Daily Supervising

Chapter 570: Let's run, supervising name!

"Name Supervisor's Daily (

"If you don't succeed, you will retire directly! As expected of Kusano Supervisor!"

"This is the spirit of the samurai! Director Kusano deserves to be a national treasure of Japan!"

"Long live Supervisor Kusano! Always support Supervisor Kusano!"

"He is so handsome! It turns out that there is such a perfect man."

"I feel that even if he declares treason tomorrow, the Japanese will forgive him. He is really handsome."

Directly on such a TV station issued the declaration of ‘retire if you don’t succeed’, Kusano’s boldness and courage are so strong that they can’t be added, driving many Japanese audiences crazy.

Of course, you can’t be so crazy just for your own exclusive use. Everyone hastened to speak on the Internet, and talked about their feelings and the various supervision of Kusano... Anyway, there are so many women.


The hottest word of the day.

After that is courage, momentum, etc...

It's strange, Kusano clearly exposed some things in Japan, which embarrassed everyone, but it turned out to be all these good words.

It's really weird.

But this result seems to be very normal, anyway, this is the case in Japan.

So, no one is on the opposing side?

"Yuki Kusano is a super hypocritical person!"

Mizoguchi is on the line again. Although he is miserable now, he still has a solid foundation. Besides, part-time jobs in Japan can also be mixed.

And how can he let go of this opportunity now?

Fight against Yukiko Kusano on the Internet!

Mizoguchi even directly used his original name, anyway, it was a match made after death.

Don't tell me, it is indeed opposed by many housewives, who have been talking about it all the time.

People are so handsome, what are you?

In response, Mizoguchi was seriously injured.

However, many people really agree with him.

"Fortunately, Kusano is harming the interests of the Empire of Japan!"

"This kind of character is not a national treasure!"

"It's just that no other Japanese supervisor is better than him now!"

Where did these people come from?

To be honest, Mizoguchi is not an idiot. He clearly understands the tendency of these people's speeches. They are probably right-wingers, but. . .

"I Mizoguchi Koichi, I am willing to do my best for the Japanese Empire!"

Well, I just jumped over it very simply.

Such a simple choice is his normal performance.

In fact, Kusano’s filming of the film "Conditions in the World" this time will certainly touch the right wing in Japan. This result is absolute.

Therefore, the courage of the celebrity supervisor is a bit big, which is why many people admire him.

In addition to being handsome, there is courage.

What is courage?

The hymn of mankind is the hymn of courage!

Ever since!

After this so-called interview was broadcast, Mr. Nakadai, as the ‘source of all evil’, of course could not pretend to be ignorant.

"Cao Ye Sang, this is my last ripple."

No one had thought that this old man would have come such a hand, which was so interesting at once.

Jo smells too strong, the point is, this stem is quite appropriate.

Especially attracted many young people, as well as many anime fans.

Everyone can't help it.

"Secondary-Generation-Mulberry -"

"You guys! They are not dead yet!"

"Asshole, respect it!"

Well, this kind of stalk is still not easy to play, but it is still very interesting.

Anyway, the Japanese, there is really no lower limit for spoofing.

This is a series of results triggered by the Kusano declaration. Of course, its impact has not ended, but is constantly changing.

The film "Conditions in the World" has naturally become a film that the whole of Japan is looking forward to.

Well, it is the most anticipated.

Even the people who don't like Yuki Kusano, then they definitely hope that this movie will be messed up when it is released, don't they?

This is also called anticipation.

However, there is one person who is more special.


The Minato area in Odaiba, Tokyo, still feels empty.

This place is considered a development zone, but the overall feeling is very unlike Tokyo.

Many of the buildings here are very big, Fuji TV is just one of them, and the Ferris wheel in the seaside park is also very big.

Tokyo as a whole is very crowded, but it is big and spacious, which makes young people like it very much.

Sitting in the Ferris wheel, looking at Tokyo Bay, and then. . .

Well, the famous scenes that often appear in a certain type of animation, let's not talk about it.

Now, there are two people walking on the road in the park. Of course, they won't go to ride on any Ferris wheel. Two men, do they want to fencing?

It's just the dialogue between them, it really is. . .

"Sanjiang, are you angry?"

"What are you talking about, I didn't."

"Really? I don't believe it."

"That's your fault, how can you have so little confidence in me."

This. . . It must be said that what Kusano and Kozo Nagayama said were just like this, but their tone and tone really didn't make anyone misunderstood.

It's a bit weird, but it just happened right now.

What are they talking about?

This isn't "Rurouni Kenshin" going to be released, but Kusano's interview directly hit the movie's popularity, which is really not very good.

Yuki Kusano said that, don't let old friends misunderstand.

A little basic idea is really reasonable.

But Prince Shochiku said so, "Actually, I want to talk to you about that movie even more."

"Oh, of course there is no problem." Kusano's expression became serious.

"You are really bold." First of all, Prince Shochiku said.

"Oh, envy and jealousy?" Kusano was very calm.

Yongshan Gengsan laughed, "You, it's really amazing, but I think this movie is a bit difficult."

"Yes." Kusano nodded. "It's hard to say how promising this movie can be in business for now."

"Then what should I do?" Nagayama Kozo stared at each other. "The Kusano Yuki I know has always made money and reputation at the same time. This time it will be no exception."

"You know me so much, I am even a little scared."

"Haha...you fellow, come on less!"

"Well, maybe because of this, I did the previous one."


Although Kozo Nagayama made a questioning tone ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, he actually understood.

Through this exclusive interview, Kusano Supervisor realized his appearance in front of the public, which in itself can be regarded as a very successful business operation.

After all, this "Conditions of the World" is a bit old after all. From the perspective of Japanese people, especially in many current circumstances, how can such a movie get a high box office?

Don't underestimate the box office, only the box office reflects the number of people who have watched this movie.

For example, South Korea simply records the number of moviegoers.

If no one is watching it, wouldn't it be that such a film called reflection by the Japanese would have no such great significance directly.

The truth is very simple, Kusano Yuki played such a hand.

"The Conditions of the World" is already highly anticipated.

but. . .

"Will they really like it?"

"I do not know."

"It's not like Supervisor Kusano as I know."

"But I really don't know this time."

A guy who is always careful to make a perfect plan and then implement it, now says he doesn't know.

I'm afraid I really don't know the future.


At first, Kozo Yongshan wanted to say something, but at this time, a few young people in the park had very good eyes, and they recognized someone.

"Isn't that Supervisor Kusano?"

"Wow! Real people are more handsome!"

"Supervisor Kusano, can you sign for me?"

"A group photo is fine."

Alas~ I knew it would happen, Kusano could not help but sigh, and then oiled the soles of his feet.

Kozo Yongshan couldn't help laughing as he watched his friend running in the sunset.

but. . .

Well, let's run, Yuki Kusano!

Toward the goal in your heart, don't think too much. . .

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