Chapter 103: Wei Guogong returns from a great victory, rich personal rewards!

Zhu Di mentioned Xu Miaoyun, which surprised Zhu Bai.

However, he was relieved when he thought that Zhu Di and Xu Miaoyun had a good relationship.

"My sister-in-law's cultivation realm breakthrough is slow, this is not necessarily just a matter of exercises..."

Seeing Zhu Di's expectant look, Zhu Bai pondered for a moment and said, "Simply changing her exercises may not change anything. "

"Huh?! This..."

Zhu Di was immediately dumbfounded: "Then how is this good?" If your sister-in-law's cultivation realm can't be improved, then her lifespan..."

He panicked!

Right now

His cultivation realm is not bad, and he can continue to improve in the future.

In this way, his lifespan will inevitably increase.


Xu Miaoyun couldn't keep up with the growth of his cultivation realm, and there would inevitably be a huge gap in lifespan.

When the time comes,

He could only watch Xu Miaoyun, constantly aging in front of him, and eventually died.


He couldn't accept that he was still young and strong, but Xu Miaoyun was dying of old age, and finally died of old age in front of him!

"Twelfth brother, you must have a way, right? It's the fourth brother begging you..."

With an anxious look on his face, Zhu Di took Zhu Bai's hand: "You don't want to see your sister-in-law die of old age too, right?" "260

Looking at his anxious appearance, it made Zhu Bai look at him a little differently.

I can't think of the fourth brother's goods, but he still looks a little infatuated?

"It's not that there is no way..."

After thinking for a while, Zhu Bai said: "The biggest reason why my sister-in-law's cultivation realm is slowly improving is still due to physical talent, so..."

"As long as she finds a way to change her sister-in-law's physique and improve her cultivation talent, her cultivation will be able to break through faster and reach a higher realm!"

Zhu Di suddenly looked pleased, and there was a hint of excitement in his eyes.

"So what to do?"

"What do you need me to do?"

"As long as it is needed to me, Twelfth Brother, you can open your mouth, I will never shirk!"


Zhu Bai became Zhu Di's only hope, just like a person who fell into the water saw the straw and grabbed it deadly.

"Well, fourth brother, don't worry about it first, let me think about this matter carefully."

For the matter of improving his physical fitness, Zhu Bai currently has no good plan.


He could only say: "Now I have some ideas, but I still need to think carefully and improve it." "

"After all, it is to help my sister-in-law improve the strength of her physique, and there can be no accidents." (AICC) Hearing Zhu Bai say this, Zhu Di quickly nodded and looked grateful: "No problem!" Can afford to wait now! Fourth brother is here to thank you twelfth brother first! "

He also understood that these things were not as simple as he imagined, so he did not dare to urge Zhu Bai.

"Family, nothing to thank."

Zhu Bai is very indifferent, and he is quite happy with Zhu Di, and he is willing to help.

Of course

The most important reason is that Zhu Bai wants to train Zhu Di into one of the strongest workers under him!

With Zhu Di's ability, as long as he raised his cultivation realm, he could help a lot of things.

"Then the fourth brother won't bother you first, go back first."

After the matter was resolved, Zhu Di's mood became happy, and he said with a smile: "Tomorrow, Zhu Gaoxu, Zhu Gaoxu, Zhu Zhanji, these three will still go to see your sister-in-law, I have to go back and talk to her first, so that he can have a mental preparation." "

A look of surprise appeared on Zhu Bai's face: "Then... What about the fourth brother of Yongle? He..."


Zhu Di snorted lightly and said dissatisfiedly: "Twelfth brother, what did you mention him for?" I can't have let him meet your sister-in-law!" "

Zhu Bai: "..."


You two are the same person! Your wife, isn't it his wife?



Zhu Bai's face became a little strange, and when he thought of the two brothers going to see Xu Miaoyun together, he felt... Very weird!

"Twelfth brother, what kind of expression do you have? Weird! "

Zhu Di noticed Zhu Bai's strange face, and immediately snorted dissatisfied: "Isn't it strange that you brought him back?" Wouldn't it be okay to let him stay in Yongle Dynasty? It's really..."

Zhu Bai couldn't laugh or cry.

"Okay, okay, let's go! Don't mention this! "

Zhu Di obviously didn't want to say more about this matter, so he waved his hand and turned away.

Watching him leave, Zhu Bai didn't say much. And quickly left his affairs behind and thought about his own business.

Right now

The thing that Zhu Bai cares about most is actually the new copy. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

After all

Only by constantly refreshing the copies can he continuously obtain a large number of rewards, so as to continuously improve his strength.

"I don't know what is the situation of Wei Guogong and them now? It should be done soon, right? "

If you want to get a new quest, you need to wait for Xu Da and them to get the Yongle Dynasty.

Zhu Bai is looking forward to this very much, and hopes that Xu Da can complete the task as soon as possible.


【Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the Yongle Chao task and starting to calculate the task score. 】

Zhu Bai: "??? "


What to think about?!

Xu Da, they have completely suppressed the Yongle Dynasty to the world?!

It's pretty fast!

[After the task score is calculated, score S, start issuing task rewards now! ] 】

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the following personal and national rewards, as well as giving away additional rewards for world quests! ] 】

[Personal reward 1: Reward the host to obtain two pieces of the human emperor pen, and after fusing with the broken human emperor pen, it can make the human emperor pen exert ten tenths of its power! ] 】

[Personal reward two: reward the host alchemy Dacheng, alchemy Dacheng, the host can refine various top divine pills. ] Alchemy can also continue to break through, and after the breakthrough, the host can refine Dao-level elixirs.

Dao-level elixirs have the divine power to change the laws of the Dao.

Note: The materials required for Dao-grade elixirs are extremely expensive and scarce

At present, it has been determined that in the copy world opened by the host, there are no materials that can refine the Dao-level elixir, and it is necessary to open a more advanced world copy, and only after opening the copy world can you have a chance to obtain the materials of the Dao-level elixir. 】

[Personal reward three: Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Dao-level Exercise-Beginningless Emperor Sutra! ]

The Beginningless Emperor Sutra is a god-level exercise created by a generation of peak emperors of the Terran race with his lifelong experience.

The host can cultivate on its own or teach others to cultivate.

After successfully cultivating the Beginningless Emperor, he crossed the level to kill the enemy like eating and drinking, and it was easy. 】

[Personal reward four: reward the host Dao lecturer attribute, the Dao lecturer attribute allows the host to easily see through all the advantages and disadvantages of the other party when teaching others, and customize the best practice plan for the other party differently, which is the wonderful ability to cultivate top tool people! ] 】

A series of personal reward information reminders sounded in Zhu Bai's mind, making his eyes show an excited look.

"These rewards..."

Zhu Bai was quite excited, and at the same time full of expectation: "For me now, it is extremely useful!" It is worthy of the world of dungeons, and the rewards are really rich! National rewards, and additional rewards, will not be worse, right? "


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