Daily Supervising

Chapter 606: Novels and Society, Ming Supervision and Ryoko

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Regarding the movie "The Letter from Iwo Jima", it has not yet been determined. So, as a famous supervisor, Kusano Yuki naturally did not chase the project too much, although he wrote the script, even though the script was written by Higashimuko. The old cowboy said it was not sure yet.

Ever since, the high-profile publicity "Unsinkable Sun" has become the current project of Kusano's supervision.

The operation of a mature movie is like now, with a director at the level of Yuki Kusano, naturally it is not a trivial matter.

However, there are also generalized routines, such as finding funds at least at the beginning.

Fortunately, with his fame, funds came to him naturally, and Kusano was fortunate not only did not lack the funds to find him, but he even had enough funds himself.

It's just that this era is talking about resources. If you want to eat all the bread by yourself, then the bread won't be big.

Not to mention anything else, it is the "Flag of the Fathers" that Dongmutou himself wants to make. This movie is a collaboration between DreamWorks and Warner, and there is Disney behind it.

You know, DreamWorks is Spielberg's, this film company is an independent production film company praised by all filmmakers around the world, and it carries the banner of independent production on its shoulders.

But now, this big banner is about to fall, and the latest news is to sell it to Disney, and the Dongmutou movie is clearly to be co-operated.

Kusano knew from the beginning that he did not make an independent film. He was not Spielberg. The reputation of this great director in China is phenomenal, especially in this year.

Of course, he is indeed very powerful. Many movies are very profitable. For example, the film "Saving Private Ryan" allowed him to earn enough to squander for several years, but...

Later, in "Brothers", one episode cost 100 million dollars, which is indeed gone.

These have little effect on Kusano's good luck. His plan came out early in the morning. If this movie wants to open up overseas markets, he still has to rely on Warner, otherwise, there is really no better way.

As for the Japanese market, Kusano naturally has to get on Fuji TV.

In fact, Fuji TV is already its own. Of course, the shareholding structure is quite complicated, and after getting this TV station, it is tantamount to binding the two big mountains of Dongbao and Songzhu.

The local aspects of Japan can be considered solved, and the production and other aspects, of course, still have to be handed over to the grass studio.

As for other aspects, to be honest, Kusano did not have much idea about whether the Chinese side would care about the film about the air crash.

As far as this novel is concerned, "The Unsinkable Sun" is a very important event in Japan, which is the 123 air crash.

This air crash can even be ranked first in Japanese history, with great influence, and it is indeed very miserable.

Moreover, the performance in many aspects of this incident was shocking.

Yes, it is the rescue side.

During the Kobe earthquake, the rescue was delayed for three days. Later, Fukuda's rehabilitation was sprayed with incomplete skin.

This old man who has been in politics for a long time can't hold it anymore.

In the 123 air crash, the rescue was even more speechless.

Even, there are many shady scenes.

Regarding this incident, there are actually some literary works and film and television dramas appearing in Japan, such as the one by Mr. Toyoko Yamazaki, and a recent novel that is quite powerful.

"Mountaineer", the name of this novel sounds like it has nothing to do with the air crash, but in fact, this is a profound disclosure of the air crash, and it is very distinctive in terms of perspective.

The author of this "Climber" is Hideo Yokoyama, who is known as the socialist author after Matsumoto Seicho.

Quite strong, and the origin of this person is also interesting.

He was originally a reporter for the newspaper group. Of course, his identity is not the paparazzi of the tabloid newspaper, and his identity has a lot to do with this novel.

It is from the perspective of the newspaper group to expose the original rescue problems. Of course, the newspaper group itself is not a white lotus, it is full of problems.

As long as you know this, and then contact him to have such a title, a socialist writer after Seiharu Matsumoto, you can understand the tendency of his works and some of his experiences as a person.

Yuki Kusano had heard of him when he was studying abroad in his last life, and his most famous incident was...breaking with the big literary figures in Japan!

To put it simply, I had a chance to win the Naoki Award, but because of some details, it was more complicated anyway, so I just said goodbye to the award.

Naoki Award This is Japan's number one literary award. Regardless of whether this award seems to be awarded a lot, its status is still there.

If Yokoyama Hideo did this, he was breaking with those in the traditional circle. Among these people, there are naturally old guys like Shintaro Ishihara.

There is an organization called the Japanese Literature Promotion Association. In this organization, the status of the old thief Ishihara is quite high, so. . .

Forget it, don't think about these things too much, anyway, the Japanese literary world can be said to be quite weird, otherwise there will be no housewife who has no limbs and cheats on more than fifty housewives.

Well, in fact, Teacher Toyoko Yamazaki was also born as a reporter. From this point of view, she has similarities with Hideo Yokoyama. Maybe only such a person will pay more attention to such topics.

The 123 air crash is a big event, and in terms of literary works, it is like this. Hideo Yokoyama used the newspaper group as the starting point. Then, what about Teacher Toyoko Yamazaki?

Yuki Kusano actually heard of this work a long time ago. Well, to be precise, when he was in contact with Mr. Yamazaki Toyoko, the teacher was writing this work, and his supervisor cannot pretend to be ignorant.

However, he really hasn't read this novel.

But fortunately, he has watched related film and television dramas.

Is it the advantage of the traverser again?

Yes, but he didn't see everything.

He blushed a little bit, but the actual reason is that movies and TV dramas are not quite to his taste.

What is the starting point of Mr. Toyoko Yamazaki?

Yuki Kusano, who has supervised "The White Tower", actually knows very well in his heart that the teacher is very good at writing about the darkness of the Japanese workplace, and the same is true for this "Unsinkable Sun".

Of course, in the context of the 123 air crash, this huge theme is completely fine, but the general story inside is like this.

That is, because the actor insisted on the principle, he made many actions against the airline in terms of investigation and compensation.

This is supposed to be, it is normal, and it is right, at least for ordinary people, that is, for people with a sense of justice in the future, it should be like this.

However, this male protagonist was quickly squeezed out, a very severe kind of squeeze.

As far as the novel is concerned, the company directly transferred the actor away for ten years!

This is capital.

Of course Kusano had heard of 996 or 007 later, and he certainly felt that this was a problem, but compared with the mature capitalism in Japan... it is obvious that the Chinese side is still the younger brother.

And this novel is based on the ten years that the actor and his wife Han worked hard to raise their children in Japan. This... well, let's take a look.

Kusano opened this novel. When he didn't open it, he felt that it was a feature-length novel. After all, the upper part was very thick and thick.

Generally speaking, a novel is about more than 300 pages, and this one is obviously more than 500 pages. The key is that this is only the upper part.

Can an air crash be so long?

Wait a minute, of course this is not an air crash. This is actually...Yes, of course it is about Japanese workplaces and Japanese companies.

Kusano opened it to see, and soon, he was attracted.

The beginning of the novel does not write about Japan, but Africa.

It's really amazing. This airline wants to open up some African routes, so the male protagonist just...

The more I look back, Kusano Yuki feels heavier.

Yes, it is heavy!

You know, he is a famous supervisor. He has walked along the way and actually experienced the Japanese workplace and company system. He knows very well in his heart.

Although he always felt that he was harvesting leeks, in fact, what did he do?

In this novel, he saw many people under the culture of ‘big company’ in Japan. They... They are like Morita, Bingmei, Xiaoting, Dashan, and...

Kusano finally understood why this novel is a classic. It is not just a novel set in an air disaster, it is actually the reality of Japan.


Just when Kusano was caught by this heavy weight...

"Eunichan! Are you busy?"

"Ryoko? Why are you here?"

Hirosue Ryoko appeared in front of Yuki Kusano wearing a simple casual suit. The manager was surprised because Yuki Kusano is now in the United States. . .

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