Dali Temple Small Dining Room

Chapter 425: Fried glutinous rice **** (7)

   A plate of round "golden balls" is still steaming, obviously it has just been out of the pot. In the mouth, the skin of the fried glutinous rice **** is crispy, but the crispy taste is only a thin layer of the skin. The teeth break through the crispy surface, and the inside is the unique soft and waxy texture of the glutinous rice balls. Chewing It looks soft and waxy with a little tenacity. Before he could chew two more bites, the sweet and fragrant black sesame filling flowed out from the thin layer of soft waxy inner core.

   Well, I tasted it, and it was indeed the work of the chefs in the imperial dining room. It's just that on weekdays, all of them are boiled. Now eating this deep-fried glutinous rice balls, Xindi feels that it is not only novel, but also has a unique flavor. Compared with boiled glutinous rice balls, the taste is better Not to mention rich, it smells much more fragrant.

After eating two in a row, he picked up the third one. This time, Xindi didn't put it into his mouth immediately, but looked at the glutinous rice **** on the chopsticks and said in puzzlement: "One is boiled, and the other is deep-fried. It seems that the method is not difficult. Why haven't I seen the group of cooks in the imperial kitchen who are used to delving into cooking methods do this?"

"How can it be so simple?" The queen said with a smile when she heard the words, "Did the ordinary glutinous rice **** be put in the oil pan? They exploded a long time ago. It was Master Wen who made steamed buns with steamed buns, wrapped them in a layer, and called them just now." So perfect."

The new emperor suddenly realized that while putting the fried glutinous rice **** into his mouth, he nodded and said: "Afei is definitely someone with a heart." Then he continued without the queen's words, "Today I was almost let go by Zhang. He walked away by the nose, but fortunately he was smart enough to know how to pretend to be stupid, so he was sent back." He told Zhang Rang about Wen Mingtang's handling of Wen Mingtang with his father's hatred and filial piety, and sighed, "There are some things that cannot be handled at all. The best thing is not to interfere."

The empress patiently listened to what the new emperor had to say, and also laughed a few times, and then ladled soup for the new emperor and said: "She came to see me as soon as she came back, I think it was probably made by Concubine Jing, she is a smart , just follow my words."

Hearing the words, the new emperor raised his head to look at the queen, and said, "Awan, I did not arrange the murder of the Qianyuan Palace." As he spoke, he reached out and covered the queen's hand, and sighed softly, but said nothing. Did not say.

  The queen nodded and said, "How could I not know you?" Then she lowered her eyes and picked up chopsticks for Xindi's favorite dish.

The murder case was not arranged by him, but some of the inside information may not be unknown to the loved ones around him. Lord Jingguo, who was implicated in the murder case of the Qianyuan Hall, nodded and admitted in the face of all unfavorable evidence, and only completely denied the matter of whether he killed anyone or not. like...

   Just like Wen Xuance back then.

   It is not only the emperor and empress who discovered this, but many others.

  Duke Yasukuni is now the same as Wen Xuance back then, refusing to say anything.


   On the second day, Wen Mingtang taught the two maids in the small kitchen how to make some dim sum and snacks. Another day passed in such a quiet manner, and it was the Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.

With the words of the Empress Empress that day, Wen Mingtang originally thought that she would probably not be able to leave the palace during the Shangyuan Festival, but she didn't realize it. She had only eaten the court food on the Shangyuan Festival, and someone came from the Queen's place. After Wen Mingtang passed, the Queen Not talking nonsense, she moved her mouth towards the teacup at hand, and said: "Girl Wen, I won't keep you here anymore, you can go to Qianyuan Hall and leave the palace after a while!" There was a flash of embarrassment in his eyes, "The city is very lively tonight, you might as well go out and have a good Shangyuan Festival with Zhao Sishan or something."

  The Shangyuan Festival not only eats glutinous rice balls, but also has lantern festivals. Compared with the lantern festivals organized by the moon in the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Shangyuan Festival is a serious lantern festival. Pedestrians on the street each hold a lantern. There are various rabbit lanterns for this Year of the Rabbit, and there are also beautiful octagonal palace lanterns painted with beauties and beautiful scenery.

  The orange-yellow light comes out from the lampshade, with a faintly charming and hazy color. Yes, this Lantern Festival is not only a day for viewing lanterns and shopping, but also a day for many romantic men and women to meet each other.

Wen Mingtang thought of a poem written by a certain poet in the time and space he was in - "The sound of the phoenix flute moves, the light of the jade pot turns, and the fish and dragon dance overnight..." The scene is beautifully written, but the two most beautiful and most widely sung lines are not. It has nothing to do with the scene, but the person—the crowd searched for her thousands of times, and when they suddenly looked back, the person was in a dimly lit place.

   Now that the queen specifically mentioned it, and looking at the narrowness in her eyes, Wen Mingtang's heart moved slightly, and he vaguely guessed something. Could it be that Lin Fei mentioned not only things to the empress, but also people?

  Thinking about this, Wen Mingtang felt that the character of Lin Shaoqing from Dali Temple was as good as his skin, and he was also surprised by Lin Fei's boldness.

  She comes from modern times, and she doesn't agree with Da Rong's division of superiority and inferiority. It is one thing not to admit it, but Wen Mingtang also knows that it is not easy to break through this set of distinctions of superiority and inferiority. Although looking at Mrs. Hou and the others are considered kind, but...Jing Yunhou chooses the concubine for the son of Hou, and he pays attention to the right family, and people outside the family will not consider it at all. Lin Fei should know that this matter is not easy, which is also the reason why Wen Mingtang didn't think much about it after listening to his cryptic confession.

  When I was listening to the small officials chatting in Dali Temple, I once talked about a widowed adult who fell in love with the daughter of an ordinary people who sold tofu, and finally broke through the obstacles and took the daughter as his wife. You must know that if such things were not so rare, how could they be so talked about?

   Now listening to the Queen's jokes, Wen Mingtang suddenly realized that Lin Fei was playing the idea of ​​His Majesty's imperial decree bestowing the marriage.

  This... can really work! It's just that what will happen after the completion...Wen Mingtang frowned, still thinking about it on the way to Qianyuan Hall with tea.

  When he walked to the front of Qianyuan Hall with tea, Wen Mingtang calmed down, and talked to the guards on the left and right. The guards who had been instructed earlier did not stop him, and Wen Mingtang walked in with tea.

  When she entered the hall, Lord Yasukuni was not facing the outside of the hall like the day before, but now he was facing the door of the hall, sitting quietly by the desk, looking up at the dragon pattern hovering on the top of the hall.

  Hearing the commotion, Lord Yasukuni turned his head to look over, saw that it was her, paused, and said, "Are you delivering tea again?"

  Although it was a question, there was not much surprise in his tone, as if he knew all this already.

  Wen Mingtang said "yes" and walked over with tea.

Lord Jingguo raised his eyes to look at her, and after taking a serious look at her, his gaze stayed on her face. After a moment's pause, he suddenly said: "Girl Wen, if you agree with me, I will agree with you." You and Ah Fei will definitely not be obstructed by his parents."

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