Chapter 148: Li Changsheng Breakthrough, First General of Daming! What should Jiajing Dynasty do? Draw out!

Li Hanyi's talent is extremely outstanding, and after obtaining a huge opportunity, there are faint signs of breaking through the realm of land gods, and the heavenly calamities have appeared...


After all, she was a little bit of a fire...

Heavenly calamity, hold back.

This situation surprised everyone.

"What's going on? Clearly...... There is a feeling of a breakthrough, why is it suddenly gone again?! "

Li Hanyi opened his eyes, and his face was incredulous: "What's the difference?" What the hell am I missing... In order to break through to the realm of land gods?! "

She couldn't understand her current situation...


Just when Li Hanyi was puzzled, she suddenly felt an extremely powerful and terrifying aura, which suddenly came from her side!

The powerful aura made Li Hanyi's face change suddenly, and he subconsciously looked back to the side, and then he saw his master Li Changsheng, shrouded in golden light at the moment.

The whole person,

Slowly floating up to the sky,

As he continued to float up to the sky, the aura on his body was also constantly increasing!


Above the sky, it was already dark, only the terrifying thunder light that flickered from time to time!


Seeing this scene, Li Hanyi was shocked: "Master 270 Fu him... Going to break through?! "

Feeling Li Changsheng's aura continue to increase, Li Hanyi was shocked and excited, and stood up directly with excitement, staring at the figure of the master.


Li Changsheng's figure has become the focus of countless people, one after another eyes fell on him, looking at him covered in golden light, constantly flying towards the sky, countless Daming people directly scalp numb!

"He's going to break through the Yuan Baby!"

"Yuan Infant Heavenly Tribulation! This time is definitely a Yuan Infant Tribulation! This person is too strong! "

"If he succeeds in breaking through to the Yuan Infant realm, won't he become the first person to break through the Yuan Infant after His Royal Highness King Xiang?!"

"Daming actually recruited such a strong master?!"


Countless exclamations sounded in Yingtian City.

Under the attention of everyone, Li Changsheng's figure quickly took off into the air, and finally...

I saw his figure, standing under the sea of thunder condensed in the sky, and the whole person exuded a mighty and majestic aura like an abyss, like a real god!

Inside the Royal Palace,

The gazes of Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Biao and others also stared at Li Changsheng closely at this time, watching him appear below the sea of thunder, and finally determined...

Li Changsheng wants to cross the Yuan Infant Heavenly Tribulation!

"This Li Changsheng, it's really not simple..."

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Li Changsheng's figure and couldn't help but gasp: "His cultivation realm is about to catch up with Bai'er's realm..."

Zhu Bai on the side, listening to Zhu Yuanzhang's words, smiled indifferently.

Li Changsheng's cultivation realm is indeed about to become a true Yuan Infant realm, but if he says that his cultivation realm has caught up with himself...

That's a bit unrealistic!


His cultivation had already touched the barrier of the next realm!

As long as he wants, he can break through at any time, and he is still directly breaking through to the late stage of the Yuan Infant Realm!

Most importantly, his means are numerous, and all kinds of hole cards emerge endlessly.

As long as he breaks through to the late stage of the Yuan Infant Realm, then he can completely do it and easily crush the Transformation God cultivator after the Yuan Infant Realm!

Even the cultivators of the late Avatar Period...

He also has the power of a war!

Make sure you won't be suppressed!

"Bai'er, do you say that this Li Changsheng can successfully survive the Yuan Infant Heavenly Tribulation?!"

At the same time that Zhu Yuanzhang was shocked, he suddenly became a little curious and asked Zhu Bai: "If he can't survive the Yuan Infant Heavenly Tribulation, he will become a Heavenly Tribulation Flying Ash, right?" "

The Yuan Infant Heavenly Tribulation, for all cultivators who want to break through to the Yuan Infant realm, is a dangerous pass, and they are a little careless...

All hell is lost!

So, (read violent novels, go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

At this time, Zhu Yuanzhang was very curious about whether Li Changsheng could successfully survive the Yuan Infant Heavenly Tribulation!

"It should, it can..."

Zhu Bai stared at Li Changsheng, and after pondering for a moment, he slowly said: "This person is extremely talented, and he is a person of atmospheric luck, there should be no problem in breaking through the Yuan Infant realm..."

Li Changsheng was originally a land immortal, and if he talked about physical strength alone, he could already fight with ordinary Yuan Infant Early Stage cultivators. Now he, to say a breakthrough, is better to say a metamorphosis ...

From an ordinary cultivator, he has transformed into a real immortal cultivator!

"Boom !!"

In the discussion between Zhu Bai and Zhu Yuanzhang and others, the (dbaj) thunder in the sky suddenly became furious, and thunder the size of a child's arm roared down from the sea of thunder and headed towards Li Changsheng!

A moment of work,

Li Changsheng was completely submerged in the sea of thunder and baptized by the Thunder Heavenly Tribulation!

Every thunder made Li Changsheng's body shake and tremble, his body was shattered, and a large amount of blood gushed out!


Li Changsheng faced the terrifying Thunder Heavenly Tribulation, but his face was resolute, his eyes were deep, and he used all kinds of powerful means to carry the baptism of the Heavenly Tribulation God Thunder!


Under the gaze of countless people, the last heavenly thunder fell, slashing fiercely on the top of Li Changsheng's head, splitting him into a tremble, and his hair stood on end!

However, he carried it down.

The Thunder Heavenly Tribulation dissipated, and the aura in Li Changsheng's body rushed like a tide, his body was full of golden light, and his injured flesh quickly recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"It's been..."

Seeing the Thunder Tribulation in the sky dissipate, a look of satisfaction flashed in Zhu Bai's eyes: "Daming has another fierce master..."

The figure flashed, Zhu Bai's figure instantly disappeared in place, and the next moment appeared in front of Li Changsheng, looking at him at this time, Zhu Bai showed a smile on his face.


Zhu Bai said congratulations to Li Changsheng: "Now you have become a true immortal cultivator and reached the Yuan Infant realm..."

At this point,

Li Changsheng's eyes still had a trance, and the whole person was a little dizzy, as if he had a dream, after experiencing the Thunder Tribulation, he found that all his injuries had disappeared and completely recovered to his peak state.


It should be said...

He has stepped on a whole new level!

"His Royal Highness King Xiang's great kindness, Li Changsheng is unforgettable..."

Zhu Bai's voice made Li Changsheng instantly come back to his senses, and he said to Zhu Bai with a look of excitement: "If it weren't for the opportunity given by His Royal Highness King Xiang, I, Li Changsheng, would not have come to this step..."

After comprehending the true immortal law, Li Changsheng knew what a magical and mysterious world Zhu Bai had led him into, and what a bright door he had opened for himself!

"Don't say more if you say thanks..."

Li Changsheng's excited look made Zhu Bai smile indifferently: "When I attack the new world, you will give me more strength, more than any words of thanks, I like it more..."

"His Royal Highness King Xiang, you want to attack that world?"

Li Changsheng's eyes lit up: "Isn't it, a more powerful world of immortal cultivation?" If yes, I, Li Changsheng, can strike at any time! Exactly, I can feel how powerful the magic technique is after becoming a true immortal cultivator..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the figures of Zhu Yuanzhang and the others also appeared beside Zhu Bai.

"Bo'er, are you going to attack the New World? The new copy is out again? "

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard Zhu Bai's words, his eyes suddenly showed a touch of excitement: "What world is it?" When to do it? "


Looking at Zhu Yuanzhang's expectant eyes, Zhu Bai's expression suddenly became a little subtle: "Dad, didn't I tell you before, New World... It's the Daming Jiajing Dynasty..."

Zhu Yuanzhang: "..."


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