Chapter 157: Immortals descend on Jiajing Daming, and the officers and soldiers boil into the imperial city!

What Zhu Yuanzhang said made Tang Kekuan completely dumbfounded.

From the words and deeds of Zhu Yuanzhang and others, he could feel that these people did not have any respect and awe for their emperor Zhu Houxi!

Of course

He reacted quickly and knew why these people were like this!

These people, but they are all immortal figures, and it seems that there is no problem in not putting the emperor of a secular dynasty in their eyes...

"What are you still stunned about? Hurry up and send someone to let Zhu Houxi roll over! "

Tang Kekuan was stunned in place after listening to Zhu Yuanzhang's words, making Zhu Di's face suddenly a little ugly, and he was scolded at him.

"I... I even want to go now... Can't go either! "

Tang Kekuan trembled, and instantly came back to his senses, with a bitter look on his face: "This immortal, you can fly, I won't..."

Tang Kekuan's eyes glanced at the scene in the sky below, and he only felt that his scalp was numb and tears were about to come out.


His words made Zhu Di stunned for a moment.

And just when he was stunned, Zhu Yuanzhang glared at him fiercely.

"Get out of here! When is it your turn to speak? "

Angrily cursed Zhu Yunxidi, Zhu Yuanzhang let him get out, and then his gaze fell on Tang Kekuan, and with a wave of his hand, his body soared into the air and flew down.


Seeing his body like a stone, falling from a height of ten thousand zhang, the tank maniac suddenly let out a miserable scream, and he was frightened.

If he falls from this high altitude, he must not fall into meat mud?!

At this point,

The Daming soldiers below were all looking up at the scene in the sky, and just happened to see their general soldier Tang Kekuan, who was falling rapidly from the sky.

"What's that?!"

"Lord General Soldier!"

"Quick! Hurry up and catch Lord Commander-in-Chief! "


Watching his own general soldiers descend from the sky and listening to his miserable scream, the soldiers of Jiajing Daming were immediately frightened and panicked.


Some soldiers were in a panic, and they even wanted to catch Tang Kekuan, who fell from the sky...

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way..."

Tomk's broad head fell down, and when he saw the panic scene of the soldiers below, he suddenly roared in horror.

He knew that if he smashed directly on someone, he would definitely smash the other party into meat mud, although he was afraid and desperate, he didn't want to kill his own people...

His roar was drowned out in the wind.

Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the ground, Tang Kekuan's eyes were full of despair, feeling that he was finished today...


Just when he thought that he had completely finished the calf, he suddenly felt a huge force acting on him, causing his falling speed to decrease sharply!


When it was less than a meter away from the ground, his body had slowly stopped, and then gently fell to the ground.

When he fell to the ground, Tang Kekuan's legs suddenly went limp, and he sat directly on the ground, and the urine was scared out.

Experiencing this kind of big horror jumping around in front of the ghost gate twice in one day, even a person like Tang Kekuan, who has experienced hundreds of battles, can't stand it!

"Lord General Soldier!"

"Are you all right?!"

"Lord General Soldier, you are scared to pee..."


Tang Kekuan fell to the ground, and the shocked Jiajing Daming soldiers came back to their senses one after another, quickly surrounded him, and lifted him up from the ground.

Tang Kekuan, whose legs were a little soft, was picked up by two people, and immediately thought of what Zhu Yuanzhang had explained, and quickly shouted in panic: "Quick, quickly send someone back to Beijing to deliver a letter to Your Majesty!" Immortals descend on Daming to see Your Majesty! "


"Eight hundred leagues urgent!"

"Go quickly!"

Tang Kekuan's terrified roar echoed in the ears of the great soldiers.

Listening to his roar, the soldiers suddenly felt numb in their scalps, and they were stunned for a while!

It turned out that the immortals really came?! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


The immortals still want to see His Majesty the Daming Emperor?!


What the hell is going on?!

"What are you still stunned for? Hurry up! "

Tang Kekuan saw that his subordinates were still stunned, and he was immediately angry and corrupted, and kicked on the body of a deputy general: "Dog thing!" You go in person! Hurry up! "

"If you delay the affairs of the immortals..."

"We all have to die!"

"If the immortals don't kill us, His Majesty will also kill us!"

He knew very well how obsessed Emperor Jiajing was with cultivating immortals, and now that a real immortal had arrived, he also named him to see him...


These people, if they don't send the news to the emperor at the first time, after the emperor knows about this, these people will have to die!


After being roared by Tang Kekuan, everyone finally came to their senses, and the adjutant general did not dare to have any hesitation, directly turned over and jumped on a horse, galloped wildly, and galloped in the direction of the capital!


Looking at the back of the deputy general galloping away, Tang Kekuan finally breathed a long sigh of relief, and couldn't help but glance up at the sky, looking at the army of Ming Xiu Immortals above him, and his eyes flashed with deep awe.

"Lord General Soldier..."

At this time, a Daming general cautiously asked Tang Kekuan: "Those above... Is it really an immortal? What did they come to Daming for? "

Brush brush brush!

Everyone's eyes focused on Tang Kekuan, and their eyes flashed with a strong color of curiosity and doubt!

The arrival of the Daming Immortal Cultivator Army caused them a great shock, allowing them to see the terrifying extraordinary power!

Right now

They all want to know,

What is the situation of these mysterious people who suddenly arrived, and is there any hostility towards them!

Tang Kekuan listened to his subordinates' words, felt everyone's gaze fall on him, subconsciously took his gaze back from the sky, and then glanced at everyone.

"Keep your mouth shut and don't ask so much."

Tang Kekuan shook his head, his face solemn and serious: "You just need to know that these are real immortals!" "


The soldiers suddenly gasped!

(Zhao Hao) is really an immortal!!


The eyes of everyone once again looked at the Great Ming Immortal Cultivation Legion in the sky, full of awe and yearning!

In this world, there are really immortals, which is something they dare not imagine before!

"Perhaps, Daming's Immortal Origin is here..."

Tang Kekuan ignored everyone, his eyes looked at the sky again, thinking of what Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Bai and the others had just said, a strong look of anticipation suddenly appeared in the depths of his eyes, and he said to himself in his heart: "They, it seems that they want to make Daming into an immortal cultivation world?" If that's the case, then wouldn't I also have a chance to become an immortal?! "

When I think of it,

Tang Kekuan couldn't help but tremble slightly with excitement!

Becoming an immortal... Not...

Who wouldn't want to?!


The third update is coming, definitely try to burst more, quality assurance!

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