is just a lot of movies advertised on it, but the ratings are not available.

it's wired.

   However, it didn't take long for another movie to be screened. This is "Lost in Tokyo".

  Sophia Coppola, this talented Hollywood girl, what is so special about her work?

   At the beginning, the audience was shocked.

   Because what everyone sees is such a picture.

   A beauty, lying on her side, her fair skin is not covered, but everyone can only see her beautiful back.

   Not far away is the window~www.wuxiaspot.com~Outside the window is a high-rise building.

   Reinforced concrete buildings form a huge city.

   With this shot alone, it seems that you can feel the loneliness and loneliness of this woman.

   Well, Scarlett’s beautiful back is indeed more attractive.

   And in fact, what makes this movie more attractive is the ending.

   Scarlett plays the young American woman who has just married. She has less and less communication with her husband. Once, she met Bill Murray's outdated star.

   The two slowly began a very weird relationship.

   said that the weirdness should be, because they didn't do anything out of the ordinary between them, such as cheating, they should have sex, and there was a lot of gunfire and so on.

   They didn't, they didn't have it from start to finish, but it was very interesting. It was just a small daily incident, but it made the two of them smile enough.

   Until, Bill Murray is going back.

   Then. . .

   Finally, the two of them just said a few words softly.

   That's right, from the beginning to the end, it's just that, that's it.

  Result. . . Continuous applause, rave reviews!

   After the screening of "Lost in Tokyo" was over, the "Silver Screen" was finally given a score.

   "Samurai", "Pianist" and "Lost in Tokyo" all three movies have received more than 3 points!

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