In the Taihe Hall, Zhou Xian and Zhu Houzhao talked for more than three hours.

No one knew what they talked about.

Even Governor Cao was kicked out and stood guard at the door, so that not even a fly could fly in.

The next day, an imperial edict broke the silence.

"By the providence of Heaven, the Emperor proclaims:

There is a scholar named Zhou Xian in the capital.

He can read at the age of three, recite poems at the age of five, and is proficient in ancient books at the age of seven.

He is both virtuous and talented, and is well-known in the capital.

His essays in the palace examination are even more brilliant and extraordinary.

I like him very much.

I invite him to the palace and have a great conversation with him.

There is no talent more amazing than this.

I regard him as my lifelong confidant and wish I had known him earlier.

Therefore, I have become brothers with him. I have appointed him as the top scholar of the Ming Dynasty, and named him Xiaoyao Hou.

I have given him ten beauties, a thousand pieces of gold, ten thousand acres of fertile land, and a mansion.

In addition, I want to establish the Shenwu Academy, which is independent of the six ministries and directly belongs to me. It is in charge of the Six Gates, the Dragon Guard Villa, and the four factories in the east, west, south, and north, and commands the warriors in the world.

Zhou Xian is the first generation president of the Shenwu Academy, with the rank of the first rank.

Zhu Wusi, the Iron-hearted Divine Marquis, Zhuge Zhengwo, the Zhuge Divine Marquis,

Cao Zhengchun, the Supervisor of the East Factory, and Guo Juxia of the Six Gates are the vice presidents, with the rank of the second rank.

Assist Zhou Xianxing in all matters. From now on, all orders will be obeyed by Zhou Xian alone. His words are mine.

If you disobey, the imperial power will allow you to be executed first and then report to me!"

As soon as this imperial edict came out, it was like a twelve-level typhoon, sweeping across the entire capital,

Hulong Villa, and the main hall.

""Foster father, what is His Majesty's decree?" A graceful man, dressed as a woman, is the Xuanzi spy among the four secret agents, the owner of the world's number one manor, Shangguan Haitang, with the eighth level of innate martial arts cultivation, and it is difficult for the younger generation to find an opponent. He is also a well-known existence in the martial arts world.

There are nine realms of martial arts: acquired, innate, master (three flowers gather at the top of the head), grand master (five qi return to the origin), heaven, Dharma, martial king, martial saint, and martial emperor.

Each realm is divided into 9 levels.

Since the end of martial arts, heaven has become extinct, and grand master is almost the highest combat power of each country, and can live for 300 years.

One person can defeat an army of tens of thousands.

In the midst of an army of ten thousand, taking the head of a general is as easy as taking something out of a sack.

He can simply turn the tide with his own strength!

Grandmasters can found a school and live for 200 years.

Each of them is a well-known existence in the martial arts world. They are almost the heads and patriarchs of major sects and families.

It is not an exaggeration to say that one person can defeat a thousand troops.

Xiantian, after opening up the Ren and Du meridians, can circulate the Qi endlessly and live for 150 years. He can defeat a hundred troops alone.

The Qi can leave the body for three feet and kill people invisibly. He is considered a famous master in the martial arts world and can barely dominate a prefecture.

The Ming Dynasty is located in Yanzhou, one of the nine states. It is divided into five levels: prefecture, road, county, town, and village.

There are 56 prefectures, 308 roads, 1,543 counties, more than 10,000 towns, and more than 30,000 villages.

It can be seen that Xiantian is not an ordinary person.

"Haitang, go check immediately.

I want to know all the information about Zhou Xian. Even if he drank a sip of water, I want to know."

"Yes, godfather."

Just a moment later,

Shangguan Haitang brought the information over.

"Godfather, I need to investigate further for other details. That's all I have for now."

""Hmm." Zhu Wushi flipped through it and saw that it was filled with all kinds of information about Zhou Xian, including his name, age, hobbies, food he disliked, friends he made, etc., including how old he was when he started studying? How old he was when he started writing? Where did he study?

The articles and poems he published, the places he often went to, and that was not all. Even his birth date and horoscope were clearly recorded.

You have to know that this was very private in ancient times.

Generally, it was only used at birth, marriage, and death.

Usually, it was kept secret.

When the marriage was exchanged, it was considered a successful marriage.

When Zhou Xian and Zhu Houzhao became sworn brothers, they reported each other's birth dates.

Generally, only the birth dates were recorded. Only the closest people are qualified to know your birth date.

What's more amazing is that even the age, native place, birthplace, hobbies, etc. of Zhou Xian's parents and wife are clearly written on it.

If Zhou Xian knew about this, he would probably be speechless.

This is not detailed enough? You are just short of knowing how many grains of rice I eat every day and how many times I go to the toilet.

I have to say that the intelligence work of Hulong Villa is amazing.

Yes, if Zhu Wusi didn't have some confidence, would he dare to plot to usurp the throne?

This world is not only about Cao Zhengchun, but also Zhuge Zhengwo and Guo Juxia of the Six Gates, all of whom are grandmasters.

If he wants to succeed in becoming the emperor, it may not be possible just to kill Cao Duzhu.

"He is pedantic, and the literati are ruining the country.

He keeps saying that knights use force to disrupt the law, but why doesn't he say that literati use ink to disrupt the law?

He also wants to collect business taxes, promote Buddhism, lift the sea ban, carry out land reform, and train a new army. It's simply nonsense.

He is courting his own death!"

"" Foster father, he is just a little naive. He is good in essence. The commercial taxes of the Ming Dynasty are indeed controlled by the aristocratic families.

The treasury is empty. If we can really collect the commercial taxes, it will be a good thing."

Shangguan Haitang looked at the palace examination essay written by Zhou Xian and admired him a little. The writing was so eloquent, but it was too reckless.

It is worthy of being the Hulong Villa. Even the palace examination essay of Zhou Xian can be obtained.

Although it was just excerpted by others, it is still pervasive.

"Prepare your carriage, I will go to the palace to meet the emperor. If this continues, the Ming Dynasty will be in turmoil!"

This acting skill, coupled with the expression of worrying about the country and the people

, is amazing!

If it hadn't been revealed in the end, who would have dared to think that he would plot to usurp the throne?

I don't know how many people were deceived by him.

This is the real traitor pretending to be loyal!

If it weren't for that woman named Su Xin, who would have been his opponent in the end?

Unfortunately, heroes are often tempted by beautiful women, and tyrants are no exception.

"Yes, godfather!"

At the same time, in the six gates,

""Master, this imperial decree is too strange.

Establishing the Shenwu Academy and having a weak scholar in charge is really a joke."

Tieshou, one of the four famous detectives of the Six Gates, is a ninth-level innate master and was trained by Zhuge Zhengwo. He was the previous master of the Six Gates, and the current one is Guo Juxia.

"Well, I'll go to the palace to test His Majesty's opinion later!"

Guo Juxia frowned, feeling that the Ming Dynasty might be in turmoil.

""Xiaoyao Hou Zhou Xian, you have ascended to heaven in one step, what kind of person are you?" He sighed.

A similar thing happened in Zhuge Shenhou Mansion.

Zhuge Zhengwo was also confused, but he did not choose to see the emperor because he knew the emperor.


"Wuqing, come with me to meet the future president of Shenwu Academy, our future boss."


A beautiful woman sitting in a wheelchair answered expressionlessly.

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