Chapter 137: A Land Immortal joins Hongwu Daming, and Zhu Yuanzhang is shocked!

Zhu Bai used magical means to revive the spiritual energy of the young singer world, causing countless visions of heaven and earth, making the entire young singer world boil, and even some retreat masters also went out to investigate the situation.


In the Snow Moon City Lord's Mansion, Li Changsheng, Li Hanyi and the others felt the changes brought about by the revival of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, their faces showed a strong shock, and their eyes were full of awe when they looked at Zhu Bai!

"Master, I feel that my strength is now showing signs of slowly growing naturally..."

Feeling the change in the power in his body, Li Hanyi's face was shocked, and he asked Li Changsheng on the side: "Do you feel this way?" "

"I feel this way!!"

Before Li Changsheng could speak, Lei Wujian said with an excited face: "It's amazing!" I never thought about it... One day, I will just breathe as usual, and I will be able to let my True Qi grow! "

As soon as Lei Wujian's words came out, he instantly made the experts of Snow Moon City present nodded one after another.


This is also the case.


Li Changsheng first nodded to Li Hanyi, and then looked at Zhu Bai: "In the Daming world you are in, the concentration of heaven and earth spiritual energy must be higher than this world, right?" In other words, in the Daming world, it will be easier for us to practice? "

"Brush brush brush !!"

Everyone's eyes lit up!


As Li Changsheng said, then this Daming world is really amazing, it is definitely the world that countless cultivators yearn for, and when these people come to that world, maybe...

All have a chance to become a land immortal level powerhouse?!


Seeing the curious look in Li Changsheng's eyes, Zhu Bai nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "The concentration of heaven and earth spiritual energy in this world is only one or two percent of Daming's, or even... Lower! "


Hongwu Daming has already undergone earth-shaking changes, and the degree of concentration of heaven and earth spiritual energy is no longer something that ordinary people can imagine, otherwise it would not have become the cultivation holy place that the major worlds of the Daming Heavens Alliance yearn for.

"When you arrive at Hongwu Daming, you will experience the true beauty of cultivation..."

Zhu Bai thought of the current situation of Hongwu Daming, a flash of pride flashed in the depths of his eyes, he single-handedly completely changed the trajectory of Daming's world, making Daming a world of immortal cultivation, and it is constantly upgrading!

He believes,

Sooner or later, Daming will become a true immortal realm in his hands!

Daming Immortal Realm!!

"There is such a magical place in this world?!"

"Must go to Daming! I'm going to try it out and see if I can impact the real immortal realm!" "

"It seems that... Those of us also have a chance to become immortals! "


Sikong Changfeng, these experts of Snow Moon City, after listening to Zhu Bai's words, they were immediately excited, full of yearning for Daming, and they couldn't wait to appear in the Hongwu Daming World immediately and feel the real world of immortal cultivation!

Just when everyone was shocked, a loud and powerful voice suddenly came from outside the house.

"Bo'er, let's come back, how is the situation?!"

Zhu Yuanzhang's voice just sounded outside the house, and before everyone could react, his figure had already appeared in the hall, and he asked Zhu Bai with a smile on his face: "Everything is done, right?" Is the task completed? "

Looking at Zhu Yuanzhang who suddenly appeared, except for Li Changsheng, the rest of the experts of Snow Moon City all changed their expressions, and a thick look of horror and jealousy flashed in their eyes.

Zhu Yuanzhang's speed is really too fast!

So fast that they didn't react!

Of course

This also made them more clearly realize that the strength and terrifying of the Daming Immortal Cultivators made them yearn for the Daming World even more, and longed for the true method of cultivating immortals!

"Hey, this man..." (Read the violent novel, just go on the Feilu novel network!) )

Zhu Yuanzhang's expression suddenly changed, his gaze fell on Li Changsheng, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes: "Your cultivation is quite good, what realm?" "

Now that he had broken through the Jindan realm, his divine mind had become extremely keen, so as soon as he got closer, he sensed that Li Changsheng's aura was extraordinary, and knew that this was a master.

Seeing Zhu Yuanzhang ask himself, Li Changsheng was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Despise Li Changsheng, the realm of land gods." "

"Land Immortal? You are...... Land Immortal Realm? "

Zhu Yuanzhang was taken aback when he heard this: "Could it be that you are what Bai'er said... Li Changsheng? Confucian Li Changsheng? "

"It's under that..."

Li Changsheng was quite surprised that Zhu Yuanzhang actually knew about himself, but he still nodded calmly: "Confucian immortal, don't dare to be a god, just an ordinary land immortal..."

Right now

Li Changsheng no longer dared to consider himself an immortal...

After all

His so-called immortal doesn't seem to be very good...

Hearing Li Changsheng's words, Zhu Yuanzhang nodded slightly, and then turned to Zhu Bai and asked, "Bai'er, what realm is this land immortal realm equivalent to in our cultivation system?" "

"The early days of the Yuan Infant..."

Zhu Bai glanced at Li Changsheng, pondered for a while, and then said to Zhu Yuanzhang: "He is the top powerhouse in this world, and he has now submitted to Daming and is willing to serve Daming." "

Zhu Yuanzhang was taken aback, and observed Li Changsheng a few times with some surprise.

The Land Immortal Realm was equivalent to the Yuan Infant Realm, which shocked him quite a bit, after all...

Zhu Bai's current realm is only the Yuan Infant realm, that is...

Li Changsheng's cultivation realm is comparable to Zhu Bai.

Of course

Zhu Yuanzhang is very clear that Zhu Bai's means are endless, there are countless hole cards that even he does not know, although he is in the Yuan Infant realm, his combat effectiveness has already broken through the barrier of the Yuan Infant, and he can fight with the Transformation God!

"Well, this kind of master joining Daming is a good thing for Daming..."

A smile soon appeared on Zhu Yuanzhang's face, and he said to Li Changsheng with a smile: "Welcome Ruxian to join Daming!" "

For a master of this level, Zhu Yuanzhang still gave a certain respect.

After a few polite words with Li Changsheng, Zhu Yuanzhang's gaze fell on Zhu Bai, with a curious look in his eyes, and asked Bai Shibai: "Bai'er, what arrangements do you have for this world?" "

"I want to make this world a place of trial for the Daming Heavens (Zhao's Zhao)!"

Zhu Bai's eyes flashed, and he said slowly: "This place of trial will become a world that all Immortal Cultivators of the Daming Heavenly Alliance must visit!" Only after experiencing in this world can you grow rapidly..."

Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes lit up: "Good idea!" "

"And what?"

Zhu Bai said again: "And... I plan to bring all these people back to Daming, and leave Yu Qian's Flying Dragon Legion to guard Xueyue City to prevent accidents. "

"Keep Yu Qian?"

Zhu Yuanzhang was quite surprised, he knew that Zhu Bai admired and valued Qian as a person, and now he stayed in this world to guard it, indicating that he attached great importance to this world: "It seems that you are planning to build this world into an extremely important Daming stronghold..."

... Storehouse...

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