Dali Temple Small Dining Room

Chapter 431: Spring dish gourd chicken (6)

  Chapter 431 Spring dish gourd chicken (6)

"He was hung on the beam," Master Xing said after a long silence, "but it wasn't forced, because he didn't struggle at all, and although his eyes were red before he died, he didn't say anything. Voluntarily strangled."

  Master Xing's statement is consistent with Mao Guanshi's autopsy results.

  Lin Fei nodded, and asked Master Xing: "Did you see clearly the person who went looking for him that night?"

  Master Xing shook his head: "It's covered!"

  Lin Fei frowned slightly.

  Master Xing said again: "Although the face is covered, you can see that the man is wearing a knife, and there is no difference from the people in the yamen. It seems to be a standard saber distributed by the imperial court."

  This sentence has some meaning, the implication is that the person who killed Guan Mao seems to be a member of the government.

  Although the words are somewhat interesting, it is not surprising to think of the things involved in the Maoist incident.

  Lin Fei didn't mention anything about Guan Mao. Whether it is Feng Tong or Guan Mao, they are just pawns that will be discarded at any time in the whole game.

He looked at Master Xing, changed the subject, and asked another question: "A year ago, when the two ministers of my Dali Temple went to Xianyang to track down the gangster who might be involved in the case of Mrs. Lu's parents back then, did you send someone?" Followed to Xianyang?"

  Even though he had followed Master Xing earlier that day and sent people to stop him in advance, it is true that Master Xing intended to harm and kill.

Master Xing already knew about the death of a Dali Temple coachman in the Xianyang incident. When Lin Fei mentioned this incident, his lips moved and his face turned pale. After a long silence, he nodded in response. , but subconsciously argued in his mouth: "Yes, but those people didn't respond afterwards, I inquired again, the Xianyang county government set fire to kill the coachman, it shouldn't be the person I was looking for..."

  Although it was an excuse, it was also a fact. Lin Fei didn't interrupt his excuse, but Master Xing's voice became lower and lower as he spoke, and he couldn't continue at the end. He lacked confidence in his heart, so he had nothing to say.

"The person you were looking for was stopped by my people." Regarding this, Lin Fei glanced at Master Xing and said, "If I don't stop them, those people's purpose is to go to Xianyang to kill people, which is the same as the murderer's purpose. "

  Master Xing had a pale face and did not speak.

  Lin Fei looked at Master Xing in front of him: Mrs. Lu had a difficult life, which indirectly contributed to Master Xing's obsession with revenge.

   It is a fact that he intended to kill innocent people in vain in the incident in Xianyang, and it failed because of his lack of strength and his obstruction, not because he didn't want to.

  Master Xing cannot escape the crime of attempted murder. After Lin Fei lowered his eyes and remained silent for a while, he asked Master Xing again: "Where did Master Xing find the desperado? If it's just an ordinary murder, taking people's money, and warding off disasters with others, there is absolutely no need for him to be caught once." He killed himself immediately."

  Therefore, the desperadoes that Master Xing recruited should not be ordinary murderers for the purpose of seeking money and business, but more like those dead men with missions.

  Master Xing heard this, but raised his eyes and looked at him with subtle eyes.

This strange look was naturally not missed by Lin Fei who was paying attention to the expression on his face at this time. Seeing the look in the eyes of Master Xing, he felt a slight movement in his heart. Before Lin Fei could speak, Master Xing on the other side opened his mouth up.

   "Don't Lin Shaoqing know?" Master Xing asked him

  Lin Fei lowered his brows and eyes: Should he know?

  Master Xing saw that he was silent, thought for a while, and said: "Master Chang is with Mr. Chang and the others, and he is also the owner of the stock behind the Star Picking Tower."

These words exploded in Lin Fei's ears like a thunderbolt, and many thoughts flashed through his mind. Before he could find the end of the messy twine, Master Xing's voice rang again. .

"Lin Shaoqing must have checked the history of my entry into the mansion," Master Xing said, "I was originally going to be a chef in Ganzhiwei's public kitchen, and my intention was just to find a place to stay. Dao suddenly changed his mind and came to the Hou Mansion."

   This point, Lin Fei naturally knew it long ago, because Master Xing's sudden change of mind was a bit weird, so Lin Fei had been eyeing Master Xing since the beginning of Master Xing's entry into the mansion.

  After Mrs. Lu came to Beijing, watching Master Xing and Mrs. Lu's group "recognize" each other, it seemed that it could explain the reason why Master Xing insisted on coming to the Hou's Mansion, but...it was still a bit far-fetched.

  Master Xing wanted to recognize Mrs. Lu, why did he have to choose the Hou Mansion? What's more, there is still a Dali Temple Shaoqing in the Hou's mansion. For a person like Master Xing who wants to do something, he should avoid Lin Fei.

   "I met Master Chang on the way," Master Xing said, "Master Chang pointed out the way for me, and I entered the Hou's Mansion. Mrs. Dao Hou likes that dish, and she was old with my mother back then."

  The wind and rain gathered in Lin Fei's calm eyebrows and eyes. Hearing this, he said in a deep voice: "He knew you had the same identity as Mrs. Lu and others in the past?"

  Master Xing nodded, then twitched the corners of his mouth, and laughed at himself: "I resent those people back then. The hateful thing is that I couldn't find the truth of the year by myself. In the end, I still have to rely on the strength of those people to get revenge."

"Master Chang said that the second elder suffered an innocent disaster back then. The husband is not guilty, but he is guilty of the crime." Master Xing said lightly, with a little sarcasm in his tone, "He said that the second elder had an accident and was killed by the gangster and the butcher. Not long after they took the silver, they lost track of it, and they have been looking for the whereabouts of the silver."

  Lin Fei nodded, then looked at Master Xing again: "What else did he say? How could he let you stay in the Hou Mansion willingly, believing that he would not do anything to you?"

  As far as Master Xing is concerned, because of the matter of Lu Lu's father and Lu mother, he must not trust anyone in any officialdom, whether it is Mr. Chang or their Lin family.

  The routine can make Master Xing willing to stay, so there must be something else to say.

Master Xing glanced at Lin Fei, and said: "I must be hard to understand what he said about the emperor of the family and country. This is not bad. I haven't even avenged my family, so how can I have the strength to manage my family and country?" What about the emperor?" Master Xing lowered his eyelids when he said this, "He said that Er Lao was killed by the gangster and the butcher, the butcher is dead, and the gangster was also killed forty years ago, so my enemy will Only the people behind who instructed the butcher and gangsters to rob and kill the elders are left."

   These words touched Master Xing's heart. At that time, he asked Chang Shi about the behind-the-scenes instigation.

  Hearing this, Lin Fei asked Master Xing: "Did Master Chang answer you?"

  Master Xing shook his head: "He said that the forces behind these things are intricate and complicated, and they are not something that ordinary people like me can provoke. Let me live in peace for the time being, and don't add trouble. When the time is right, it's not that I can't take revenge."

  Hearing this, Lin Fei took a deep breath, and asked Master Xing: "And then?"

  Master Xing said: "I am unwilling to get this answer, so I thought about it and asked another question. I asked who was the one who robbed and killed the gangster?"

  Lin Fei followed Master Xing's words and asked, "What did Master Chang say?"

Master Xing said: "Chang Shi probably also understands that I don't want to live in peace if I don't know some inside information, so he vaguely said that those people who robbed and murdered gangsters are now in Chang'an City, so I don't want to act rashly. This answer is the same as A few days ago, the city magistrate Feng Tong exactly matched what I said when he was drunk, and it also made me completely sure that Liu Sanqing and his party were those who robbed and killed gangsters back then. After that, I followed these people, because Liu Sanqing and his party were not around In the city, I went to watch Guan Mao’s affairs. Lin Shaoqing, you know all about it.” Having said this, Master Xing paused, and then said, “That day I heard that the two ministers of Dali Temple went to Xianyang to investigate the past. I then went to find the person who was left behind by the routine to talk to me about the matter, and the person who connected..."

   "What did the connector say?" Lin Fei asked Master Xing.

  Master Xing lowered his head, did not meet Lin Fei's gaze, but looked down at his own toes, his voice was a little muffled: "They said that...there is no other way, we can only get rid of those people."

  So, even though those desperadoes were not from Master Xing, he was the one who informed them and knew that they were going to rob Liu Yuan, Bai Zhu and his party, but he did not stop them.

  He also wanted to kill Liu Yuan, Bai Zhu and other people who wanted to expose the past in Xianyang.

  Lin Fei lowered his eyelids, hiding the coldness in his eyes: He was once a victim, but now, he has become a perpetrator.

  Master Xing didn't dare to look up into Lin Fei's eyes, he still had some conscience left, and felt guilty for this matter, but it didn't stop him from doing these things.

"The two elders were also innocent back then. Those thirty boxes of silver taels were very hot. They didn't move a penny, and they didn't do anything wrong but suffered misfortune." Master Xing murmured with his head down, as if trying to convince himself, "There are some things in this world. If you want to make it happen, you have to sacrifice some innocent people. The second elder was that innocent person back then, and those people in Dali Temple will inevitably become innocent people. I will repay the debt to that coachman in the next life..."

  Looking at Master Xing who was muttering his defense, Lin Fei swallowed back what he wanted to say: Master Xing still doesn’t think it’s wrong to kill innocent people in vain. As for the so-called retribution in the afterlife, it is just an excuse for many hypocritical and cowardly people! It is hard to say whether this illusory afterlife exists. Some people will say "repay in the next life" because they think there is no such thing. After all, it is just a casual promise that may not be kept; I am afraid that the number of newspapers will be reduced by 70 to 80%.

  It’s like the wicked who swear to the gods when they do evil, but they only dare to swear continuously because they feel that there is no **** in their hearts. If they really see the gods and know that there will be retribution, how many people are left who dare to swear?

Lin Fei looked at Master Xing and continued to ask: "Father Lu and mother Lu were the victims of the butcher's murder, and Emperor Jing who was involved in it also passed away long ago. Those forces are afraid that this matter will be exposed. It's not surprising, you and Mrs. Lu have nothing to do with these forces, why are you so afraid of this matter being exposed?"

  (end of this chapter)

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