Chapter 162: Lei Wujian is actually a formation genius? Old Zhu was excited and reprimanded the two Zhu Di!

Li Hanyi is very clear that his younger brother Lei Wujian is the most promising only to follow Zhu Bai.

After learning about Zhu Bai once, she had praised Lei Wujian for his talent for cultivating immortals, and she thought of having the opportunity to recommend her younger brother in front of Zhu Bai.

Now that she has the right opportunity, she naturally makes a recommendation for her brother without making people feel embarrassed. And his initiative to fight for opportunities has also won the recognition of Zhu Bai, Zhu Yuanzhang and others.


Lei Wujian, who was notified, appeared in front of Zhu Bai, Zhu Yuanzhang and others. At this time, the look on his face was apprehensive and nervous, and his eyes were full of doubts.

He didn't know why Zhu Bai and the others would let him come over.

"Listening to your sister, you are quite interested in the Immortal Cultivation Formation?" Looking at Lei Wujian who was standing in front of him nervously, Zhu Bai opened his mouth and asked, "You also comprehended a formation yourself?" "


Lei Wujian quickly nodded and said, "What I have comprehended is a formation specially used to gather spiritual energy, called the Spirit Gathering Array, and now I can already arrange the Spirit Gathering Array. "

Speaking of this, Lei Wuxian's face showed a look of excitement, and he was quite proud that he could comprehend a formation so quickly.

"Oh? You can already lay out the formation yourself? Lei Wuxian's words made Zhu Bai show a look of surprise on his face, and looked at him curiously: "When is it?" "

Zhu Yuanzhang and the others also looked at Lei Wujian with a surprised expression, but they had heard Zhu Bai say something about the formation.

If you want to cultivate the Immortal Formation, it is not an easy thing, there is no strong enough talent, even if you ponder for a lifetime, there is no achievement.

And Lei Wujian was able to successfully arrange the formation in such a short time, which was enough to show that this person was a genius figure in the Immortal Cultivation Formation.

"Oh? You can already lay out the formation yourself? "

Lei Wujian's words surprised Zhu Bai, and looked at him with some curiosity: "I remember that it shouldn't take long for you to cultivate the way of formation, right?" At most, it's only half a month...


According to the introduction given by the formation mage given by the system, Zhu Bai knew that a formation mage would need at least more than a year of cultivation time to successfully arrange the first formation.

Lei Wujian can succeed in less than a month now, which shows that this person's talent is quite amazing, and it is definitely not too much to say that a super genius is not excessive!

"Super genius..."

Zhu Bai looked at Lei Wuxian's eyes more and more satisfied, after all, this is a super potential tool man!

"In that case, then King Ben will now appoint you as the dean of the Daming Jiajing Dynasty Immortal Dao Formation Law Academy!" Zhu Bai said to Lei Wujian with a smile on his face: "Of course, the Formation Immortal Cultivation Academy has not yet been established, and..."

"King Ben needs you to be personally responsible for leading the team to prepare for the establishment of the Formation Cultivation Immortal Academy!"

"Moreover, you need to build a good academy within half a year, start recruiting formation cultivation students, and train formation masters for Daming."

As soon as Lei Wujian heard Zhu Bai's words, he was immediately dumbfounded, his face showed a thick look of shock, and a huge wave was set off in his heart.

"Put me in charge ... Create an Immortal Cultivation Formation Law School in this world? Lei Wujian felt his brain buzzing, he never dreamed that this kind of thing would fall on his head: "This... I don't have a one-way experience! "

"His Royal Highness King Xiang, this matter..."

"I can't guarantee that I can really do well..."

Lei Wujian was quite clear about his own cognition, he knew that he had no relevant experience, so he did not dare to make a guarantee to Zhu Bai and Zhu Yuanzhang's people, guaranteeing that he would be able to complete the task and do things well.

When Li Hanyi heard Lei Wujian say this, he was a little anxious, and kept giving him a look, not to talk nonsense.

This is a good opportunity for him, if he misses this opportunity, then if he wants to continue to gain Zhu Bai's attention in the future, it will not be so simple.

For Li Hanyi's eyes, Lei Wujian directly ignored it.

Instead, with a sincere attitude, he said to Zhu Bai again: "If His Royal Highness King Xiang, if you want me to be responsible, I can only say that I will do my best to do it, and there will be no slack!" "

Sincerity is often a nirvana!

Lei Wujian's performance fell in the eyes of Zhu Bai and Zhu Yuanzhang's people, not only did they not show displeasure on their faces, but they looked at this young man with some appreciation.

"Young people must dare to fight and fight!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

A smile appeared on Xiao Zhu Di's face, and he said to Lei Wujian with a smile: "Young man like you, don't be afraid of things, just do it with a clear conscience!" "

When Lei Wujian heard Xiao Zhu Di's words, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he thought...

You're not much older than me, are you?

How do you talk old-fashioned?

Of course

Lei Wujian only dared to complain about Xiao Zhu Di in his heart, and did not dare to let what he thought in his heart be said thoroughly, and his whole face was a little embarrassed.

"You just have to do your best."

Looking at Lei Wujian's nervous appearance, Zhu Bai pondered for a moment and said: "You do have some talent in the Immortal Cultivation Formation, and then King Ben will take a moment to give you a good guidance, so that you can have a deeper understanding of the Immortal Cultivation Formation!" "

"In this way, you can be a good principal and know how to turn Jiajing Chao into the center of the Immortal Cultivation Formation plane of Daming!"

When Zhu Bai said this, the light in his eyes was deep and brilliant: "As long as you do a good job, you are reluctant to take your benefits, and as long as you do not derelict your duties, but do it conscientiously, even if it is not satisfactory in the end, it will not embarrass you..."

Now, only Lei Wujian is a person who has shown enough talent in the Immortal Cultivation Formation, even if the other party is still a little immature, Zhu Bai can only drive the duck to the shelf.

Zhu Baidu has already spoken about this, what else can Lei Wujian say? He could not say anything, and did not dare to refuse ...


"His Royal Highness King Xiang, I will work hard!"

Lei Wujian took a deep breath, a determined light flashed in his eyes, gritted his teeth and said to Zhu Bai: "I will not only improve my achievements in the Immortal Cultivation Formation, but also try my best to prepare for the Daming Immortal Cultivation Formation Law School and train enough formation masters for Daming!" "

"Ambitious !!"

Seeing Lei Wujian, Zhu Yuanzhang's expression became firm, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face (Wang Zhao), and he reached out and patted his shoulder: "You are much stronger than our waste descendants!" If Zhu Qizhen and Zhu Houxi and these people had a bit of your demeanor, we wouldn't be so angry! "

Old and young two Zhu Di: "..."

Dad, why do you sound a little harsh?

I feel like you want to include us!

The two looked at each other, and both saw helplessness in each other's eyes!

At this moment,

An exclamation suddenly came hunger,

"Your Majesty, General Xu Da, they have returned from the message..."

Just as Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Lei Wujian with satisfaction, an exclamation suddenly came: "The army of the Great Ming Xiu Immortal has completely surrounded the Wokou Kingdom, and can launch an attack at any time to destroy the Wokou Kingdom in one fell swoop!" "


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