Daily Supervising

Chapter 554: I, Yuki Kusano, will make such a movie!

With a special ambiguity in the breath, Zhang Ziyi's beautiful face was filled with a touch of satisfaction and other things.

what is it?

   has this global attention actress have such a different change?

   "Your image in my mind is directly cleared, you know?"

   "Oh, does this affect me?"

   "You guy! Doesn't it matter yet?"

   "No, just to be honest, don't you know that I have many women?"

   "I know! But, that, that... but she's still a child."


   Kusano Yuki's face became weird in an instant, not to mention Kuniko.

"What is she saying?"


   "Who? Me? Huh???"

   The height was originally not Kunizi’s strong point. Although his own strict requirements over the years and the training of Kusano Yuki, Kunizi’s figure is still slim, but with an apple face, the whole body is actually somewhat rounded.

   I was said to be a child like this, this. . .

   "You are just a kid!"

   Guozi was furious, and went to the line with Zhang Ziyi.

   "I, I'm doing this for you." Zhang Ziyi, an international actress, is still confused, and she still thinks she is kind.

   "No need!" Guozi was angry, and then started...Well, although Guozi is not very young, some places are older than Zhang Ziyi.

   "Ahhhh~" The international actress did not expect to be attacked for weakness, and soon suffered a peaceful loss.

   Kusano Yuki saw this scene in his heart. . .

   What can I say?

   "Forget it, forget it, let's make a good movie."

   is like this, can you still film well?

   The two girls don't stop looking at the famous supervisor with sharp eyes, just go ahead.

   join forces to attack!


   It's not a big deal to make a fool of yourself. As for the image of the celebrity supervisor, not many people know what he looks like anyway.

   Well, this seems to be different from what Zhang Ziyi said, but there is good news for the movie "Conditions in the World".

   "Director Kusano, haha...I'm not here late."

   "How come, Mr. Xu came in time."

   "Haha...it's a bit late for the two words in time, I can hear it."

   "It's really not too late, it's not too late."

  Mr. Xu is here. Not only did he come, he also brought a lot of people.

  Who is Mr. Xu?

   is the top leader of Hengdian World Studios, and these people he brought. . . Yes, they are what Kusano needs most!

   Kusano Yuki did not use the resources of China Film this time. In other words, he had almost no support from the military. This was what he had thought about before, and he made a strategy after weighing the pros and cons.

   But there are always talents, and the number of group performances to be used this time is still huge.

How to do?

   Kusano Yuki thinks of this Mr. Xu.

  Although the filming is in the Northeast, and the group performance is of course best to be from the Northeast, it does not matter.

   The method that Kusano Yuki and Mr. Xu decided was also very simple, that is, relying on the sign of Hengdian, and then recruiting here in the northeast.

   Although this recruitment is a bit special, it is still a recruitment category. The specific method is to find a small performing arts company and use various channels to gather talents.

   Someone will definitely think that group performances don’t require so many requirements, right?

   Especially in Hengdian, isn’t there a Hengdian god? Lie on the ground for a day and hit a corpse for a hundred or ten dollars.

   That's right, but Yuki Kusano really wants to do something this time.

   "From the beginning" is a very good song, but you have to really have a job for the big guys, right?

   Kusano Yuki has this idea. Since I want to use people in my movie, and it's better to use people from the Northeast, then just do it like this.

   Maybe this movie can't provide a long-term and stable job, but the key lies in the way out!

   It’s 2003, and China’s blockbuster era has just been opened two years ago, and the people on the fertile soil of Northeast China have a very strong artistic talent.

   Well, in Uncle Benshan’s words, it’s art bacteria.

   Seriously, from the perspective of China as a whole, the situation in the literary and art world is that at least half of the country is born in the northeast, and even this is still less said, and the proportion in the past was more.

   Many people don't know that Gong Li is actually from Shenyang, just as many people don't believe that Chen Xiaoxu is actually from Anshan.

   There is no way. After seeing her Lin Daiyu, most people think that this girl must be from the south, right? Absolutely, otherwise, how could she be so gentle and graceful, obviously she looks like a Jiangnan girl.

   This is only an actress, let alone a comedian.

   It seems that people in the Northeast are very funny, and many people have studied why it is so funny.

   said that it is winter because it is too cold, so everyone is cat winter, then, when cat winter, you can’t have big eyes and small eyes, right?

   just babble, babble, babble, and slowly, the ability of this mouthful is up.

   Of course, there is also a saying that there are rich products in the northeast, and after you come here, you can at least eat and drink, so you feel happy, people, that's not it.

   If you don’t have to worry about eating and drinking, you can just do something else, so the literature and art are also up.

   Anyway, there is something to say, and it makes sense.

   Kusano Yuki did this this time, not only to take advantage of the advantages here, but also to provide a way.

   Of course, after the shooting is completed, most of these group performances may still be the same, but there will definitely be many people who want to invest in this industry.

   The film and television city here in the northeast is worse, so you can go to Hengdian.

  Ren, I used to break through Guandong, but now I'm coming back. It's nothing.

   Mr. Xu’s arrival, the group performance is completely settled, the total number is as many as two thousand, of course, it is still recruiting, who knows how much will be needed in the end.

   It’s just that there is still a problem here. Most of the group performers are from Tohoku. What do they think about such a play, a film dominated by Japanese people?

   Fortunately, Kusano knows that many people in the Tohoku have a sharp attitude towards Japan.

   Then, what should I do?

   On this day, I found a university gymnasium. The first 2,000 people gathered here.

   Group performance, this time it is not the army used, so it immediately became like a vegetable market.

   "I knew this scene was filmed by a Japanese, I won't be here!"

   "Just brag! This is a lot of money, will you not come?"

   "What does it have to do with money!"

   "Hey, this Japanese director is pretty good. Have you never heard of him?"

   "What's wrong? That's also Japanese!"

   "People are Japanese friends who have a very good attitude towards China. You guys, haven't the teachers said that? We must strive for such people."

   This is generally the case, the more you are at the grassroots level, the more you like to talk about national issues.

   is also right, this is the so-called master spirit, not only in the Northeast, but also everywhere.

   But I don't talk about the whispers of these group actors. Even the lead actor of this play is still a bit unreadable.

   "What is this guy Kusano going to do?" Zhang Ziyi's face was peachy, but he was also very curious about it.

   Guozi hasn’t gone there yet. The child definitely gave her a violent blow, but it’s okay. She is older than her!

   Of course Hiroshi Abe doesn’t know the inside story. He now replied very seriously: “Probably, Director Kusano wants to encourage everyone.”

Is that so?

   Zhang Ziyi is uncertain, and Kuniko is also very curious.

   Fortunately, it didn't take long for Yuki Kusano to appear.

   There is a small stand in the university gymnasium, which should be used for performances or conferences.

   Kusano Yuki appeared here, and then. . .

   "Dear friends from China, I am the director of this movie, Yuki Kusano." He uses Chinese.

The word    was full of accents, and all the group performances were stunned by this one.

   Is this a Japanese director?

   is not only tall and handsome, but also so good at speaking Chinese?

  Most of the folks in the northeast are enthusiastic, or there is that song, they are all live sex.

   It may not be all, but the enthusiasm for treating people is quite sufficient.

   Everyone changed their previous views almost instantly. The Japanese director is definitely pretty reliable.

   Fortunately, Kusano did not delay, he was just saying what he had to say today.

"Everyone! I gathered everyone here today, just to explain to you our movie, this movie, I believe many people have never seen it, or even heard of it. What I want to explain now is also More troublesome, I am afraid it will take a long time.

   So, let me briefly talk about some key points of this movie.

   "The Conditions of the World", this is the original movie, now we are making a remake.

   And the key to this movie is anti-war! Reflection!

   I believe you will have doubts~www.wuxiaspot.com~Because Japan is really not doing well in this regard, I also believe that there is indeed no solemn apology.

   However, our movie is really doing this. There is absolutely no excuse, and there is no denying it.

   To put it simply, this movie will reflect on the war through the evil things that Japan did in the Northeast. We will present it in a real way, and absolutely not beautify it a little bit.

   This movie will film all of this, the reality of the year, and the various situations of the Japanese, and then it will be screened all over the world.

   The above is our movie, I am Yuki Kusano, I hope you can support me, here, thank you all! "

   Kusano's remarks were all about speeches, but he didn't use any speech skills, even his tone of voice was ordinary.

   But this is more sincere.

   More than 2,000 group performers, there was a little noise at the beginning, but it was quiet after listening.

   Now, I don't know who it is, applaud, and continue. . .


   thunderous applause!

   "Our man supports you!"

   "Director! Great!"

   "Director Cao! You are so awesome!"

   In this scene, Zhang Ziyi, Kuniko, Abe Hiroshi and others are also very excited.

   "The Conditions of the World", Yuki Kusano thinks it's time to shoot!

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