Chapter 155: The Daming Banner Caused Shock, Li Hanyi's Stupidity!

The scene when Zhu Yuanzhang ordered the Daming soldiers to attack completely stunned Tang Kekuan.

He felt as if he had heard an incredible message.


Tomkkuan trembled and stared at a huge flag.

"This is ... Hiss! "

After staring at the flag for a while, Tang Kekuan was as if he had been struck by lightning, and he trembled and exclaimed: "Daming's flag? The banner of Daming! This is the banner of Daming! "

"How could it be... Is there a banner of Daming here? These people..."

"Is it Daming's person? Is it the army of Daming? "

"How is this possible... No way! Is this an accidental coincidence? This flag... In fact, it is not the banner of Daming? "

Tang Kekuan recognized it, and the flag was Daming's flag.


After recognizing it, he couldn't believe it.

Because, this mysterious army is really "two six seven" is too terrifying and powerful.


It's totally immortal!

Daming's army, there can be no immortals!


The Daming Emperor, who has ignored the imperial government for more than twenty years, has been looking for immortals and asked...

But everyone knows that the emperor is a joke, and it is impossible to succeed in seeking immortals.

There are no immortals in this world, and the old emperor will eventually die of old age!

But now,

Tang Kekuan's understanding that there are no immortals in the world has been completely broken!

These people in front of you... In his opinion, it is an immortal!

This is the army of immortals!

Tang Kekuan's gaze saw the battlefield below.

On the battlefield,

At this moment, the immortal cultivators of Daming descended one by one like a demon god, and their murderous aura was surging!

In the face of the Wokou pirates, the immortal cultivators of Daming did not have any mercy.

All kinds of powerful immortal powers are given to them.

Sword light and magic light, intertwined with dazzling, but dangerous light and shadow.

Those murderous pirates are being killed at this moment and fleeing.


Their escape is so funny and funny.

Daming soldiers, chasing and killing them unhurriedly, catching up is a knife.

Of course

More soldiers do not disdain to chase and kill at all!

As long as you find that there are wakou pirates in the distance, they will directly bombard them with spells, and under the divine light in the sky, one after another small wokou will turn into a lump of meat mud.


All-round crushing!

The soldiers of Jiajing Daming watched the situation on the battlefield reverse in an instant, and their scalps were numb in shock.

A pair of dull eyes, dumbfounded looking at the army of Daming cultivators, madly slaughtering the pirates.

"These are immortals, right?!"

"Holy! The immortals came to help us? Is this a heavenly punishment for doing too much evil? "

"Well done immortals! Kill them all! Kill all these boogeymen! "

"Brothers! The immortals have come to our aid! What are we still hesitating about? Hurry up and kill! Kill all the Wokou! "


The soldiers of the Jiajing Dynasty, after seeing the reversal of the situation, immediately increased their confidence, the anger in their hearts was completely stimulated, and the murderous acts also broke out.


A large number of Jiajing soldiers roared and roared, chasing and killing towards the Wokou.

Above the dragon.

Zhu Bai did not make a move from beginning to end, but watched the Daming army make a move from the perspective of a bystander.

Beside him, Li Hanyi stood obediently.

At this point,

Li Hanyi looked at the battlefield below, his eyes flashed, and he seemed to be a little eager to try.


Li Hanyi has become the role of Zhu Bai's personal maid, and she is almost inseparable from Zhu Bai every day.

Zhu Bai came to Jiajing Dynasty, and Li Hanyi also followed.

According to her master Li Changsheng.

It is to let her follow behind Zhu Bai every day.

From this, Li Hanyi can consult Zhu Bai at any time. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

In this regard,

Zhu Bai naturally has no opinion, and it is also a pleasure to be followed by an eye-catching beauty.

"You want to shoot?"

Zhu Bai felt the fluctuation of the breath on Li Hanyi's body, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he glanced sideways at her.

"Your Royal Highness King Xiang, didn't you say before that if I want to break through to the next realm, the fastest way is to wander between life and death and feel the mystery between death and life?"

When Li Hanyi heard Zhu Bai's words, he was immediately shocked, nodded and admitted: "So I really want to make a move and go to the battlefield to kill..."

Zhu Bai raised his eyebrows, and then shook his head: "The following level of battle is of no use to you, it is too low-level..."

"Do you think that fighting with mortals can make you experience the ordeal between life and death?"

Li Hanyi shook his head.

"Don't worry, there will be someone strong enough to let you fight without reservation."

With a divine light flashing in the depths of his eyes, Zhu Bai said slowly: "The heavens and realms, ten thousand races are numerous, and the strong are like clouds..."

"A real strong man, so strong that you can't imagine."

"One day, you will experience the true style of a strong man."

"At that time, you will find that you will feel that your current self is a frog at the bottom of the well..."

Zhu Bai's words made Li Hanyi's eyes suddenly light up, and his eyes flashed with deep expectation.

She is full of curiosity and yearning for the powerful world that Zhu Bai said.

In the moment when Zhu Bai and Li Hanyi were chatting casually, the situation on the battlefield below had been completely reversed and clear.

The arrogant and murderous Wokou pirates, facing the army of Daming Xiuxian, had no resistance at all, and were held accountable and slaughtered.


In the entire vicinity of Haikou, there is no longer a single wakou alive...

The strength of the Daming Xiuxian army made countless soldiers of the Jiajing Dynasty and the surrounding people numb their scalps with shock.

Tang Kekuan looked at the war that had ended below, and the whole person was dumbfounded.

"You guys... Who is it? Why help Daming? "

Tang Kekuan turned his head with difficulty, looked at Zhu Bai with a look of awe, and asked tremblingly: "You... Is it the army sent by His Majesty? Your Majesty, he succeeded in cultivating immortals? "

What happened in front of him subverted Tang Kekuan's cognition.

Right now

He suddenly felt that these mysterious armies that suddenly appeared, the mysterious armies under the banner of Daming, might be...

Their Emperor Majesty, the army of immortal cultivators sent!

Their Majesty, the emperor who has been cultivating immortals in seclusion for more than twenty years, may really become an immortal!

Zhu Bai heard Tang Kekuan's words, looked back at him, looked at his shocked appearance, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Zhu Houxi sent us?"

A look of disapproval appeared at the corner of his mouth, and Zhu Bai sneered: "What is he?" Also worthy of commanding us? When he saw us, he only knelt down and kowtowed. "4.

"Boom !!"

Tang Kekuan suddenly trembled violently as if he had been struck by lightning.

Zhu Bai's words caused a great shock to him.

To his ears, there was too much information contained in these words!

First of all......

The other party was not sent by His Majesty, why bother like it doesn't matter!


These people seem to be quite disrespectful to His Majesty!


What the hell is going on with these people? What do they want to do? Is their appearance good or bad for Daming?

Will they be...

Destroy Daming?!

As soon as he thought of this, Tang Kekuan's face suddenly turned pale, and panic and fear surged in!

If the other party wants to destroy Daming, Daming will definitely not have any resistance!!


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